House of the Dragon Season 2 Ending Explained: What Do Daemon and Helaena’s Visions Mean?

House of the Dragon Season 2 Ending Explained: House of the Dragon Season 2 has reached its final episode broadcast on HBO. The eighth and final episode released today, August 5, 2024, closed the first chapter of the story centered on the war of the Dance of the Dragons, generated to establish the legitimate heir to the Throne in the Targaryen family after the death of King Viserys I. The Dance of the Dragons, or the Targaryen Civil War told in the work Fire and Blood by George RR Martin and inaugurated at the beginning of the second season of House of The Dragon, a prequel to Game of Thrones, is in full swing, but we still have to wait a long time before witnessing the showdown between the Greens and the Blacks, the two Targaryen factions respectively led by the usurper king Aegon (now out of the game and replaced by the regent Aemond) and Queen Rhaenyra. In the last episode of this season, we witness several confrontations and events that will turn many situations around, we will tell you about it below. Warning: if you have not yet seen the last episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, do not continue reading.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Finale
House of the Dragon Season 2 Finale (Image Credit: HBO)

Throughout the second season of the Game of Thrones prequel series, the two sides prepare for war, measuring their forces and deciding on their strategies but only occasionally coming to open conflict. What we see in the finale, with the two armies ready for a conflict of biblical proportions, makes what we saw before seem very trivial. The plot twist of the last episode is in the hands of Alicent, who decides to talk with her opponent and former friend, but this time offers to surrender, to get her life and her freedom back. Excluded from power by her son Aemond, reigning regent, abandoned by her beloved, deprived of her father’s protection, hated by the people and with her other son, Aegon, demolished in body and spirit, Alicent has no other choice. He then promises Rhaenyra the coveted Iron Throne, provided that everything is resolved peacefully. But Rhaenyra does not accept blood has already been shed, and a high price must be paid. He then asks Alicent for the head of the already broken King Aegon, and she, despite all the rancor in the world, finally accepts. What she does not know, however, is that in the meantime Aegon has fled to Braavos, along with Lord Larys.

What Happened in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 8?

At the start of the season, we find Tyland Lannister (Jefferson Hall) seeking new alliances for the fleet in charge of the Green Council, and while the demands of the leaders of Essos, the largest continent on the map, including ceding control over the grouping of disputed islands known as the Stepstones, Tyland’s greatest challenge comes with the appearance of Sharako Lohar (Abigail Thorn), a commander renowned for leading the region’s sea troops. For the deal to be sealed, he’ll have to earn her respect and best her in a showdown. At the same time, Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) continues to be intoxicated with power, conquering new cities with his army, while Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) recovers from the wounds that almost ended his life and although he desires to return to the throne, Lord Larys (Matthew Needham) insists that the best option is to escape from Rhaenyra ‘s (Emma D’Arcy) dragon army.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 8
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 8 (Image Credit: HBO)

At DragonstoneUlf the White (Tom Bennett)Hugh Hammer (Kieran Bew), and Addam di Hull (Clinton Liberty) continue to adjust to life as riders under the command of Rhaenyra ‘s Black Council, and despite Jacaerys’ (Harry Collett) unhappy with the situation, the six dragons they now have on their side aim for victory. This sets off alarm bells in King’s Landing and forces Aemond to close the borders to prevent more people from joining the opposition, an act that will result in hundreds of townspeople losing their livelihood by limiting activities such as fishing. While it may seem like an insignificant detail, Aemond’s cruel nature and lack of empathy towards his people. In Harrenha, Alfred Broome (Jamie Kenna), who sits on the Black Council, visits Daemon to convince him to take Rhaenyra’s place and become the king they claim they need, but upon overhearing this conversation Simon Strong (Simon Russell Beale) decides to share the message with the queen and warn of a possible betrayal in the making.

