What If…? Episode 6 Review: Killmonger Rescue Tony Stark! And They Establish An Alliance

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Review of the sixth episode of the Disney + series What if? It centers around the idea of ​​Killmonger saving Tony Stark and they establish an alliance. The Disney + series about Marvel’s alternate worlds reaches its sixth episode launching a question on the air: What if Killmonger had saved Tony Stark?

We are facing one of the weakest episodes of this first season, of which only three more remain, and not because it does not address interesting topics but because it does it at full speed without there being time to digest the information and, above all, to raise the background reflection that is the most substantial of this series.

What if Episode 6

At the beginning of the 1×06 episode of What If…? they raise the possibility that humanity would lose the hero Tony Stark was called to become if when he was in Afghanistan he had been rescued by the Navy Seal nicknamed Killmonger. The episode plays on the possibility that Tony Stark identified with Erik Stevens in a way that he created an alliance with him to create the prototype of a remotely controlled anthropomorphic war drone that powers the arms industry and saves the lives of soldiers. But, of course, the stories told to us in this series rarely end as expected.

There are many arguments to wield for and against this sixth episode: on the one hand, the action proceeds too hastily, so that as the consequences of this alliance are seen, there is no time for duels or to see the repercussions. at an emodional level in the rest of the characters. This, together with the fact that the animation is sometimes less polished than expected in terms of facial expressions, makes the protagonists seem too flat and it is difficult to “believe” what is happening. It would be heartbreaking if what is happening affected viewers on an emotional level, but that degree of empathy is not achieved.

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On the other hand, the resolution of What if …? 1×06 is too hasty and anticlimactic, to the point that the final message is very blurred and the viewer shrugs his shoulders thinking: “Already? Are you going to leave me that way?”. At the beginning of the episode they tell us that the rescue of Tony Stark made us keep the man but lose the hero who would sacrifice himself, but, at the end, it is not clear what the heart of the story is: who are the villains, villains, to despite getting a second chance? That the end justifies the means? What is more the courage that exemplary individuals give us than their mistakes?

However, episode 1×06 is one of those that shows the greatest inspiration in the anime, especially because it quotes Gundam and his clear inspiration in it for the creation of war drones. Another link that has remained in the air is Killmonger’s relationship with the Ten Rings, something with which they leave us with honey on our lips. We must also praise the color palette of an episode that knows how to play with color temperature to get us into fiery wars and also in much colder offices and technological environments.

Regarding the characters, we are going to avoid naming everyone that appears so as not to destroy any surprises, but we do anticipate that we are experiencing a return to Wakanda in which we recover all the mythology and imagery of the movie Black Panther, albeit in a very fleeting way. . It really gives the feeling that in order to get where I wanted to, this episode would have to have been longer.

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The most elaborate character, by far, is that of Killmonger: in this particular case, the way of moving and walking of Michael B. Jordan is very well reflected, but the same cannot be said of others like Pepper or some Wakandans. In the original version, as you well know, the original voices of the UCM cast are preserved, so there are moments to get excited.

And up to here we can read. What would happen if…? is a series that draws directly from the concept of science fiction, horror and mystery classics such as the anthological series Beyond the Limit that ultimately seek to make us reflect, in this case counting on the UCM universe to play with infinite possibilities. This time, he has a hard time hitting the bull’s-eye with the final message, confusing and fast-paced.

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