What If..? Episode 3 Review: The most ominous variation for the Marvel Cinematic Universe

What if Season 1 Ep. 3 Story Recap The Episode Of 'Ten Negritos' In 'What if ...?' Explained

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After seeing “What If … T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?” (1×02), the most interesting episode to date of What if…? (AC Bradley, since 2021), one can say openly that the Disney Plus animated series makes good use of the difficult situation in which the superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are; especially after the first season of Loki (Michael Waldron, since 2021).

What If Episode 3 Review

A perspective that “What If… the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” (1×03) does nothing but confirm so that there is no doubt. Yes “What If … Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?” (1×01) modifies the status of at least four important characters and chapter two disrupts the essential plot of the Infinity Saga, this third proposes the same with a different approach, successfully addressing the other leg of her own germ.

The episode of ‘Ten negritos’ in ‘What if…?’

If the previous episode breaks with the genocidal plan of Thanos (Josh Brolin) and the Happy Gems under the influence of Wakanda, although it was not the main thing in the argument, what destroys or substantially changes the newly released one is Nick’s star project Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) for the effective defense of our world.

But screenwriters AC Bradley and Matthew Chauncey ( Bottom 3: Arcadia Tales ) and director Bryan Andrews ( Men in Black: The Series ) don’t tell us this story in the usual way , showing us the emergence of an explicit threat against which superhuman characters must fight bravely.

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In the present adventure , the danger is an enigma to be solved, and the development of the investigations is related to that of Diez negritos , the famous novel by the British writer Agatha Christie (1939), and how many reformulations in feature films and television series It has been realized; to which this one from What would happen if …?

The Most Ominous Variation For The Marvel Cinematic Universe

For this reason, “What If … the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” it is more ominous than the previous two chapters ; and although the tragedies of the kind that we see in Avengers: The Age of Ultron (Joss Whedon, 2015), Avengers: Infinity War or Endgame (Joe and Anthony Russo, 2018, 2019) are concentrated here, there is no time to that they surround us with the drama and deep emotion of the films nor would it make any sense to opt for it.

Because, while for the superheroes that fall in the movies we experience logical empathy after so many adventures together, or their loved ones, this episode of What if…? It sits at a point in the alternate timeline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that doesn’t allow too much crying; for sheer lack of friction and familiarity between the protagonists.

But there is another reason why “What If … the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” is fatal to a greater extent: an implacable God of Deception (Tom Hiddleston) achieves his horrible purpose of The Avengers (Joss Whedon, 2012), the one that He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors) poses as a possibility in the chapter “For All Time. Always ”(1×06) by Loki .

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However, it is also distinguished by the circumstance that it offers us an unexpected resolution of the enigma and an open ending that points to something that is alluded to in the last section: hope. So while visual planning for this episode of What If …? It does not exceed the most absolute correction, the suitability without showing off in any way, it does make a difference in its approach to the Marvelite Multiverse. And we wonder if others like this will be launched on the Disney Plus platform .

The Verdict

Although the variety of Avengers makes for a very entertaining episode, the resolution is the “least credible” of the series for now. It has its good moments, but it lacks some balance. See so many avengers back. The approach of the episode as a kind of thriller.

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