On the other side, Alicent (Olivia Cooke) and Helaena Targaryen (Phia Saban) confess their weariness under the weight of nobility, and in a conversation that resonates with the idea of ​​​​escaping and leaving everything behind, Alicent asks her confidant Orwyle (Kurt Egyiawan) for help in moving to another place. For Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel), hope is fading and in a confession to Gwayne Hightower (Freddie Fox), who shows his annoyance at Cole’s relationship with his sister Alicent, he talks about how he is no longer afraid of dying and that what he feels for the queen is real. This moment of catharsis is interrupted by a sequence that transports us to distant lands to witness the confrontation between Tyland and Lohar, who are battling in a mud puddle after a physical fight where Tyland shows his bravery, and the commander promises to consider the proposal to ally with “the Greens”, a union that is consummated during a celebratory dinner where she promises to take revenge on Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint).

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Ending Explained – Aemond’s Rage?

Mad at having understood the power obtained by Rhaenyra by bringing back to life the dormant dragons thanks to the “bastard” riders who claimed them, Aemond sets fire to Sharp Point, devastating the town, and realizing that with Vhagar alone he cannot compete against the Blacks, he asks his sister Helaena (Phia Saban), queen consort of Aegon, to serve the kingdom by fighting on the back of her dragon Dreamfyre, something she has no intention of doing, unleashing the wrath of her brother and being defended by her mother Alicent who lashes out at her son accusing him of cruelty and senselessness. Aemond does not give up and in a second confrontation with his sister, calmer but still threatening, he asks her again to follow him and to destroy together the army that in the meantime Daemon (Matt Smith) has formed at Harrenhal. And if I refuse, will you set me on fire like you did with Aegon?, Helaena asks him sarcastically, “I saw it, you set fire to it and dropped it,” and then predicts that Aegon will be king again and that he will die. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra, strong with her new knights and her advantage, is determined to strike at Aemond and the Greens to end the war.

Daemon’s Vision in the Season Finale of House of the Dragon Season 2?

Meanwhile, Daemon, long since in Ser Simon Strong’s fortress of Harrenhal, has gained the support of the Riverlands thanks to the intervention of the young Lord Paramount Oscar Tully, and can finally gather his army. But one night the witch Alys Rivers (Gayle Rankin) shows up in his room and leads him in front of the tree of the gods, explaining that by touching it he can have a premonition of his destiny, he who has tried all his life to guide his path to her will, obsessed by the crown that he has never been able to wear and by a power that first belonged to his brother Viserys, and which now belongs to his wife Rhaenyra: ” This world cannot be governed “, the witch tells him before Daemon touches the bust of the sacred tree and witnesses in a flash not only his future but also that of the Targaryen house, and what he sees takes us forward 200 years, to those events that fans of Game of Thrones know very well: the tree begins to bleed and Daemon sees the Night King with his army, he sees himself drowning in water and immediately after dragon eggs surrounded by fire and a young naked girl from behind with three small dragons in her arms, and we cannot help but think that it is Dhaenerys Targaryen.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Spoilers
House of the Dragon Season 2 Spoilers (Image Credit: HBO)

Immediately after he sees Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne, and then behind her Helaena, mother of the little Jaehaerys, whose atrocious death Daemon is responsible for, tells him: ” It is the whole story, and you are only a part of it, you know your part, you know what you must do“. At this point, Simon Strong intervenes and lets Rhaenyra know that Daemon is gathering the army of the Riverlands and fears that he wants to betray the queen. So Rhaenyra flies with her dragon together with Addam to Harrenhal where finally after a long time she has a confrontation with her husband, who, also strong in the vision he had, retracing his steps tells her: “The only hope of the kingdom is a leader who can unite it and my brother has chosen you“. Daemon kneels and swears fealty and service to her and with him all the lords and army of the Riverlands who witnessed the confrontation.

Alicent e Rhaenyra!

