Yellowjackets Season 2 Ending Explained: Why Did Natalie Die? What Will Happen to Ben?

On May 26, 2023, the end of the Yellowjackets Season 2 was broadcast, with the death of a couple of characters from the series. Nature is again chosen in the last chapter of the second season of Yellowjackets, both in the past and present. And “Nature” is happy. She wanted blood and blood she got in return. Storytelling is the title of the ninth and final episode of a season that expanded on what we know about the Yellowjackets 19-month disappearance after their plane crash. More characters died. More human flesh was eaten in the winter. The presence of “it” became bigger and we don’t know if it exists or if it is just an excuse for the survivors to act as they have acted. Is “Nature” really a demonic entity or is it a symptom of collective insanity? Regardless, there is still a considerable stretch of history left in the forest, as the hunt moved to the present and took one of the series’s main characters that you can see on Showtime.

Yellowjackets Season 2 Ending Explained
Yellowjackets Season 2 Ending Explained (Image Credit: Showtime)

Yellowjackets Season 2 Summary Recap: In The Past: The New Leader?

After Javi’s death and Shauna‘s reappearance as the butcher of the community, Lottie confesses that she can no longer lead the group, that she can no longer listen to “Nature,” that she has been abandoned by that force for another. of the girls guide them from here on out. Misty thinks it might be her. So did Shauna and Taissa. But it is clear to Lottie that “Nature” has chosen Natalie. She saved her from the hunt and took Javi instead. She saved her because now she must be the protector of the young. At least that’s what Lottie believes, and the rest soon accept their new “queen”, while Coach Ben watches them from afar in horror, firewood and a box of matches in hand.

In The Present: The Hunt

Since Travis’s death, Lottie is sure “it” followed them out of the woods and more than 20 years later, she’s claiming a new offering. That’s why she brought them together. And although the rest proclaim that she is crazy, deep down they seem to share the same fear. Perhaps that is why they agree to humor her and organize a hunt, although with the certainty that the nurses from the psychiatric hospital will arrive soon to take away her old friend. That said, the knives are sharp -or dull-, the masks ready-made, and the queen of hearts from the deck of cards slightly burned. But at the same time, the scene is expanded with the arrival of Jeff and Callie, Kevyn and Matt, and Walter, Misty‘s strange boyfriend. Come nightfall, the Yellowjackets begin drawing the cards, one round after another, until the red queen emerges. She’s not Lottie. It’s not Van. It’s not Taissa. It’s not Natalie. It’s not Misty. This is Shana. And the hunt begins as if “it” had once again taken over the girls. Except for Lottie, it’s not really clear to me if they’re just pretending to chase Shauna or if they really want to kill her as happened in the forest, when they fell into the trance before lunchtime. However, one shot stops the ritual.

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In the Present: The Adam Case

As the Yellowjackets continue their coven, Walter executes his plan to divert the investigation of the Adam Martin case away from Shauna and her companions, at the expense of Detective Kevyn. If Misty is willing to do anything to protect the Yellowjackets, Walter is not far behind. Posing as a member of Lottie‘s strange honey community, he puts the policeman to sleep with phenobarbital just as Jeff blames himself for the painter’s murder. Shortly after, without disgust, he shoots him with Matt’s gun, leaving no trace. to make it look like he was killed by his partner. Walter has the other detective on the ropes that he cannot do more than follow his instructions.

Yellowjackets Season 2 Spoilers
Yellowjackets Season 2 Spoilers (Image Credit: Showtime)

In the Present: “Nature” Chose…

Who shot? Callie. She shoots Lottie in the right arm to stop the hunt, to save her mom, but almost immediately Lisa appears with a shotgun to protect the guru from her and demands an explanation. Natalie tries to calm her down and asks her to leave, but Lisa is very distraught. What happens then? Misty pulls out a syringe that appears to be filled with fentanyl and lunges at the young woman, but “Nat” gets in the way and receives the lethal injection, while the scene cuts to the time she pulled out the Queen of Hearts card. That time Javi replaced her, but now it was her turn to sacrifice herself. As she lies dying, with her friends around, Natalie is taken back to the plane, where she is reunited with Javi, but also with herself as a teenager and with Lottie from then. Is it a hallucination or is it the hall of death? Whatever the answer, Lottie tells him to let go, that “Nature” is hungry. And Natalie dies.

