Willow: Who Is Elora Danan and What Happened To Her? Here Everything Explained
Willow‘s story began when, in the 1988 film, an aspiring sorcerer and farmer Nelwyn (who is sort of like the Hobbits) discovers a baby Daikini floating in a river near his land. Willow and her sons pull the baby out of the water and hide her in their home, but when their village is attacked, they must take the girl to their leaders, and it is then that he is given a mission to leave home and travel through dangerous terrain. to return the baby to her people.

Along the way, Willow discovers that the baby’s name is Elora Danan and that she is a future empress with great power and an important destiny to fulfill, so he must protect her and help her find a safe place. During the trip, Willow and her companions discover that a powerful evil queen is looking for Elora to kill her, so they must find a sorceress to help them defeat her. Eventually, Willow and her companions accomplish the mission, but that’s just the beginning of Elora Danan‘s story. In the series, it is revealed that she had to be hidden and that the fate that was spoken of in the prophecies has not yet been fulfilled, so it is important to continue to protect her.
Willow: Who is Elora Danan/Dove?
As told in the movie, Elora Danan is a powerful empress and sorceress, she has powerful magic inside her and her destiny is to protect the world from darkness, which is the reason why she has so many enemies since before I could talk In Willow series, Sorsha reveals that Elora Danan, whom no one has seen in years, is alive, but her identity was changed so no one can attack before she is ready and learns to use her abilities. Initially, both Jade, Kit, and Dove seemed like candidates to be the real Elora Danan.
At the end of the first episode, Kit (the princess), Jade (the warrior), Dove (the cook) and their adventure companions, who travel together to rescue Kit’s kidnapped brother (who is also the daughter of Sorsha and Madmartigan), they arrive at the town of Willow (it is Sorsha who sends them in that direction, telling them that an old friend and sorcerer can help them), where they discover the truth. It’s obvious to Willow from the start that Dove is Elora Danan, so she uses her magic to reveal what was hidden, which is the mark on her arm that serves to identify her as the true Empress.
Why doesn’t Dove know it’s Elora Danan? The adventure series shows that Sorsha and Willow made the decision to hide the truth even from her, but Willow thought that Dove should know the truth and needed to train to learn how to use her power, which ends up creating a problem between him and Sorsha, which keeps Willow away for years.
Sorsha believes that Elora Danan, whom she poses as a palace cook, will only be safe if she doesn’t know the truth, but when a new enemy (who is the one who kidnapped the prince) shows up, it’s clear that she needs to find out the truth and accelerate the learning process to fulfill your destiny and help your people. Elora Danan was in the palace all these years, but her powers seem to be dormant because she didn’t get a chance to use them, so now she must find a way to awaken them.