Alicent, long tormented by the bad decisions made since the death of her husband King Viserys, is determined to put an end to Aemond’s madness and reaches Rhaenyra at Dragonstone in great secrecy, replicating a bit of the gesture of détente that the legitimate heir to the throne had made sometime before, reaching her at King’s Landing and desperately asking for intervention to bring peace to the kingdom and avoid useless and bloody war. Alicent has understood that she has made a huge mistake, that she wants to be free from all this, from the obsession of victory, and that she wants to go away with her daughter and granddaughter and leave everything behind. “It’s too late,” Rhaenyra tells her, shocked, ” blood has been spilled, cities have been burned, and armies are on the march, and you want to wash your hands of everything you have set in motion? “. At this point Alicent explains her plan to Rhaenyra: when Aemond flies to the Riverlands to join the army led by Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel), Helaena as queen will open the gates of King’s Landing allowing Rhaenyra to enter without bloodshed, take the throne and end the war. But the price Alicent will have to pay if she wants her plan to come true is very high: ” If I take the throne, I must eliminate the opposition, I must take Aegon’s head, and everyone must see it. Choose.” Alicent nods in tears. “History will paint you as the villain, a cold queen, greedy for power and ultimately defeated,” Rhaenyra tells her, “Let them think what they want, in the end, I am myself, without ambition, breathing the open air, dying alone and free,” Alicent replies and asks her to follow her, but Rhaenyra’s destiny is different.

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Aemond Set Fire to Sharp Point Out of Frustration!

Back in Westeros, we see a furious Aemond, astride his dredge Vaghar, looking down on a city in flames, evidently set alight by his “drakaris”. As we later discover, this is Sharp Point, the seat of House Bar Emmon, which Aemond destroyed because he was frustrated by the sight of Rhaenyra and her new band of dragons and Dragonriders.

Larys Suggests To Aegon That They Run Away Together To Wait For Better Times!

In King’s Landing, meanwhile, Aegon’s rehabilitation is proceeding, under the care of Maester Orwyle. But Larys soon arrives, and after having briefed the king on the latest events, he suggests that they run away together and hide somewhere, using the money he has safely put away in Braavos, while Aemond, who by now clearly wants to kill his brother to replace him, and Rhaenyra slaughter each other, to return after the war is over and be acclaimed as the peacemaker of the seven kingdoms. Aegon is reluctant at first, but he will accept.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 8 Spoilers
House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 8 Spoilers (Image Credit: HBO)

Jacaerys Keeps the Feisty Ulf at Bay!

Let’s now move to Dragonstone, where the three new dragon riders Addam, Hugh, and Ulf have been lodged. The latter in particular does not deny his soul as a drunkard, and while Hugh tries to convince him to go to training he prefers to drink a little more. Prince Jacaerys arrives, who is already angry because he feels deprived of the only thing that distinguishes him from the bastards, so he takes Ulf to task and orders him to go and prepare for the important task that will be entrusted to him.

Corlys Tells Rhaenyra She Must Attack Now!

In Driftmark Rhaenyra asks about the condition of Corlys’s fleet, who renamed his ship “The Queen Who Never Was” in honor of dear Rhaenys, and also asks about Addam, but Corlys, despite being her father, cannot say much about him. On the other hand, he advises Rhaenyra to attack now that she has the advantage over the dragons because if she wastes time, she risks losing the advantage as well, as happened to the Greens. Rhaenyra, who had hoped that the presence of the dragons alone would be a sufficient deterrent, understands that she must act quickly.

Alfred Broome Arrives at Harrenhal and Proposes High Treason to Daemon!

After three episodes, Ser Alfred Broome has finally arrived at Harrenhal, where Rhaenyra had sent him to sound out the moods and intentions of Daemon, who in the meantime has now finished preparing his army. Plot twist: the infamous Broome surprisingly proposes a nice betrayal, and in fact, you can hear the wind whispering “traitor” to him (Alys certainly has something to do with it). In practice, he tells Daemon that he must take command because there is a need for a male leader. Daemon does not respond, but his grin exudes satisfaction. Not far away, Ser Simon Strong has heard everything.

Aemond Stops the Bastards And Tries To Convince Helaena To Join The Battle!

At King’s Landing Aemond is briefed on the dragon situation at Dragonstone, and as usual his reaction is to block any boat, even fishing boats, that passes through the harbor to prevent further recruitment by Rhaenyra. And while Alicent, returning from her camping, asks her sweet daughter Helaena if she would like to leave that depressing place, Aemond himself bursts in and suggests that his sister take her dragon and join the battle. The sister refuses, and Aemond tries to assert himself, but Alicent gets in the way and throws it in her son’s face that he is only a bringer of death and destruction. After that, Alicent asks Orwyle if he can get her a ride somewhere.

