Thor: Love and Thunder Review: A Classic Thor Adventure! That Surprised All Thor Lovers

Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale

Director: Taika Waititi Ratings: 3.5/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Thor: Love and Thunder movie is all set to arrive in cinemas on July 7th, 2022 worldwide. Five years have passed since the previous solo film of the god of thunder starring Chris Hemsworth and things, during this time, have happened in the MCU. Purely dramatic things, which have probably thrown an excessive veil of complexity and seriousness on the universe dedicated to the superheroes most loved by the old and above all by the new generations. After the events of Avengers: Endgame, this atmosphere of anguish and pain was also maintained on the small screen, just see WandaVision, but also in cinematographic works such as the recent Doctor Strange 2 – In the multiverse of Madness, with the public who found themselves saying goodbye to some of the most beloved protagonists. At this point, a swerve was necessarily needed that could somehow put the entire Marvel caravan back on much more cheerful and hilarious tracks. And what better match, to achieve this goal, could Kevin Feige and his companions rely on if not the one composed by Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi?

Thor Love and Thunder Review

They are in fact, respectively as lead actor and director/co-writer, to guide Thor: Love and Thunder, a film that allows Hemsworth to become the first Marvel hero to enjoy four solo works, testifying to how much the public wants and needs to enjoy a character who faces epic feats and ruthless villains but without necessarily giving up a good dose of laughter to distract you at least for a couple of hours from the drama that characterizes everyday reality. In Waititi’s film of laughter, there is not only a good dose but an intoxicating quantity, which facilitates the vision and enjoyment of the public as has not happened for some time with Marvel works. We know the irony of Waititi well: we saw it in the acclaimed Jojo Rabbit but also in the previous film focused on Thor, or Ragnarok which convinced everyone a bit, but which nevertheless represented just an appetizer of what the New Zealand director has managed to develop over the last 5 years.

Thor: Love and Thunder Review: The Story

In Thor: Love and Thunder we find Chris Hemsworth but also Tessa Thompson in the role of Valkyrie, called to fill the prestigious role of king of New Asgard. Waititi himself lends his voice to Korg, who is also back, and there is a hilarious sequence in which Thor shares the screen with the Guardians of the Galaxy, another group of heroes capable of raising the level of general fun of the MCU. And if already these returns would probably have been enough to attract the interest of fans, the general hype could only grow out of all proportion when it was discovered the debut on the screen of two absolute new entries: first of all Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) whom we haven’t seen in nearly ten years (Thor: The Dark World, 2013) and who becomes the protagonist of a comeback in grand style as Mighty Thor, a heroine for whom one can only feel love and veneration from the very first shot with her costume and Mjolnir in hand.

She is no longer the helpless damsel of the first two Thor films but, despite her power and her highly respectable physicality, she wants to take the field to protect herself from all evils, that these take the form of a “human” villain or a disease that devours it from within. Here, the “human” villain is instead the second new entry, the absolute one, which raises the level of the entire film: it is Gorr, the butcher of gods who is brought to the big screen by Christian Bale, an actor who needs no introduction and who also in this case, in an unusual context, gives the audience a performance that will remain in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And this is not only for the aesthetics of the character, of undoubted immediate impact but also for the nuances that emerge from the first scene and that become more and more complex throughout the film.

Thor: Love and Thunder Review And Analysis

The film has a narrative style that emphasizes the director’s unique, flashy, and fast 80s style, but still has a super-Marvel vibe. With the movie’s time limit the events of the story are thus told in a condensed manner, both in the main plot and in a humorous way. Until sometimes it’s still a part that is both a plus point that it’s funny, but other than that, it makes the overall picture look like a floating story that doesn’t have as serious as it should be like other Marvel movies until We might enjoy but it doesn’t make us help as much as we should. But even so, the movie is so passionate and emotional that it brings tears to your eyes from start to finish. Personally, though, some of the characters that came out didn’t serve to strengthen the storyline. And it’s not worth using at all.

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The script in the story is quite simple it can be called finished. This is where Marvel fans begin to touch and get bored with it. A movie that knows that in phase 4 can’t just create the universe, therefore, focusing on creating a unique story of its own but it doesn’t leave behind what the three previous films told fans and some that weren’t told in the movies. was told to the full in this section This makes the overall picture of the film the strongest among all Thor films. But you don’t have to watch every MCU story, you can just watch it and you’ll be hooked. which is a good thing for those who do not want to follow because you must watch many movies multi-episode series This is all worrying.

The main character is outstanding and interesting. Thor, from a comedic protagonist, slaps a joke, dares to become a cool and powerful person, and has evolved from being a cunning god emphasizing releasing energy. to become a traumatized god There is a problem in his heart that prevents him from going anywhere. But still do everything to protect people. and does not leave a reason to understand even the enemy’s actions the character Thor quite makes us love and support him more. Especially the last episode that opened the way for this character to go further than even expected.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Jane Foster from a character who can hardly do anything to save Thor. besides being arrested or a lover This return was written for her to the fullest. Both in drama, comedy, and cool angles, cool action. that we have never seen before and are connected to current events I believe that everyone will love this character very much after watching it. Gore, a character to be called a villain, would not be assertive, because there are so many reasons for his mistreatment of despair and questioning his faith in God that drives him to do unacceptable things. Even here, there isn’t much to tell. apart from the first but it also makes this villain a memorable character in the MCU that, aside from drama, doesn’t have much to admire.

