Troll Ending Explained: Are There Still Trolls Surviving? What Does The Monster’s Conclusion Mean?

A new action-adventure movie that just arrived on Netflix is ​​gaining an ever-increasing number of fanatics. We are talking about Troll, which is currently in the Top 10 and surpassing established titles and recently released Brazilian productions, as is the case of A Christmas Full of Grace. In the story, we follow a mysterious creature that awakens after a thousand years. This creature was hidden in the darkest places of the Dovre Mountains. Monstrous, this giant is on his way to a region with many inhabitants and dwellings. Its presence can cause great destruction. In addition to bringing material devastation, this creature must also shock many Norwegians who had its existence as a legend in local folklore. Next, you will better understand the outcome of this film that has been surprising us.

Troll Ending Explained
Troll (Image Credit Netflix)

Troll: Plot Summary

The original Netflix film is based on the premise of the existence of Trolls, and folklore creatures from countries like Norway. These creatures, gigantic as a mountain and with stony bodies, disappeared hundreds of years ago, and have become myths. However, the construction of a tunnel in a mountainous region of Norway awakens something that nobody would have imagined and that has baffled politicians, the military, and scientists. Only a paleontologist, educated by her father in the world of folklore, ends up discovering that the creature that has awakened from its slumber is a Troll. The problem, of course, is that the 40-meter-tall stone friend is headed for Oslo, and has the same penchant for redecorating cities as colossi like King Kong or Godzilla.

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Nora Tidemann, the paleontologist, has always been fascinated by the past, in part because her father, obsessed with Scandinavian myths and folklore, has always told her with absolute certainty that Trolls exist. And now it seems that the old man was right: the works inside a tunnel wake up a mysterious creature imprisoned inside the mountain, which begins to sow panic along the way. Hired by the government, Nora must figure out whom they are dealing with and the monster’s goal. And all this in a limited time, since the size of the Troll will allow him to quickly reach large population centers, and especially the capital Oslo.

Troll Ending Explained: The Beginning of Everything

The story begins with Nora Tidemann. The Paleontology teacher has a common and normal life like any paleontologist. However, the accident that happens in Dovre ends up provoking an immediate reaction on the part of the local authorities, who summon her to a committee. This committee is made up of government officials, geologists and other specialists, who try to understand what the seismic shocks coming from the region of the caves are about. While there are arguments, Nora notices that there are footsteps and roaring noises. Immediately, Nora dismisses the situation as something familiar. Her affective memory is awakened because her childhood was always full of stories about these creatures, which until then were a legend. When talking about the possibility of being Trolls, the committee members laugh at her.

Troll. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022

Nora Follows Her Intuition

After serving as a laughing stock to these men, Nora stands firm in what she believes. She looks for her father, Tobias, to talk about it. Tobias is old, tired and mentally worn out after the number of situations he has been through in his life. Even without having a very good head, he accepts his daughter’s idea of ​​wanting him around this committee. Nora decides to fly around the region where she saw the Troll’s footprints. On the flyover, they come across the creature, which awakens and tries to attack them. The flyby is recorded and broadcast to the rest of the committee, who finally believe Nora’s theory. Immediately, they decide to kill the Troll. However, when officers fire at him, these officers are killed. Tobias tries to calm the creature down and, amid the confusion, ends up being shot and killed.

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In Search Of The Solution

What will remain for Nora is to move forward to save the region from even greater damage. Nora will use her pain as fuel to unravel the mystery. She will go to Tobias’ house and collect all the research done by her father around Trolls to mount a rescue operation. However, the operation does not work out and Nora ends up being excluded from the committee. With no solution to the case, the other members will decide to eliminate the Troll with a missile. To avoid extensive damage, officials ask residents to leave the region. The Troll is on his way to the city, while the officers stand by. Meanwhile, Nora continues with her research and discovers that Trolls have an aversion to light. This can kill them and it will be exactly this solution that she will try to execute. She tries to convince the team that the missile will cause massive damage.

Troll Ending
Troll (Still Netflix)

The Final Outcome

From then on, Nora’s plan comes to pass. The Troll is attracted to a strategic location and, getting there, strongly lit rays will hit the creature’s eyes, which will cry a lot. Nora will not be able to torture him and will extinguish these rays emitted against the Troll. She will try to save him by screaming for him to run away, but it will be too late. Day breaks and the Troll disintegrates. After what happened, there is an intriguing final scene: Nora is asked if there are still other Trolls. She doesn’t answer but does a smile that allows us to understand that she knows about the existence of other creatures. In the last scenes, the film shows the tunnel and hints that something new is awakening. The stones move and there is a seismic shock. This is taken as a message to the viewer, who immediately understands the existence of other Trolls.

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