Gwayne Discovers His Sister’s Affair with Cole, Who Now Only Awaits Death!

In the Riverlands, where Aemond has sent Criston Cole to put pressure on Daemon, Gwayne Hightower catches Cole kissing the handkerchief given to her by Alicent. He then realizes that his sister is having an affair with her first knight, who as a white cloak should remain pure, and threatens to have him condemned. Criston is not fazed by the sword pointed at him, because as we have noticed for a while now, he has never recovered from the scene at Crow’s Rest when he saw Aemond and Vaghar sowing death and destruction. He makes a speech all about the transience of life and how he now awaits death as a relief.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Ending Explained
House of the Dragon Season 2 Ending Explained (Image Credit: HBO)

Tyland Wins Mud Fight (And We All Thought the Same Thing)

In Essos, the mud fight between Tyland Lannister and Commander Lohar takes place. The woman seems to prevail, but in the end, Tyland manages to defeat his opponent (and we all thought it was a reference to the controversy over Imane Khelif and Angela Carini). Lohar then agrees to lead a fleet against Corlys’s, but first Tyland will have to go to dinner with them. At dinner, they make him sing like new players on retreat with the soccer teams, after which Lohar makes him an indecent proposal: to impregnate all his wives. He must accept this too, before he can leave.

Jace helps His Mother Fix Ulf, Then Rhaenyra Must Leave!

At Dragonstone Ulf is still acting like a drunkard, but once again Jacaerys intervenes, having been advised by his future wife Baela to support Rhaenyra in everything. And so the boy does. The queen explains the importance of the moment to the men she has hired, and perhaps they begin to understand what they are called to do, with innocent victims who will be burned in Oldtown and Lannisport. But before Rhaenyra can eat, news reaches her from Simon Strong of Daemon’s treachery. The queen takes Addam with her and sets out for Harrenhal, with the two dragons.

Alys Shows Daemon the Future, From Rhaenyra Queen to Game of Thrones!

And what does he see? In Daemon’s vision, there is a sort of summary of Game of Thrones: you see the White Walkers, a dead dragon, and then from behind there is Daenerys who survives the flames and comes out with three dragon cubs. Then Daemon sees the iron throne, in the sense of the chair not of the series, and sitting there is Rhaenyra, in the role of queen. And what does he see? In Daemon’s vision, there is a sort of summary of Game of Thrones: you see the White Walkers, a dead dragon, and then from behind there is Daenerys who survives the flames and comes out with three dragon cubs. Then Daemon sees the iron throne, in the sense of the chair not of the series, and sitting there is Rhaenyra, in the role of queen. But it doesn’t end there, because Helaena also appears in the vision, telling Daemon: “It’s all a story, and you’re just a part of it. You know what part, you know what you have to do.”

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Helaena “Saw” Aemond’s Attempted Assassination and Predicts His Future!

Helaena utters the last sentence from a tower of the Red Keep, from where she has communicated with her uncle through her now well-known powers. Shortly after, Aemond joins her, renewing his request to join the dance of the dragons. “And if I refuse, what will you do? Will you burn me like you did Aegon?” Aemond, with enormous nerve, tries to deny his crime, but Helaena retorts, “Look, I saw you burn it and drop it.” Aemond insists that the accusation is high treason, and then Helaena reveals that she knows the future of her brother, her husband-brother, the war, and everything. “Aegon will be king again, now he sits on a wooden throne, but the day of his victory will come. And you will be swallowed by Lake Godseye and no one will ever see you again”. “I could have you killed” the pathetic Aemond replies. “It would make no difference” Helaena closes and leaves him there.

Rhaenyra at Harrenhal, Daemon Kneels, and Broome Run Away!

And so, Rhaenyra and Addam, aboard Syrax and Seafire, arrive at Harrenhal, where Daemon (and Caraxes) are. The queen, welcomed by Strong who informs her of what is happening, arrives in front of the assembled army, Daemon goes to meet her and the two begin to talk. But before we even think that Daemon will do another of his follies, her uncle’s husband tells her that he had a vision of the future, of the winter that will come, and of the need for a leader who can unite all 7 kingdoms, even if it will almost certainly all be in vain. And that leader is her, so Daemon kneels, and all the soldiers behind him do the same.