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Already with paramedics and police around, it is declared that “Nat” suffered an overdose, while Lottie‘s injuries are healed before being taken again to a mental hospital. But she is calm. She tells Van and Taissa that “Nature” is pleased, that there has been a sacrifice, and soon they will all feel favor with her. Van looks excited. Meanwhile, Walter comforts Misty, Matt pretends he just found out about Kevyn‘s death, and Shauna is reunited with her family, with an oddly elated Callie.

In The Past: The Fire

At night, when everyone is asleep after the election of the new leader, Shauna suddenly wakes up. There is smoke around. The cabin is on fire, and they are trapped. The exits were blocked. They only have to hit and hit until they break the main door and escape, although losing their refuge. Ben tried to kill them. What will happen now?

Yellowjackets Season 2 Ending Explained: Why Did Natalie Die?

Natalie should have died a long time ago. On the plane. In the forest, when she touched him the cursed letter. When she returned to civilization, because of her addictions. She even attempted suicide. In other words, the events of the season finale have been the conclusion of a tortured character’s journey forever. His agony was too long. Until “Nature” decided to take her away. At least according to the parameters that she proposes Yellowjackets.

Yellowjackets Season 2
Yellowjackets Season 2 (Image Credit: Showtime)

Now, maybe Natalie was always dead, just like the rest of the girls who came out of the woods. After all, the series bears a certain resemblance to “Lost” and “Manifest.” Why did she see Javi and Lottie and herself as young? That’s what’s curious. In any case, Travis must have reappeared, who was the love of her life. Perhaps that is why some fans are reluctant to believe that he has died.

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What Does Callie Mean For the Future of Yellowjackets?

When it is discovered that Shauna is pregnant in the woods, Lottie proclaims that the child belongs to “Nature“, so great is everyone’s disappointment when the little one dies at birth. After that, there has been no more talk of offspring until the end of the second season when Lottie says that Callie‘s energy is very strong. Of the Yellowjackets, the only one who has biological children is Shauna. The rest have no offspring. Sammy, Taissa‘s son, is the biological son of his wife, Simone. Isn’t it curious that none of the other survivors have had children? Since Lottie assures that “it” followed them, likely, she is also close to hers, especially if they are blood of her blood as in the case of Callie, who is very similar to her mother. Is that the north that Yellowjackets will follow in its next seasons?

Yellowjackets Season 2
Yellowjackets Season 2 (Image Credit: Showtime)

What Does it Mean That “Soon” They Will See That “Nature” is Happy with Them?

The supernatural answer is that your problems would be solved, even your ailments. Is it certain that Taissa‘s sleepwalking will wear off for a while and that Van will be cured of cancer?

What Will Happen to Ben?

The third season of the series is billed as a war between the Yellowjackets and their coach. Ben tried to kill them and they will go looking for him, as well as the refuge he entrusted to Natalie. Who else will die? That is not yet clear. Although it is known that “Nat“, Lottie, Van, Taissa, Misty, Shauna, and Travis returned from the forest, there could be more survivors who would jump on the scene in the future. Could one of them be Ben?

Additional Thoughts

  • Why did Travis eat his brother’s heart? 

It can only be explained as an acceptance of the influence of “Nature” on the survivors and as permission that he grants for his companions to eat Javi.

  • Why is the chapter titled ‘Storytelling’? 

Although Yellowjackets is a story by itself, the episode shows that Van often tells stories -from movies- to her friends in the absence of television, books, or other entertainment media. However, her tale of her day is abruptly cut short by Lottie.

  • Why do we listen? zombie” of The Cranberries at the beginning of the episode? 

Although the song tells the story of an armed conflict, if we take “zombie” literally, the word describes the life of the Yellowjackets very well. He even supports the theory that they are all dead. By the way, at the end “The Killing Moon” by Echo & the Bunnymen plays.

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