Validé Season 2: Who Killed Apash And How Does It End? The 100% Spoiler Recap

Validé Season 2 is finally available on myCanal and Canal + and the 9 episodes are full of surprises and twists. Yes, we learn who is responsible for the shooting and murder of Apash. If you want to know the answer and know the end of season 2, PRBK is here. Here is our 100% spoiler recap. Don’t go any further if you don’t want to know!

Validé Season 2

How Does Season 2 of Validé Start?

After more than a year of waiting, Franck Gastambide has finally unveiled season 2 of Validé. It begins a year after the terrible shooting that killed Apash (Hatik). Having survived the tragedy, William (Saïdou Camara) and Brahim (Brahim Bouhlel) decided to launch their own label named Apash Music, helped by DJ Sno (Franck Gastambide) and Mastar (Sam’s). But Cicheman (Dimitri Storoge) is determined to destroy the label in the bud: he hires Yamar (Rachid Guellaz), promises him to produce his music if he prevents Apash Music from establishing itself on the market.

They will therefore attack Sara / LAlpha (Laetitia Kerfa), the new artist signed by William and Brahim who has a heavy past. Nasser (Saïd Taghmaoui), his ex-companion and father of his son, is in prison in Marseille and wants revenge because it is because of her that he finds himself in jail. He even goes so far as to kidnap the little boy, but Sno and William help Sara to get him back. Another big surprise: the return of Mounir (Adel Bencherif) who, in fact, is not dead!

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Here Is The Person Responsible For The Murder Of Apash

With all that, we would have almost forgotten the shocking end of season 1: the shooting. At the beginning, one has the impression that everyone does not care completely since the subject is not approached any more … until episode 7. Brahim finds Karnage (Bosch) who entered the premises. from Apash Music. He reveals to her that he is responsible for the murder. Worshiping to have seen Mastar alongside Apash during the Season 1 finale concert, Karnage went wild and attacked the three friends. Throughout the season, he threatens Mastar so that the latter gives him the 400,000 euros he had promised him. In the end, Mastar ends up killing Karnage with a bullet. And that is settled.

How Does Season 2 End?

So how ends season 2 Validé ? The action resumes two months after the release of LAlpha’s album which hit the shelves. Sara is about to give a philharmonic concert but we understand that Nasser has set up a plan to have her killed. A repeat of season 1? Not at all. Because with Mounir’s help, Sara has taken Nasser to her own game: the man who is supposed to kill her is murdered just like Nasser, hanged in his cell by his fellow inmate.

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