“Next time you abandon me, it’s your own business,” the queen tells Daemon, who assures her that there will be no next time. Meanwhile, we see the sleazy Ser Alfred Broome sneaking away, and it’s a shame Daemon doesn’t stop him and cut off his head.

Alyn Blames His Father Corlys for His Childhood as an Orphan!

At Driftmark, Corlys prepares to sail into battle with the Lannisters and his allies and calls on his (now secret, but not anymore) son Alyn to be an inspiring leader. “Many would do anything to be in your shoes,” Corlys advises, to which Corlys coldly replies that he’d better do his duty and turns to walk away.

“I want to help you,” says Corlys again, and for Alyn, it is the straw that breaks the camel’s back of his obedient silence because he starts a speech worthy of applause. He accuses Corlys of having noticed him and wanting to help him only now that he has lost his son Laenor, his daughter Laena, and the young heir Lucerys. Alyn remembers his very hard childhood without a father, with everyone calling him a bastard, and to survive with his little brother he had to sell fish from dawn to dusk, in the cold, while he saw his father pass by with his “real” children, all warm in their furs, so now his help is of no use. Corlys, who suddenly seems squalid and mean to us, takes the blow.

Alicent Goes to Rhaenyra and Proposes an Alliance!

Rhaenyra expresses her doubts about the need for innocent victims in Mysaria, who reassures her new lover that Vyseris has effectively forced her to deal with this situation. In the night, Ser Lorent Marbrand wakes the queen to announce a visit. It is Alicent, who in a way reciprocates the queen’s incognito visit to the sept at King’s Landing. Alicent is fed up with the whole situation that she has set in motion with the imaginative reconstruction of Vyseris’s last words. She therefore proposes a surprising alliance to her old friend: when Aemond goes with Vaghar to help Criston Cole, she and Helaena as queen will leave the door open for Rhaenyra to come and take the throne and put an end to the war. Rhaenyra is surprised by the offer that she wants to accept only if Alicent will allow the queen to execute the usurper Aegon in the public square. Alicent hesitates, she would like a simple surrender, Rhaenyra insists and, in the end, the pact seems sealed: Rhaenyra will be able to reign and Alicent will be able to go where she wants, finally free, and never mind if History judges her badly.

Rhaena and the Dragon and the Differences with the Book!

In the finale of this last episode of season 2 of House of the Dragon, we see a series of people preparing for what will be: we see the three new Dragonriders preparing to go and spread fire and destruction, we see Alicent hooded returning to King’s Landing to carry out her plan with Helaena, we see Aegon and Larys Strong fleeing in a cattle wagon, we see various armies on the march including the Northern elders promised by Cregan Stark crossing the bridge that Jace has guaranteed for them. Jason Lannister is moving his opulent troops; Daemon with his typical head cocked forward looking at his encamped troops; Tyland Lannister crossing the sea with Lohar’s fleet; Alyn and Corlys preparing to reach their ship; Otto Hightower who seems to be in prison (of the Beesburys?); in the last scene, Alicent and Rhaenyra are scanning their respective horizons.

But the images that we think are the most significant are those with Rhaena as the protagonist. We saw her abandon the escort that accompanied Joffrey and little Aegon from Prince Reggio to Pentos, to chase the dragon tracks that she had discovered a few days earlier. In this last episode, we see flashes of her breathless chase, and in this finale, we see her finally reach the mysterious dragon. We can’t say for sure, but this dragon’s name is said to be Morninglight. Or at least that’s her dragon in George R.R. Martin’s Fire and Blood, which the series is based on. In the book, however, Rhaena doesn’t find the fully grown dragon around, but instead sees it hatch from one of the eggs she brought to Jeyne Arryn. If you want to know more, at your own risk, read Rhaena’s wiki bio. Anyway, HOTD Season 2 ends like this, with all the protagonists preparing for the next phase of the war, and with Rhaena who could, as they say in these cases, shuffle the cards. What will happen, we will probably see in a couple of years.

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