Venom 2: Ending Explained The Death of Kasidy and Carnage? Is Cletus dies in Venom 2?

Venom: Let There Be Carnage Ending and Post Credit Scene Explained What do Detective Mulligan's Blinking Eyes Mean At The End Of Venom 2? The Venom ending leaves many unanswered questions behind - the final scene of Carnage's Fury explained.

The finale of the second Venom 2 movie has a lot of twists and turns, but also some unanswered questions. In the film Eddie and Venom (which, contrary to what was done by the protagonist, survived the events of the first film) find themselves facing Cletus Kasidy and a new symbiote, the lethal Carnage. The red alien is Venom’s “son” and is bent on killing the progenitor. After a period of separation, Venom and Eddie realize that they are a well-established couple and that they miss each other. Faced with the threat of the new Kasidy-Carnage symbiote, they then decide to return to work together to save Anne: Eddie’s ex was kidnapped just to lure the two into a trap.

Venom 2

Venom 2: Ending Explained The Death of Kassidy and Carnage?

The clash of symbionts takes place in a church undergoing restoration where Cletus wants to marry his beloved Francis (Shriek) in the presence of a prelate who celebrates the service. When Eddie arrives, the battle between aliens is unleashed. Venom is intimidated by Carnage (one of the red ones) and would not want to fight him, because he is stronger and more violent than his ancestor. Eddie’s promise to feed him whoever he wants and threats to Anne (kidnapped by Francis to lure Eddie) convince him to take the field.

Venom seems to have the worst, not least because Francis uses his ultrasonic scream to protect Cletus. The attack, however, also irritates Carnage, who would like to kill the woman. Cletus rebels and Venom realizes that the duo are not in complete harmony and therefore he and Eddie have a chance to win. When the church bell begins to ring, Eddie and Cletus take turns with the aliens, stunned by the loud noise. In the final fight, Venom urges Francis to use his cry, unleashing Carnage’s fury and Cletus’ response, thereby reducing the couple’s symbiont city.

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Following Carnage’s attack and the fight with Venom, Shriek falls from a high scaffolding and is crushed by a bell, losing her life. Eddie would do the same if Venom didn’t intervene at the last minute to cushion his fall and regenerate his body. Cletus is also injured, so Carnage (who was thrown out of his body) attempts to re-enter to save him. Venom, however, grabs it and eats it, killing it. Cletus will do the same, devoured by the hungry black alien. Before he dies, he will reveal to Eddie that he killed his grandmother and his parents because he was the victim of the most horrendous abuses from an early age

Eddie, Anne and her boyfriend Reid Scott leave the church unscathed. Mulligan remains on the ground, the policeman who caused Shriek to lose one eye. The woman squeezed his eyeballs in revenge, perhaps in an attempt to blind him. At the end of the film we see that the detective’s irises have a sinister bluish luminescence: this could be the symptom that Mulligan has been “infected” by a new symbiont, Toxin, son of Carnage. The sequence is deliberately ambiguous in this regard, but to find out more you can read the dedicated in-depth study.

Eddie and Venom’s Escape

Since Eddie has escaped from the interrogation room where Mulligan took him, now that Kasidy is dead the police will track him down. Venom decides to leave him to avoid being chased, but Eddie disagrees and says he is ready to become a fugitive in his company.

The two end up on a beach in the tropics to enjoy life. Venom inadvertently lets it slip that he is ready to “override the faults of those he loves”, admitting that he is fond of Eddie. The human replies: “Did you say you love me?” while the two contemplate the sunset from the beach. In the final scene we see that Venom’s head poking out of Eddie’s side sitting on the beach resembles the profile of a heart.

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Eddie and Venom's Escape

The two do not yet have clear ideas about the future. Eddie says he is ready to indulge Venom’s fantasy, that he wants to become a “lethal protector”. Venom would also like a costume, but Eddie assures him that it won’t be needed.

Some Theory On The Post-Credits Scene

In these few moments there is really a lot of material to reason and theorize about. The most obvious aspect is the connection with Spider-Man: No Way Home, the third film in the saga due out in December. The scene seems to be an anticipation of the events of this film. This is also confirmed by some film distribution choices.

In fact, originally Venom – Carnage’s fury should have come out after Morbius. There have been several postponements due to the pandemic, but order has always been maintained between the two films. This was until the available dates forced one of the two to debut after Spider-Man: No Way Home. At this point the order has been reversed and now we can assume that the choice is due precisely to the need to launch the new adventure of the symbiote before that of Peter Parker.

Taking this connection for granted, it is easy to speculate on what happened in the post-credits scene of Venom – Carnage’s Fury. In fact, we probably witnessed that ‘earthquake in the Multiverse’ at the center of the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home that we got a taste of in the trailer. We know with reasonable certainty that the hero will face villains linked to his past cinematic incarnations. It is therefore easy to imagine that the same event that brought Doctor Octopus into the Marvel Cinematic Universe also involved Venom in this scene. But there is still something that is difficult to explain …

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Why Does Venom Recognize Peter In The Post-Credits Scene?

This is perhaps the most difficult question to explain. The symbiote (but apparently not Eddie Brock) appears to recognize Spider-Man in the Daily Bugle images. And he doesn’t seem to have good intentions towards him. But how is this possible? The answer could lie in the reference to the ” universes ” made explicit (not surprisingly) by Venom in the same scene. It’s possible that the symbiote is the same one we saw in Spider-Man 3, which traveled through parallel realities to eventually arrive at Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock incarnation. One might even think that his previous connection with the same character in another universe somehow guided him towards the journalist.

Why Does Venom Recognize Peter In The Post-Credits Scene

Or, more simply (so to speak), being the memory of the symbionts shared – a detail always revealed in the same scene – perhaps Venom simply remembers the hatred for Peter Parker of one of his other incarnations, perhaps that of Spider-Man 3. Whatever the alternative, however, it remains to be explained how he can recognize it. The incarnation of Tom Holland in fact has never met Venom (except for great revelations). So how is it possible that he had this reaction? Perhaps, while not recognizing the face, it was enough to see the costume? We cannot give the answer to these questions with certainty for now. We will have to wait for the debut of Spider-Man: No Way Home to find out more.

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