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Valkyrie is a lesbian character who sides with Thor in battle. until becoming the king of a new city representing working women trying to rule the country with strength and a future while the whole world still rules like a government, But Valkyrie is someone who does everything without boundaries. But she has a knot in her heart that is strong enough to go along with the main plot. She also supported everyone in their mission to protect the gods. Unfortunately, her role was lost during the climax. To make way for more drama of the characters at the end of the story

The scene thief of the movie Cork is the stone man who made his debut in the previous film. This time, he also had some funny jokes to suppress the serious mood so that the tone would not look too smooth. but still harmonious Although the jokes aren’t as sharp as in the previous films and surprise viewers later, this character will become another memorable character in the MCU. The most disappointing was Zeus, the god of thunder. origin of the name of the region possessing miraculous weapons but has a glue personality such as being cowardly, irritating and using only self-ruling power It’s a pity that this chapter seems more like it’s here to pave the story for the future. Because overall, it’s more like being a comedian than being an important character. Think of the Grandmaster episode in Ragnarok, where it’s more like a joke. before being featured in later films

The issue of this Emphasis is placed on a love that is more powerful than the universe and the gods. Through various characters, including Thor, who used to be in love with happiness, but had to protect the world He forgot to find his true self. Until the day when he lost everything: family, friends and love, he drowned in sorrow. live a greedy life Even an old love like Jane Foster has a reason to come back. The couple met again She, too, has a knot in her heart with Thor’s love. and determination enough to protect each other to the very end.

Thor Love and Thunder Movie

same as Gore A god-slayer who lost something important in his life. because of the meaningless belief Pushing him to sink into hatred and hatred until it slowly devoured everything in his heart, hurting people, hurting gods, for his own goal of wiping out some gods. and they learned to open Learn to accept and let go, even if they end up losing or losing. But love will be in their hearts forever. beyond death beyond time Which is a strong theme and fits the story of this part so full that it’s applauded. The distinctiveness of the movie is Visual works that play with flashy colors and styles. It’s like a rainbow splash in and the black and white scenes are told in a story that’s like an old movie homage or even a Marvel comic book tone. Combined with ’80- ‘90s rock soundtrack music that hits every scene. Some scenes come lightly; some scenes come as fast as a lightning strike. The fight scenes with these songs make the movie incredibly cool, much like Guardians of the Galaxy uses music to convey the story and the action.

As for the cast, Chris Hemsworth is a well-known Thor. but with more emotion than just comedy, there is also drama, romance, as well as the strength of the characters that emphasize the charm for the audience to understand the meaning of the god of thunder. But it wasn’t a significant role. It’s just the role he’s been playing all the time until he’s blended into himself. But he did the job perfectly. Like someone who grows up with a character and makes us love with all our hearts, Natalie Portman is an award-winning actress who showcases both dramatic and emotional. and the strength that comes out perfectly Her acting is what brought many people to tears the most in the film. Her character is the indispensable heart. Especially in the last climax scene where she played so little but so much that she was nominated for an Oscar.

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All the while, a big thumbs up to Christian Bale, the actor who’s done his best in every role since Batman. until the Marvel movie which he has shown that even a villain that doesn’t have any superpowers like Gore. It turned out to be terrifying and eerie. But it also makes us cry. Unfortunately, the movie didn’t use as much of the character’s potential as it should, as many critics say, it’s memorable, but not enough to be the best villain. But I think it’s better than Hela. It stands out in terms of crushing character knots better than the last part. With such a short timeline and succinctness, we were able to see the character’s fate so quickly that we thought if we had the chance, we’d love to see him in more Marvel movies.

Thor Love and Thunder Jane and Thor

Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie doesn’t matter much. In addition to the role of a friend of the protagonist but what’s interesting is the freedom that this character can go in so many ways, both slapstick and dramatic, because she’s also good at acting in tragic roles. Especially when she had to face Gore. She wasn’t overwhelmed by Christian Blake, but it was a pity that her role didn’t do much in the story.

Taiga Waititi who plays the role of a stone man with a CG slapped on a pearl, was able to naturally perform the same role. It shows that this director has a very bright future ahead of him. While Russell Crowe had no role at all. besides being a clown and it’s long gone It’s more like paved the way for a story in the universe. make feel taiga Took him to play because it was strange to see the god of thunder in glue, which annoyed us.

Marvel movies have a sense of comedy mixed with drama that is both funny, dramatic and exciting, but because the movie is too short. The movie doesn’t give much space for acting and characters. The plot seems so light that it’s secretly fast-paced. But the conclusion made the path of this thunder god filled with love and memories. But there’s still a long way to go for Marvel that may not be torn apart. But it’s probably going to be a way we’ll continue to look at it for a very long time because there are still a lot of things on the Marvel gods side that fans don’t yet know.

Thor: Love and Thunder Review: The Last Words

The epic new start of the 80’s Thunder Gods mixes the flavors of Marvel over two almost perfect hours. The plot is a bit simple. But don’t be afraid to not understand Because the movie is not connected to anything much other than the previous movie, pulling out the dimensions and knots of the characters and crushing them until tears flow. from start to finish Some characters are not worth much use. and came to pave the future story Became the writer’s best Thor movie, drama, romance, and comedy that is mellow and intense.

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