Will Midnight Mass 2 Be Done? What Do We Know About A Possible Sequel To Mike Flanagan’s Supernatural Horror

With Midnight Mass opens and closes the Crockett Island chapter, born from the pen of Mike Flanagan. The story ended, but is it really over? There are those who emphasize the questions left open, which could open the doors to a season 2.

The Midnight Mass finale left some questions to the free interpretation of the spectators. Born from the mind and pen of Mike Flanagan, it saw the light as a horror miniseries lasting just seven episodes. The initial intention of the creator of The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor is, therefore, to conclude the story with its first season but there are those who wonder if there can be no hope for the future.

From haunted houses and ghosts to vampires and mystical crises, in Midnight Mass Flanagan told the story of the fictional Crockett Island where a small community welcomes young Riley Flynn (Zach Gilford) an ex-con who killed a girl while he was in an evident state of intoxication. In addition to him, the mysterious Father Paul Hill (Hamish Linklater) arrives on the island who, with his miracles, dangerously guides the few souls of the place.

Midnight Mass 2

The series ends, however, ambiguously and it is questionable if Flanagan can change his mind, having clearly left an opening for a sequelWhat do we know about a possible second season of Midnight Mass?

The Midnight Mass Story is (Theoretically) Over

Left old and sick for a trip to Jerusalem, on the spot Monsignor John Pruitt meets a vampire who, by feeding on him, makes him a potential vampire and, consequently, young again: the charismatic new priest of Crockett Island, Paul Hill, is just he.

Absolute faith leads man to mistake what is a monster for an angel. Monsignor Pruitt then decides to take “the angel” with him to Crockett Island and share this incredible miracle with others. Slowly, Father Paul – by drinking the vampire’s blood at mass – transforms believers into potential vampires who, once dead, resurrect completing the transformation.

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During the midnight mass – hence the title of the series – celebrated for Easter, Father Paul invites people to take a leap of faith, drinking rat poison in order to die and gain eternal life by being resurrected. Too late, man realizes he is wrong, seeing all the evil in what he has done and understanding the truth behind it. Anyone who has not turned into a vampire is killed, while buildings and boats are burned to allow no escape for those who want to escape.

Thanks to Riley’s sacrifice first and to those of Erin Greene (Kate Siegel) , Sheriff Hassan (Rahul Kohli) Dr. Sarah Gunning (Annabeth Gish) and Annie (Kristin Lehman) and Ed Flynn (Henry Thomas) later, the continent seems to be spared from the plague: Erin, in fact – while he is dying – cuts the wings of the “first” vampire to prevent him from flying away and the others burn the remaining buildings and boats, so as not to allow the vampires to leave the island and protect themselves from the rising sun.

Like the most famous vampires, these burn – to ashes – when exposed to sunlight, while the only ones to survive are Warren Flynn (Igby Rigney) and Leeza Scarborough (Annarah Cymone) who, on a small boat, observe the destruction. before leaving.

Will Midnight Mass 2 Be Done?

It is clear that the ending of Midnight Mass does not tell us whether the first vampire survived or not: this one, in fact, flew off the island, but was he able to reach the continent before dawn?

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Another question left to the interpretation of the beholder is that on the future of Warren and Leeza: how will the two boys explain the events that took place on Crockett Island?

Leeza tells Warren she can’t feel her legs anymore – the girl had started walking again, recovering from the paralysis – so what does that mean? The simplest explanation – as explained by Dr. Gunning – is that the effect of the vampire’s blood is wearing off and hers is returning to normal.

Although for some miniseries – such as Big Little Lies – the success convinced the authors to extend the project to two seasons, for Midnight Mass this would not be repeatable in the same way: just think that the heart of the series, Crocket Island and its inhabitants, of fact no longer exist but, in the world of television and cinema, never say never!

Midnight Mass is available in streaming, on Netflix, from 24 September 2021.

[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”Will There Be a Season 2 of Midnight Mass?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] Midnight Mass was born as a miniseries consisting of a single season of seven episodes, but the finale leaves a window open for a second season. [/sc_fs_faq]

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