Viking Wolf Ending Explained: Why Did Liv Sacrifice Herself? Does Thales Turn into a Werewolf?
Directed by Stig Svendsen, Viking Wolf is a Norwegian film that is available on Netflix from February 3, 2023, and which tells the story of Thale, a 17-year-old girl who has just moved with her family to a small town after her mother got a new job with the local police. The protagonist of the feature is Thale, a young woman who has recently moved to a new city to accompany her mother. The woman in question is Liv Berg, a police officer with whom the daughter is having a difficult relationship after her separation from her father – which is not accepted by the young woman at all. Even so, she now has to live with her stepfather (Arthur) in addition to her younger sister (Jhenny), who doesn’t speak. What the young woman doesn’t know is that she will witness a horror scene involving a colleague and undergo an amazing transformation in her life. In this post, we are going to contextualize the story of O Lobo Viking and explain the ending of the film, so check it out, because here come spoilers (and a lot of information)!

Viking Wolf: Story Plot the Beginning of Everything
The plot that moves the film begins to be developed from the friendship formed between Thale and Jonas, who is a classmate at his new school. Hiding, the girl runs away with the boy to a party, even though she is not welcome there — unlike Jonas, who was truly invited to the party. The young woman’s presence even bothers Elin a lot, one of the boy’s friends and the daughter of the city’s mayor. She takes Jonas out into the woods so they can talk privately about the matter, a little imagining what’s to come after the sun goes down. Is that Thale, worried, will go to the place to try to find Jonas but will come across the mayor’s friend and daughter being attacked by a mysterious creature The protagonist will even tries to save Elin, but the creature will drag the girl away which it will scare her and Jonas beyond belief. After what happened, with the probable death of Elin, Live will arrive at the place with Sheriff Eilert to question the two teenagers. The victim is reported missing, prompting the police to search the woods. A wolf claw is found, which makes Liv suspect that the girl was the victim of an animal attack.
Later, Elin’s corpse is finally found in the forest, which leads Thale and Jonas to deal with this death as they grow closer. At the same time, the girl begins to experience changes in her personality and has very heightened senses. Meanwhile, investigations into Elin’s death continue. The marks on the girl’s body leave Liv baffled by the anatomy of the wolf she believes attacked the victim. However, a hunter named Lars Brodin visits her and explains that the creature she attacked in the woods is a werewolf. Quite pragmatic, Liv does not believe in the man, but without any problems receives a silver bullet that he gives her so that she can kill the werewolf. William, apprenticed to the country’s top veterinary specialist, joins the woman in the investigation. He says that they are probably looking for a mutated wolf.
She and Eilert begin a new hunting season in the woods, which ends with the sheriff in a coma after being attacked by the creature. The woman continues with her quest to find the creature until she comes face to face with the werewolf and – after a brief struggle – shoots him with the silver bullet given by Lars and kills him. With Liv’s report and when analyzing the creature’s corpse, William raises the hypothesis that it is a case of lycanthropy, which is a rare syndrome in which the affected person suffers the illusion of being able to transform, or has transformed, on an animal most commonly a werewolf.
Viking Wolf Ending Explained: Why Did Liv Sacrifice Herself?
After being bitten by the wolf, Thales begins to have strange visions and peculiar wishes. Meanwhile, her mother Liv Berg, the officer in charge of the investigation, receives a visit from a man named Lars Broden who assures her that he is a lycanthrope. Although the police do not believe the old man’s story, he hands them a silver bullet. After finding a claw in the woods, receiving the autopsy report, and speaking with an expert from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Liv confirms that a wolf was responsible for the death of the mayor’s daughter and organizes a team of searches. She along with Sheriff Eilert and some hunters go into the woods and discover another mutilated body.
Everything gets complicated when the wolf appears and attacks several members of the team. At that moment, Officer Berg tries to get out of the copper mine that she entered to investigate, but she runs into the beast. She shoots many times, but normal bullets don’t stop the huge animal. Just before losing the battle, Thales’s mother uses the silver bullet and kills the wolf. Eilert was bitten but is in the hospital recovering, while Liv has a broken arm that will take six weeks to heal. After so many deaths, the authorities believe that the nightmare is over, but a discovery changes the landscape. The wolf’s corpse has a nail instead of the claw it lost. What does it mean? Liv turns to Lars to get more information and the old man reveals that it is a warg, that is, a werewolf, and if a person is bitten they will gradually begin to transform. The only way to end the curse is to kill the last werewolf before he bites someone else and continues the circle of blood.
