Thor: Love and Thunder: The Long List Of All Cameos! What Characters Appear In Thor 4?

Marvel Studios returns to the cinema and Thor: Love and Thunder is already in theaters, the fourth solo film of the God of Thunder and the first to have more than three productions in the Marvel Universe. And it is that on the return of Chris Hemsworth, whose last appearance was in Avengers: Endgame when he left for outer space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Natalie Portman also returned in glory and majesty as Jane Foster.

But the talented actress did not return only as the remembered scientist from the first two Thor movies, but in her new role as Mighty Thor as announced both in the promotion and in the trailers. In addition to Hemsworth and Portman, the return of Tessa Thompson as Valkyria and Taika Waititi in the direction of Thor 4 and also in the role of Korg was also announced.

Thor Love and Thunder

In addition, the renowned actor Christian Bale crossed the path to superhero movies as the villain Gorr, the Butcher of Gods in this film. But despite these characters who were already known to be in the movie, there are quite a few surprises in Thor: Love and Thunder, with returning characters, actors, and a host of cameos, some less noticeable than others.

What Are The Cameos And Characters That Appear In Thor: Love And Thunder?

Attention! Below are spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder. If you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want to find out, don’t read on.

Several characters have an appearance in Thor 4, some surprising and others unexpected, and that we detail below in order of appearance:

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The Guardians of the Galaxy: The Guardians had already been anticipated in the trailers, which made sense since they left with Thor at the end of Endgame. Here they reprise their roles at the beginning of the film: Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, Dave Bautista as Drax, Karen Gillian as Nebula, Pom Klementieff as Mantis, and Vin Diesel with Bradley Cooper as the voices of Groot and Rocket, respectively. But another Guardian appears, since Kraglin is with them, played by Sean Gunn (director James Gunn’s brother) and who had not appeared since Guardians of the Galaxy 2, where he kept Yondu’s powers.

Darcy: The first cameo is that of Jane Foster’s friend, Darcy. Portrayed by actress Kat Dennings, who appeared in the first two Thors and also had a part in the recent Disney+ series, Wandavision.

Erik Selvig: This character hasn’t appeared in many years, since Avengers: Age of Ultron. Dr. Selvig (Stellan Skarsgård), a friend of Thor’s who worked alongside Jane, had a brief video call appearance with Foster as he searches for a way to cure his cancer.

Actors played by Melissa McCarthy, Matt Damon, Sam Neill, and Luke Hemsworth: In a new stage play much like Thor: Ragnarok, we have Damon back playing an actor who plays Loki and Chris Hemsworth’s brother, Luke, as an actor who plays the God of Thunder. But also, this time Melissa McCarthy joins the play, who acts as Hela, their sister in Thor 3 and who was played by Cate Blanchett. Also, Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) acts again as the one who plays Odin. And finally and almost imperceptibly, Ben Falcone appears as the director of the play, he is the husband of McCarthy, who directs and acts in comedies in real life.

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Daryl: This was an entertaining if inconspicuous surprise. And it is that as a citizen of Asgard Daryl appeared, a character invented in some Marvel Studios shorts where he teams up with Thor while Civil War is taking place. Although these short films were meant as a joke and did not represent a true story of the MCU, the actor who played this ordinary human made his debut in this film.

Lady Sif: Undoubtedly one of the most appreciated cameos by fans, since after not participating in Marvel movies after Thor: Dark World, and having only one cameo in the Loki series, actress Jaimie Alexander returned to play Lady Sif, being one of Gorr’s victims but managed to be saved by Thor and taken to New Asgard.

Zeus: This character had already been advanced in the trailers since Russel Crowe debuted in Marvel as the God, who faces Thor and is of great importance in the first post-credit scene.

Celestials: Although they only appeared for a few seconds in the palace of Zeus when Thor, Valkyria, Mighty Thor and Korg escape, two Celestials are seen in the distance looking at this scene, very powerful characters that we fully met in the Eternals movie.

Heimdall’s son: One of the surprises of the film was learning that Heimdall, a character played by Idris Elba in the Thor movies and who died in Infinity War, had had a son. This young man inherits the powers of his father and is key in the final fight against Gorr.

Hercules: The big surprise of the first post-credit scene is the God Hercules, who makes his debut at the UCM in a scene that promises not only the future of this character, played by Brett Goldstein but also how he will face Thor in the future.

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Heimdall: And the last big cameo was Heimdall, returning to the role of Idris Elba. In the second post-credit scene, the character receives Jane Foster in Valhalla, telling them what happened to him after he died at the hands of Thanos.

Bonus Track:

Elsa Pataky and her children Tristan and Sasha: A nice cameo was the one that Chris Hemsworth’s family had, since his wife Elsa, also an actress and remembered in her role as Elena in Fast and Furious, appears as a wolf girlfriend that Thor had.

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