House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained: What are Dragon Seeds and Who Are the New Riders?

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained: On Sunday 28 the seventh and penultimate episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, the second season of the TV series set two hundred years before Game of Thrones. If you’re reading this, you already know what House of the Dragon is, but maybe you missed some details or have some doubts. So here we are to help you, with our usual recap-summary of the episode in which you will find explanations and curiosities of the case before the grand finale of the season that will be released next Monday. With a new Rider on the horizon, the course of the war could take a turn that would change everything forever. Here’s everything that happened in the seventh episode of House of the Dragon.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained (Image Credit: HBO)

How House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Begins?

The episode opens with a confrontation between Rhaenyra and Addam of Hull, who in the finale of the last episode was seen (but not recognized) riding Seasmoke. The queen wants to understand the intentions of the man who in her eyes stole a dragon from her, but he is quick to swear loyalty to her and explain that it was the dragon that chose him, but that now he wants to be a dragon rider for her. Addam introduces himself as a simple shipwright in the service of the Velaryons, ready to accept the offer of the gods, and explains that he is the son of a shipwright and a father who never existed, without knowing if he has Targaryen blood to justify the “choice” of Seafire. Rhaenyra says she is pleased with what Addam has accomplished and invites him to Dragonstone.

With the previous episode concluding with the emergence of a new rider who managed to tame Bruma, the theory that Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) has been fabricating for the past few episodes about allowing people outside of her lineage to tame dragons as long as they’re willing to serve her — and manage to survive the attempt — begins to materialize. The beginning of this installment shows us the queen questioning Addam di Hull (Clinton Liberty), the rider who managed to tame the creature. After questioning what happened, Addam confesses to Rhaenyra that he wishes to serve the Black Council and learn to fly a dragon just like they do, to which she agrees. At the castle, di Hull meets Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), whom he serves as part of the troops under his command, and requests that he authorize him to leave his army to dedicate his time to becoming a rider, to which the leader of House Velaryon accepts without hesitation. It is worth mentioning that Addam and his brother, Alyn, are illegitimate children that Corlys had outside of his marriage to Rhaenys, this explains why the dragon claimed Addam as a rider, after all, there is Valirya blood in his family tree.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 7
House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 7 (Image Credit: HBO)

At the Green Council, Alicent (Olvia Cooke) is hiding a secret and we see her talking to Grand Maester Orwyle (Kurt Egyiawan) about a medical procedure. Previously, we saw Alicent ingest a concoction called moon tea, known to be useful for terminating pregnancies. Now we know that there is a truth that the queen wants to keep from being known and it is most likely an unwanted child, the fruit of her relationship with Ser Criston Cole. Back at the Black Council castle, Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuno) confesses to Rhaenyra that it would not be a surprise if Addam had Targaryen blood, since in the past she witnessed how brothels were filled with illegitimate children who carried the blood of the dragon from silence.

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At Harrenhal, Oscar Tully (Archie Barnes) rises to prominence as regent of the Riverlands following the death of his grandfather, Grover Tully. In a conversation with Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith), he agrees to convince his allies to lend him men for his army. During the meeting, Willem Blackwood (Jack Parry-Jones) is singled out by Oscar Tully as a rebel who needed a lesson, because if we remember the previous episodes, Daemon permitted him to subdue House Bracken unfairly on the condition that he did not reveal that the crown authorized it, but that did not stop the lords of the Riverlands from deducing the truth and confronting Daemon for allowing it. Although his young age raises doubts about his authority, Oscar Tully decides to force Daemon to vindicate his mistake before the council and orders him to kill Willem in front of everyone, something that at the same time allows them to begin to view him with respect.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained: Who Are the New Dragon Riders?

Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) continues to try to recover and walk again, while Alicent embarks on a journey outside of King’s Landing to fulfill the mysterious agenda that has raised intrigue about what is happening to her. The tension also escalates for Rhaenyra when her son, Jacaerys (Harry Collett), confronts her to confess that he does not agree with anyone being able to tame dragons, since thanks to the color of his black hair, his reputation is already in doubt, and if being a rider is not something that distinguishes the Targaryens, there will be nothing left to support him as part of the family.

