The Woman In The House: What Is Ombrophobia Explained! Is It A Real Disease?

Ombrophobia And Pluviophobia, The Differences In the series The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, the protagonist Anna declares that she suffers from ombrophobia: but what is it really? Is it a real disease? Let's find out together.

In the Netflix series The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, Kristen Bell plays a grieving woman suffering from ombrophobia – but what exactly is this fear? Is it a real disease? The dark comedy thriller centers on Anna, a painter addicted to alcohol and pills that cause her to hallucinate. One evening he thinks he saw the murder of his neighbor: is that really so? The season finale left the door open for a possible sequel, also explaining Anna’s irrational fear. Let’s find out what ombrophobia is and why the protagonist suffers from it.

The Woman In The House

The Woman In The House: What Is Ombrophobia? When Did Anna Start To Suffer From It

In the series we are told that the character played by Kristen Bell is afraid of rain, a condition she calls ombrophobia. According to the Treccani dictionary, the term is rather attributed in the field of botany to ombrophobic plants, that is, they do not tolerate rainy areas. In psychology, however, the word is associated with the persistent fear of rain and thunderstorms.

Anna spends her days sitting inside the house observing her neighbors because she fears that a downpour might surprise her while she is in the street. In fact, in contact with the rain, the woman faints and is unable to get up, almost pressed by an invisible force that prevents her from moving.

Anna began to suffer from it the day her daughter died. In an episode of the series, it is told how on that fateful day she convinced her husband Douglas to be accompanied by their daughter Elizabeth to work. The man is a criminal psychiatrist and was supposed to examine a dangerous cannibal serial killer. By a stupid mistake, Douglas left the girl alone with the killer, who killed her. Anna then associates the rain with the trauma of Elizabeth’s death, as she was unwittingly saying goodbye to her as she greeted her before going to work with her father.

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Ombrophobia And Pluviophobia, The Differences

Omrophobia is a very real condition and falls into the category of fears concerning the surrounding environment, including lilapsophobia (fear of hurricanes) and cryophobia (fear of cold).

Unlike pluviophobia, which may seem similar (pluvius in Latin means rainy, therefore fear of rain), shade phobia has a different meaning and develops from the negative effects of thunderstorms, such as thunder and lightning. Anna is not afraid of thunder and lightning, but nevertheless she associates the rain with a negative event in her life , which is the day she last saw Elizabeth alive.

In the season finale, the woman still manages to overcome her fear and therefore her trauma when, with courage and firmness, she gets up from the street while it was raining this is because she suspects that Buell is about to kill Emma, ​​and she cannot relive another tragic event. In this case, Anna not only manages to overcome the mourning for the death of her daughter, but also her ombrophobia.

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