You Season 3 Review: Offers A Social Satire Of The Seemingly Perfect American Suburbs Through The Rotten Characters Of Joe And Love

You 3 Review The Formula May Start To Run Out, But It Remains A Series That Is As Twisted As It Is Addictive

Starring: Penn Badgley, Victoria Pedretti, Elizabeth Lail

Creators: Greg Berlanti, Sera Gamble

Streaming Platform: Netflix

Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

You Season 3 is available on Netflix this Friday, October 15, 2021. You will be able to find Penn Badgley in the role of the handsome and creepy Joe Goldberg, but also Victoria Pedretti who plays the equally crazy Love Quinn. The You series, which is based on the novels Parfaite and Les corps cachés by Caroline Kepnes, is a hit on the streaming platform. Each season is in the Netflix top 10 when it is released.

You Season 3 Review

But By The Way, How Did You Season 2 End?

Are you really ready to see You Season 3? Do you remember how season 2 ended? Don’t panic if you don’t, we’ll refresh your memory! There was a twist in the finale: Love is kind of a female alter-ego of Joe, aka the stalker and murderer. Yes, the pastry chef hides her game well behind her big smiles. Love locked Joe in his own cage (ironic isn’t it?), And turned out to have an obsession with Joe as well. Not to mention that in addition to being a stalker herself, she is also a murderer: she killed Candace, Delilah, and also her brother Forty’s babysitter when he was a child. Yeah, the perfect couple. Without forgetting the big revelation: Love announces to Joe that she is pregnant with him, while he was ready to assassinate her (we told you, couple goal). The future parents then leave the city to live in a quiet suburb where Joe already finds his new target.

You Season 3 Story: What Will Happen In Season 3?

Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn became the parents of a baby in an upscale suburb of San Francisco. But will they really be entitled to a fresh start? Or will they still sink into their respective follies? Will Joe manage not to stalk another woman? And will Love manage to hold back from killing? Added to this is the arrival of the baby boy in the couple, which will not necessarily make things easier in their romantic relationship. Hence the tensions between Joe and Love revealed in a video. Will the crisis lead them to the point of rupture?

And you will also discover several new characters in this season 3. They are practically all of them and neighbors (eh no, the neighbor is not Joe’s mother, the fan theory had already been denied). Like in Desperate Housewives, they seem perfect and good in every way. Except that these families who live in XXL houses with well-mowed green lawns also seem not so happy.

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You 3 Review

In turn, Love realizes that her new life is not as perfect as she hoped for and tries to save her marriage in her own way as well. Little by little she begins to feel suffocated by her role as wife, her son, her new job and her husband’s apparent reluctance towards her love, which leads her to swap roles with the most impulsive Joe. However, there is a problem here: Love’s lack of depth. Yes, it has its own moments of reflection in off and double the share of the screen, but it is a somewhat frustrating aspect that the series once again stubbornly reels its protagonist when it has a character as interesting as Pedretti on the payroll. Aside from an obvious revelation, almost nothing unusual about his past is detailed to us, and it seems that the writers want to divert our sympathy towards Joe exclusively, showing Love as a shattered, evil and unjustifiable soul with hardly a background to cling to. Presumably, if the story continues, Joe will finally be exposed in its entirety with no valid justifications. It would be fair.

But in Madre Linda everyone is ‘crazy’, as we see the hypocrisy and eccentricities of the privileged class in all its splendor through new and charismatic characters like Sherry (Shalita Grant) and Cary (Travis Van Winkle), as well as we also witness their ability to take advantage of anything with impunity. Also, this season sex takes on special importance, because Joe and Love experiment with different methods to save their marriage or to rest from it. However, apart from parenting in hostile environments or the dynamics of various types of traditional and modern marriages, no other topic is explored too deeply. All this means that, since its previous installment, ‘You’ is one of those series that do not say much, but that absorb for its twists, for its twisted set, and for the mere curiosity of knowing what the next act will be. impulsive and bloody of its protagonists. Luckily Pedretti once again turns all the scenes in which he participates into gold.

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You Season 3 Review and Analysis

It is to these and other questions that he tries to answer above all the first part of the season, once again entering the mind of Joe but also in that of Love since now the point of view of the story is double. Between sometimes unlikely twists, heart-pounding plot twists that play precisely on the obsessive binge watching of the spectator and the desire to know “how it will end” this time Joe’s new obsession, the series, thanks also to Badgley’s interpretation, continues to show us what drives a stalker to never be sated, to never find the peace and redemption so longed for in this case. The second possibility that Joe continues to give himself one death after another to justify himself and his behavior in front of the mirror even before in front of others. Joe is not Dexter father though (perhaps the most famous serial killer on TV) and he desperately wants to seek a relationship with his son and protect him at any cost, even more than Love. In short, he wants to be a good guy on the outside, while inside he gets more and more rotten and stained with blood.

After the theme of overexposure through social media and that of redemption through true love, in this third season of You we are faced with social satire – already widely and wonderfully staged by Desperate Housewives – The secrets of Wisteria Lane on TV or by Edward Scissorhands at the cinema – from the suburbs of the American suburbs, with the always well-painted white fences, the always well-tended lawns, and the warm, affectionate and false greeting of the neighbors. An idyllic facade landscape in which Joe and Love are almost weeds to be pulled out. “How well do we really know our neighbors?” the desperate housewives of Wisteria Lane wondered and Joe and Love wonder too, because they’re not the only ones in that neighborhood who have secrets they wouldn’t want to reveal. To the criticism of the society of the American periphery is added that of the obsession with the physical health of these voyeur fathers and these budding blogger mothers. The obsession with technology and what it could bring into the life of those we love. Joe’s narrative voice continues to constantly guide us through his most absurd and dangerous thoughts … as well as the actions he is willing to take in the name of love. In the name of you who unknowingly became his latest obsession.

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You Season 3 Review: The Final Words

At the end of our You 3 review we recognize the redundant pattern in which this series continues to find itself and at the same time the narrative magnetism that leads to wanting to finish it in a single bite and then wait curiously for the next season, almost in a bulimic way. More surreal developments await Joe and Love in this new cycle of episodes and this might annoy but if you embrace the story of the serial killer with a heart of gold, you won’t want to leave it anymore.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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