Welcome to Eden Season 2: What Will Happen In The Second Season Here Are What Theories Says

Welcome to Eden Season 2: Welcome to Eden may not be the best sci-fi series of all time, but it does what it promises, it has an interesting story and good actors, and it’s a bit far from the typical Netflix teen series formula, and that’s why it became one of the most-watched series on the platform. The Spanish series follows Zoa (Amaia Aberasturi) and a group of young people who are invited to an exclusive party on a secret island. They are invited to try a new energy drink, but things don’t turn out as they thought and they end up trapped in that place, along with two cult leaders and their group of followers who seek to build a perfect society.

Welcome to Eden

And everything is darker than it seems, Zoa and her friends (including Belinda) notice that strange things are happening, that there are people who disappear, and that Astrid and Erik, the leaders, have an agenda that they are not sharing with him. rest of the group. All of this leads to an ending that leaves the story on a cliffhanger and promises more madness for a possible second season.

What Happens At The End of Welcome to Eden Season 1?

The first season of Welcome to Eden ends when, after Erik is attacked, Astrid takes him to a remote part of the series, where we meet a mysterious boy with a scar and the ability to heal the man without equipment or help.

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While this is happening, Zoa and her friends prepare to escape and Africa (Belinda) breaks into the group leaders’ apartment and discovers a secret door. Zoa’s plan is foiled when she sees her sister arrive on the island, Africa discovers a series of computers at the bottom of a bunker and, after pressing a button, sends out a signal via a large antenna, but we don’t know who were.

This brings us to what could happen in the second season. Zoa and her friends will have to find another way to stop the cult, Astrid and Erik will have to deal with the consequences of the signal that Africa sent, and someone will have to pay for the death of Odysseus (Astrid’s right-hand man), and they will have to explain to us what the group wants and how they choose their followers, beyond seeing them lead depressing lives on social networks.

Will There Be A Second Season?

The end of ‘Welcome to Eden‘ has revealed the great secrets of the Foundation, which ends up being the main plot of the Netflix series. However, it also leaves several issues on the air, allowing them to be resolved later in a new season. For now, the streaming giant has not revealed if it has plans for a second season for ‘Welcome to Eden’, but there is a good chance that it will be so because its story gives much more to tell than what they have done in their debut. Not to mention that, at least on the streaming platform, the series has attracted attention and has placed first in the top 10 of its catalogs.

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It is not confirmed but considering that it is one of the most-watched series of the moment, it is logical to think that Netflix is ​​already preparing to launch a second season, especially since the story was left open and there are many things to resolve.

Some Questions That Remain Are:

  • Who is Isaac?
  • Will Zoa and her sister manage to escape?
  • What will happen with the death of Ulysses?
  • Will the private investigator make it to the island?
  • What is the sign that Africa sent and who should receive it?

Who Returns in Welcome Eden Season 2?

Some characters died in the first season, but many others are still alive and will be important in the second part. Amaia Aberasturi returns as Zoe, Belinda returns as Africa (who was trapped in the bunker), Lola Rodríguez returns as the hacker Mayka, Begoña Vargas returns as Bel, Amaia Salamanca will be Astrid again and Guillermo Pfening is Erik.

Also, we get to see more of Berta Castañé as Zoe’s younger sister, Gaby, and the series should tell us more about Isaac, the mysterious boy who lives on the island and is connected to the cult’s plans.

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