The Witcher Season 2 Ending Explained: Who Is Emperor Emhyr Var Emreis, The White Flame?
The Witcher Season 2 is available to stream on Netflix! Netflix series The Witcher has ended and it is without a doubt one of the best fantasy series of recent times. Before the last edit started, we knew the plot would focus on Ciri’s future and how Geralt can help her find the truth about herself. Over the course of the eight episodes, the characters went through many hardships before the ultimate showdown and when the time for the final war arrived, the series did not disappoint.
At the end of Episode 7, we saw Yennefer taking Ciri to the Wicked Witch’s house, but Ciri got wind of her intentions and said she couldn’t trust him. Her voice caused a large crack in the floor and also cracked Cintra’s exterior walls. Cintra’s warriors came looking for them, but Geralt arrived in time and ended the threat. However, he didn’t let Yennefer stay with Ciri and sent her away. But the demon followed her and possessed her. So, Siri was possessed by the demonic witch. If you have any questions regarding the ending of Season 2 of The Witcher , we ‘ve got it covered !
The Witcher Season 2 Ending Explained
Season 2 of The Witcher has come to an end ending what was so uphill for some viewers, the geographical and chronological separation of its three main protagonists (four even, if we count Dandelion). It all started with Geralt trying to protect Ciri in Kaer Morhen as he gradually discovered that his daughter of surprise had a power beyond his comprehension and his lonely help. Ciri has an extraordinary and uncontrolled magical power, and also a surname with enormous political weight. It is a bomb that the entire Continent wants to possess, and among them there is only Geralt to protect it. Well and finally Yennefer.
To understand the outcome of the season we must start from the moment in which the sorceresses Fringilla, Yennefer and Francesca meet the immortal Mother, the last known demon and whom the sorcerers managed to lock up in the forest. Feeding on the pain of others to escape, the demon sets a trap for its three powerful listeners. Fringilla will see how power escapes him, and his first friendship, in decades; Francesca as her newborn baby dies; and Yennefer will betray her love, and the one who could be the daughter they both want, to regain her magic.
After a few disappointments from Ciri and Francesca’s grief over the death of her baby, Voleth Meir is released, taking Ciri’s body on his way to Kaer Morhen. If things had turned bad for the witches after the arrival of Ciri, the end of the season shows us a massacre that leaves very few on their feet. While Ciri is buried in an idyllic fantasy with her family, Geralt asks her to accept reality as Morpheus in the Matrix. But nothing works until Yennefer decides to sacrifice herself for Ciri, since the demon cannot exist in this world without a container. The demon enters Ciri and it is that sacrifice, and not the betrayal, that makes Yennefer’s soul regain the chaos that left it. After decades of fleeing loneliness, searching for a daughter, it is Yennefer’s mother’s worthy sacrifice for Ciri that restores power to the most powerful sorceress on the Continent.
Ciri, who does not handle chaos like a sorceress or a sorcerer, but is capable of communicating with other spheres (planets or worlds so that we can understand each other better), takes the demon to its sphere of origin, where it can flee and take its true form. Shortly before Ciri manages to return back to the continent together with Yennefer and Geralt, we see Voleth Meir join with the leader of the Wild Hunt, a true bogeyman of this world that we will not say more about in order not to anticipate future events of the history. Only, although Ciri has infinite pursuers, this is the most fearsome of all. Remember that Ciri has shown that she can move between worlds, between spheres, and that would allow inconceivable evils such as the Wild Hunt to travel the Continent and other multiple worlds at will, devastating.
Although, if fulfilled, this legend is similar to the end of the world, the apocalypse, the elves see it as their only hope to recover their world from humans, beasts and other enemies. Nor can we forget Vizimir and his great advisers, Sigismund Dijkstra and the sorceress who transforms into an owl, Philippa Eilhart. Both continue their political machinations in search of Ciri. We also expect more trouble from Rience, the fire mage, his employing sorceress (who has not yet come forward and therefore we are keeping her name silent) and his mysterious contractor. The search for Ciri has left them with a deformed face, but their desire seems even more fired.
The season 2 of The Witcher was devoted to the princess Ciri and how it acquires the powers that have been released in Season 1. The capabilities of Ciri made her a target of Nilfgaard, but the end of the season 2 also saw the Voleith Meir possess her in order to create chaos and unleash new monsters on the Continent. The Princess is in possession of Elder Blood, which means she is related to the Elves and has access to her own magic. As first seen in Season 1, her abilities include a primal scream that can topple monoliths, the giant structures that connect the Continent with other spheres, and this power is harnessed by the Voleith Meir in the finale. from season 2.
Fortunately, thanks to the advice of Geralt and Yennefer who allows herself to become the receptacle of the creature, Ciri manages to free herself from the grip of the Deathless Mother and send her back to the world she came from.
The three protagonists soon return to their old world, and Yennefer discovers that she has regained access to Chaos. Geralt and Yennefer cannot have children because of the procedures they had to undergo to become wizards and witches. But now, with Ciri, they can start a family. As it seems that the whole world is looking for the girl, the three of them decide to run away together.
Who Is Emperor Emhyr Var Emreis, The White Flame?
In Season 1, Geralt helped Ciri’s mother and father break a curse that made her appear like a beast. At the time, he was called Duny, Urcheon of Erlenwald, but season 2 revealed that he was, in fact, the leader of the Nilfgaard. This explains why the Empire is so determined to find Ciri and was already aware of her abilities even before she was.
An aggressive ruler in the novels, Emhyr makes war on the northern kingdoms and later becomes the King of Cintra as well as the Emperor of Nilfgaard. At the end of Season 2, the character’s cruelty shines through when he demands that Fringilla and Cahir be taken away after believing that they would no longer be able to help him on his mission for Nilfgaard.
The season finale of The Witcher 2 ended with the introduction of the Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, the White Flame, the leader of Nilfgaard which had been spoken but we had never seen before that time. In a huge twist, it was revealed that Emhyr is actually Ciri’s father who was presumed dead alongside the girl’s mother, Pavetta.