House of the Dragon Season 2x7
House of the Dragon Season 2×7 (Image Credit: HBO)

Despite her son’s warnings and the discontent of her family members, Rhaenyra decides to continue with her call and receive the candidates willing to ride Vermithor, and although everything seems to be going according to plan, a mistake makes the dragon enraged and unleashes a massacre until in an act of bravery Hugh Hammer (Kieran Bew) faces him prepared to die, which unexpectedly manages to appease the beast’s fury and introduce a new rider. Hammer has Targaryen blood because his mother worked in a brothel, where she was related to Baelon Targaryen, father of Viserys and Daemon; this is the reason why he is considered a dragon seed (a term used to refer to illegitimate Targaryen children who can ride dragons).

The episode ends when interrupted by the sighting of a dragon soaring through the skies, Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) mounts his dragon and takes flight towards the stranger, and in doing so it is revealed that in addition to the tamer of Vermithor, Silverwing had also been conquered by Ulf the White, another dragon spawn whom we saw proclaim himself part of the Targaryen lineage in the first episodes. The new Dragonriders have outstripped Rhaenyra in the war and everything is ready for the conclusion of this season.

Alicent Decides to Go Camping with Ser Rickard?

Alicent has Orwyle tend to the wounds inflicted on her by the angry mob, lamenting that she has been abandoned by her family and her realm, then decides to take a walk in the woods escorted by Ser Rickard Thorne, the guard assigned to her. Just the two of them, or rather she alone with the smallest possible escort, camping in the woods.

Larys Decides Not To Report The Rumor About The Dragon Being Ridden By An Unknown Person!

While Aemond sends the guards to the Wall who had started a riot due to his mother’s over-defense, Ser Jasper Wylde (“Iron Rod”) and Lord Larys discuss a rumor that someone told Ser Jasper about a dragon ridden by an unknown person. Wylde would like Larys to tell Aemond the whisper, but Wooden Foot thinks it’s best to let the rumor spread. Why? We think it’s to put Aemond in trouble at the right time, perhaps to Aegon’s advantage.

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Spoilers
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Spoilers (Image Credit: HBO)

Rhaenyra Reports Wanting to Train Addam, Jace Takes it Badly

Of course, the news has also reached Dragonstone, where a dragon keeper intervenes at the council awaiting the queen to say that Rhaenyra wants to train the Corlys shipwright who has taken to riding Seasmoke. From his face, we can tell that Jacaerys does not take it well, but his mother will not attend the council.

Mysaria Explains to Rhaenyra the Importance of Bastards

She is in fact with Mysaria, whom she was kissing when they were interrupted by the news of the dragon ride. The queen considers what happened, and her advisor points out that it is precisely among those who are of unknown birth that she can more easily find people with Targaryen blood willing to give their lives to try to become dragon riders. People were certainly more loyal than her brothers Aegon and Aemond who usurped her throne. Rhaenyra, who has always suffered the insults of her sons Lucerys, Jacaerys, and Joffrey (sons of Harwin Strong and not of her husband Laenor Velaryon), agrees to “raise an army of bastards”.

Oscar Tully Forces Daemon to kill Blackwood

After a brief meeting between Addam and his father (but he still calls him “my lord”) Corlys, who accepts his resignation as a master shipwright and even tells him “well done”, we move to Harrenhal where Daemon is ready to receive the new Lord Tully, Oscar, heir to the old Grover who Alys gave the coup de grace to. And we had pointed out that Martin gave these Tullys Muppet names, but young Oscar proves to be anything but a puppet.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Spoilers
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Spoilers (Image Credit: HBO)

In fact, after recalling the treatment Daemon suffered, he promises him loyalty but only as king consort. Then, in front of all the lords of the Riverlands who have come there, especially for him and are still furious with Daemon, he immediately earns respect when he declares that yes, they will all be loyal to the Blacks, but that first Daemon must execute Willem Blackwood, guilty of having committed shameful acts against innocents to force the Brackens to surrender. And Daemon, rightly, accepts (in both senses, even if he uses the sword). After that, it is time for hallucinations again for Daemon, who, going down to a stable, finds himself in front of the decrepit version of his brother Viserys, who repeats the story that he did not want that crown that brings so much pain. And we ask ourselves: but hasn’t Lord Broome arrived at Harrenhal from Dragonstone yet?

Larys Has Aegon Train with Orwyle to Help Him Recover

In King’s Landing, we see poor Aegon forced into a very harsh rehabilitation with Grand Master Orwyle, with the king falling to the floor screaming. Larys rushes over, helps put the sovereign on the bed, and urges first the king directly and then Orwyle to continue with those hard training, because “it will be a long time before he can rest again”.