Does Thales Turn into a Werewolf?
Thales experiences the first changes but prefers not to alert his family. One night with a full moon, he goes out with Jonas, transforms, and attacks his friend From him. The next day, he wakes up in the garage of his house with fangs instead of teeth and upon confirming that he murdered Jonas he decides to escape. As the police and the vet investigate the new murder, Lars heads to the hospital to get rid of Eilert and end the beast lineage. Thales boards a bus bound for Oslo, but before reaching his destination he transforms again and attacks the passengers.

Seeing Thale’s watch inside the bus, Liv realizes that her daughter is the new werewolf. Meanwhile, the beast goes to her house and tries to attack her sister and stepfather. They both escape, but due to his injuries, Arthur crashes into a bar. At the place, the wolf arrives and attacks everyone. Lars arrives and tries to stop Thales but is outmaneuvered by the beast. Liv and William plan to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart but are attacked and miss their chance. Happily, little Jenny plucks up her courage, takes the dart, and stabs her sister into a beast to save her mother from her. Later, Liv prepares to shoot her daughter with a silver bullet, but the scene cuts out, and “Viking Wolf” ends with the officer returning home, entering Thales’ room, and leaving the bullet in front of her daughter’s photo. So, did she shoot him or not? Did she finish her with the blood circle?
Danger on the Loose…
However, even with the creature’s death, similar attacks in the city continue to happen, which leads Liv and Willaim to seek help from Lars. Experienced, the hunter reveals that it is not a supernatural creature, but the result of the crossing between men and wolves in ancient times to expand their capabilities. With that, viewers can momentarily remember a scene from the beginning of the film, a kind of prelude, which shows Gudbrand the Grim, a Biking who discovered a hound from Hell. Probably, the origin of the werewolf took place in this period – and until today he has been spreading this evil throughout the region.
It is this that leads the hunter to kill Eilert without pity or mercy when the sheriff is in the hospital bed. As the officer was attacked by the werewolf to the point of being in a coma, he believes there was an infection and transmission of “lycanthropy” and that only killed him to solve this problem. Lars explains to Liv that they must end this “bloodline” of the creature – i.e., whom it has infected – to end the chaos in the city. He says the werewolf that still terrorizes them was infected by what Liv killed during her hunt, which brings us to Thale’s name as the prime suspect.
A Monster Reveals Itself…
This is because of the change in behavior the young woman went through after that night. Having contracted lycanthropy when she came into contact with the werewolf while trying to save Elin, she confirms our suspicions by transforming into a werewolf on a full moon night during a date with Jonas. She kills the boy and, after realizing what is happening, decides to distance herself from people. However, Thale returns to attack a bus full of passengers during an unexpected transformation. Back home, still transformed, she just doesn’t kill Jenny because she somehow recognizes her sister.
Arthur manages to fend off the creature using electricity and escapes with Jenny. The latter helps the mother discover that her other daughter is the creature she’s been looking for – which leads Liv to face a race against time to capture Thale before the heiress can hurt more people. William suggests they use anesthesia to contain Thale while they don’t find a solution, while Liv is dismayed to learn that she may have to shoot her own daughter. And she might be right, as the girl’s condition only gets worse day after day.
A New Attack, Strong Consequences!
One day, she must save Jenny from Thale on a city street and hides with Willaim inside a store so as not to become her daughter’s target. However, the young werewolf finds them and, as she is about to attack them, she is hit with a car by Lars, who ends up being targeted and is severely injured. The tragedy is only not worse because Willaim shoots Thale with an anesthetic dart, which culminates in his capture. However, Lars ends up dying – and with him Liv hopes of finding a solution to cure her daughter. With that, she knows she has to do what was her greatest fear.
Even with all the love she feels for Thale, Liv decides to kill her daughter so as not to risk the life of an entire city. In a last conversation with her still in werewolf shape the woman apologizes and then points the gun with the silver bullet at her daughter’s chest. As it would be quite impactful to see this death, the film does not show it although it made it quite explicit that it happened. The final scene of the film, by the way, shows that Liv put a silver bullet in front of her daughter’s picture frame in her room – which confirms the ending that we least expected. It is important to emphasize the size of Liv’s sacrifice, since, in addition to living forever with the drama of having killed her own daughter, the two still had a lot to resolve, since they were not in their best moments. Even so, the lives of the city’s innocent citizens will be preserved.