The King’s Man: Ending Explained and Post Credit Scene Explained! Who Was The Shepherd? Spoilers!

The King’s Man is available in theaters. As in the two previous films, the hand-to-hand combat sequences are a visual treat, enhanced by exceptional cinematography. In addition, the soundtrack contains several quality tracks and uses several classic compositions for the action-centric sequences and the dramatic moments.

The King's Man Ending Explained

The film centers on Orlando, Duke of Oxford who started the Kingsman organization. We follow Orlando and his son Conrad as they find themselves embroiled in WWI and the conspiracies behind it. The film shows that the events that started the war are orchestrated by the elusive and evil Shepherd. Orlando, Conrad, and their two associates, Polly and Shola, must now battle the shepherd’s sinister plots. It is through these events that we see what triggered the genesis of the Kingsman organization presented in the other films, we tell you all about the end of The King’s Man!

The King’s Man Ending Explanation: Who Was The Shepherd? 

After Rasputin’s death, Conrad announces to his father that he is going to join the war. He asks for his support, which Oxford refuses, because he would thus break the promise made to Conrad’s mother to protect him. Conrad enlists anyway and Oxford secretly arranges for him not to be endangered. However, Conrad anticipated this eventuality and swapped places with another soldier named Archie Reid who returned to the Oxford mansion soon after to deliver a letter from Conrad.

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After a battle with German shock troops, Conrad locates the agent and brings him back to the trenches. However, another soldier finds out that Conrad is posing as Archie Reid and kills him, thinking Conrad is a spy, as the soldier says he knows the real Archie.

News of Conrad’s death devastates Oxford, who retreats into drunkenness and loneliness, having broken the promise made to his wife. Oxford cleans up and goes to the United States Embassy in London, where he has a brief altercation with Mata Hari, which allows him to obtain information on the location of the Shepherd.

Oxford, Shola, and Polly infiltrate the Cliff in Scotland, ultimately confronting the Shepherd, who turns out to be Captain Mortan of Matthew Goode, a Scottish spy who reveals he is determined to destroy England in revenge for the acquisition of his ancestral lands. Contrary to his usual pacifist nature, Oxford kills the Shepherd and finds a sex tape of Mata Hari and President Wilson. He has the tape handed over to the President, who throws it on fire, destroying evidence of his infidelity and prompting the United States to join the war effort, ending World War I.

What Does The End Of The Movie Really Mean?

The real meaning of the end of The King’s Man is the difficulty of being a parent, of wanting to protect your children at all costs, of hoping to protect them from any form of danger or challenge so that they can live their best possible life. However, the world often has other plans, and parents have to reluctantly accept that their children choose their own path, no matter how dangerous it is.

In the case of Oxford, his attempts to keep the promise of a dying woman, as well as to promote his own pacifist beliefs, were not enough to stop his son’s deliberate desire to go to war and fight. This is the biggest burden for a parent, accepting that their children grow up and choose their own path. Oxford chose to face this loss by creating the Kingsman, an organization dedicated to stopping wars and conflicts before they even began, saving the lives of the many sons and daughters who would choose to march towards their loss if these events happened on their doorstep.

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The King’s Man Post-Credits Scene Explained!

Kaiser Wilhelm’s second, Erik Jan Hanussen, has become the new shepherd and congratulates Lenin for leading the revolution in Russia. Lenin promised Morton’s Shepherd to be such a formidable ally that he had to find someone so powerful to balance him, and Erik conjures up Adolf Hitler.

If they continue the story of the prequel, the film will undoubtedly lead to WWII, but given what specifically happens in this period of history, there is a certain natural reluctance to want the style of these films plunges into this era. The next Kingsman movie will be the highly anticipated Kingsman 3, but Vaughn isn’t ruling out going back in history for a future movie.

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