Warriors of Future Ending Explained: What Happens to Major Sean Li? What Happens to Skunk and Cheng?
One of the films of the moment is Warriors of Future, a feature film of Chinese fiction that recently arrived in the Netflix catalog and is enjoying the greatest success. Announced in 2015, filmed in 2017 and released just this year, the film has already broken box office records after hitting theaters in Hong Kong. The film shows a post-apocalyptic world, in which a meteorite infected with a plant (Pandora) hits the planet. She can purify the air, but her constant growth will be deadly for humanity. So a suicide squad has a few hours to save their city from total collapse.

The film awakens some curiosity in viewers, and the biggest one is about the end of the feature, which ended up not being very clear to some. Therefore, as usual, we will unravel the feature and explain its outcome in this special publication. However, be careful: there are many spoilers ahead!
Warriors of Future Ending Explained: The Context
Right at the beginning of the feature, we have a narration by Tyler explaining why human beings are living in the post-apocalyptic world: basically because of the rapid evolution of technology, which has triggered various crises, wars, phones and environmental pollution toxin environment. With this devastating scenario, Major General Sean Li builds Skynet over cities to purify the air inside huge dome-like structures. When the Earth is hit by the meteor and Pandora begins to grow, many look for a solution to contain it, and Colonel Tam arrives with one of them.
The plan is explained to Sean Li and Commander Johnson Cheng by him and Dr. Chang Chung Chong. The doctor has in his possession a gene bullet containing a virus called P7N9, which must be thrown into Pandora’s pistil so that the plant hibernates and stops growing, but even so, continues to purify the atmosphere. But Colonel Tam will also have a plan B, which involves bombing the area and killing the plant — which could kill as many as 160,000 people in the B16 district. Sean Li is against the idea, as he has spent time and money building Skynet and doesn’t want to put an end to its creation anytime soon, but the Colonel will tell him that he should follow HQ’s order.
Tyler overhears the plan and claims the mission is quite dangerous. Even so, he embarks on the journey because he understands that it can give humanity a new chance at life. Fears of him were correct, as several problems are faced when the Air Command Unit tries to execute him.
The first of these is the fact that two of the sky fisher aircraft are unable to communicate during a critical situation. The second is that Pandora starts to grow and crashes two of the ships, killing all the soldiers. One of the larger ships, called the Orca, also mysteriously explodes. In the end, only Tyler, Connor and one other soldier make it out alive, but the sky fisher they are on is destroyed and there is no possibility of contacting the team. Johnson, an ex-soldier, goes to rescue Tyler, who is looking for a way to stop the wounds to finally inject the genetic bullet into the pistil.
The Beginning of Success
Fortunately, Tyler and his team reach the pistil and the genetic bullet is planted which neutralizes the plant’s growth. However, Tyler’s sky fisher crash proves challenging, to the point where our hero is rushed to the hospital alongside his colleagues to treat Lincoln‘s wound. However, unknown creatures devouring human flesh pass through their path, at the moment when Commander Johnson decides to go to the place and still has the help of a former soldier friend. The two manage to save Tyler and Connor, but the creature ends up devouring Lincoln.
The four make contact with the base and Colonel Tam directs the team to the wrecked airship with the genetic bullet, as well as instructs Lucy to find out why one of the Orcas exploded. One of his requests is also to find out why they can no longer get in touch with the skyfishers. To unravel the first mystery, Lucy asks Connor to retrieve the head of a robot that was present on the Orca. While Tyler manages to recover the genetic bullet, Connor manages to find the head but ends up noticing the presence of a grenade pin next to it.

The team discovers that Sean Li is responsible for the explosion and the loss of signal. This, in turn, instructs a robot to remove the pin from the grenade and used another machine – called a Timora – to block the signals. Confronted by telephone, the boy does not give up and even instructs three robots and two machines (enigma and Timora) to kill the entire team.
With communication between the base disabled by the villain, the team prepares for the fight, facing their opponents valiantly, and taking down each machine. However, they find it difficult to fight Timora, but Tyler and Taron Yau manage to knock her down and disable the signal jammer. Connor creates a hole for the team to enter the pandora’s pistil, while Johnson realizes that the unknown creatures have exited upon entering the pistil. Throwing the genetic bullet inside the pistil, it explodes, releases the virus and stops Pandora’s growth – which decrees the success of the operation.
What Happens to Major Sean Li?
Sean Li’s arrogance takes over and he dies at the end of the story, by his hand. Everything happens after Johnson, his team and Colonel Tam discover his actions, which makes him interrupt his mission since if it is successful, the air quality will improve and no one will need Skynet anymore. Even after being confronted, he continues to do everything to ensure the team’s failure – that is, until Johnson and his team make it out alive. Therefore, Sean Li shoots himself in the head, since he believes that Skynet is the future and also because he does not intend to be arrested because of his actions.

The possible arrest and success of the genetic bullet crush the villain’s arrogance and ego since the future announced with its failure would be even more humiliating for him. To avoid going through all these troubles, he takes his own life, especially so as not to embarrass himself in people’s eyes.
And The End of Our Heroes?
By all appearances, Tyler and Johnson are going to the Moon in a spaceship at the end of the film. In the mid-credits scene, two men are seen inside an aircraft, this time wearing suits and helmets that are only customarily worn by astronauts. Johnson talks to Tyler about the mission and says that they will only observe the signal and its source and that they will not be involved with it in any way, so the mission is just to gather information. The aircraft starts to shake, but after flying for a few seconds the turbulence ends. The ship moves toward the moon and the movie ends.