Alyn is Made of “Salt and Sea”, as Baela Said1

In Driftmark, Corlys gives his new deputy Alyn a special task: to take ferryboats to King’s Landing, with trusted armed men aboard, and with a message to be delivered to someone chosen by the queen. Corlys then reveals to Alyn that his brother has become a dragon rider; he is not very surprised because his brother has always wanted something else, while he is made of “salt and sea”, exactly the phrase Baela had used to describe the heir their grandfather was supposed to find.

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 (Image Credit: HBO)

Rhaena Sees More Dragon Tracks As She Leaves, Alicent Sets Up Tents

Speaking of Baela, we see Rhaena who, as anticipated by Jeyne Arryn, leaves the Vale to go to Pentos, where she will be a guest of Prince Reggio. On the road, she still observes the burned remains left by the mysterious dragon that roams the area. From excursion to excursion, we still see Alicent in the woods, with a tent ready for the night. She explains to Ser Reckard that she might not want to return to the city anymore. Later we will also see her take a meditative bath alone in the sea.

Jace Is Angry Because Even If The Bastards Have A Dragon He Has Nothing

At Dragonstone it is time for another confrontation between Rhaenyra and her eldest son. Jaceerys says he is outraged that his mother intends to continue the war by entrusting the dragons to bastards. His mother replies that it is the only way to win the war and take the throne, but the truth is that Jace is angry because he knows he is also a bastard and finally tells his mother. He adds that he has known for years, but that he consoled himself by thinking that even if he does not have Targaryen hair, he is Targaryen by blood and has a dragon, but if now the Targaryen bastards become dragon riders there will be nothing to distinguish him from them and therefore to give legitimacy to his claim to the throne.

Rhaenyra calls the Targaryen Bastards, and Ulf and Hugh answer

Mysaria delivers the famous message to Alyn, who through trusted hands has it reach Elinda, the queen’s lady-in-waiting who we had seen sneaking into King’s Landing. The task entrusted to her this time is to spread the word that Rhaenyra is seeking Targaryen bastards to become dragon riders. Word reaches Ulf, who has to be begged a bit but, in the end, he is convinced to prove that all that bar talk about how he always asked for drinks was true and that he really does have Targaryen blood in his veins. It doesn’t take long for Hugh to be convinced, and instead, he has to persuade his wife Kat that this is the best way to cure their sick daughter and give their family a future. Hugh explains to Kat that his mother worked in a brothel where she had a special status because she had silver hair, and when he was little she told him that he was the same as “her brother’s sons”, namely Viserys and Daemon. In short, Hugh would be Daemon’s cousin. And so both Ulf and Hugh and their family answer Rhaenyra’s call.

Vermithor chooses Hugh, Silverwing chooses Ulf

At Dragonstone, the Valyrian dragon keepers refuse to commit what they consider a sacrilege—training non-noble, non-Valyrian people—and go on strike. It falls to Rhaenyra alone to train the recruits.

After a nice motivational speech, he takes them all to the cave to meet Vermithor, while Silverwing is elsewhere and invites a volunteer to come forward to try to subdue what is the second-largest dragon of all after Vaghar. A poor guy comes forward, Vermithor melts him after a while and while he’s at it he starts spreading panic, but Rhaenyra wants to wait until the dragon finds its master. And in fact, she finds him, after a fair amount of slaughter of gold- and silver-haired bastards, in Hugh, while Ulf has escaped.

And where did it end up? In Silverwing’s poop, nearby. Who sees it and instead of burning and eating it, he prostrates himself in it. Yes, Silverwing chose Ulf and Vermithor chose Hugh, the importance of these two characters is finally revealed.

Episode finale: Ulf Flies to King’s Landing and now Aemond is

In King’s Landing Aemond is informed that Ormund Hightower, Otto’s nephew who rules at the Hightower, is in trouble in his war with the Beesburys. Fortunately, Tessarion, the dragon of Daeron, Aemond and Aegon’s brother, is growing up and may soon be able to help resolve the matter in favor of the Hightowers.

But the meeting is disturbed by shouts and screams coming from the city. People screaming because a dragon is flying over the city. It is Ulf, who immediately thought of passing in front of the bar to brag to his friends who doubted his stories. Actually no, in reality, Ulf was sent there to alert Aemond, who immediately takes a horse and runs to Mount Vaghar.

With his dragon, he chases the dragon that was flying over the city, but when he arrives near Dragonstone he is forced to tell Vaghar to divert and go back. Because he evidently noticed that there waiting for him was Rhaenyra with Seasmoke and Vermithor at her side. And what a ferocity Rhaenyra’s face…

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