The Wheel of Time: What is The Dragon Reborn? Who is the Dark One?And Why See It?

The wheel of Time like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, is based on a saga of books full of magic, mystery and prophecies, the story takes place in a mysterious land where magic exists, but only women can control it, and where a prophecy states that a “Dragon Reborn” will have the power to save humanity or destroy it in the process. There are many series with similar themes and styles streaming, such as Shadow & Bone, The Witcher and the upcoming Lord of the Rings and House of the Dragon series but interest in these types of stories has not diminished and The Wheel of Time. It promised, before its premiere, that it could be the best of all.

The Wheel Of Time

Starring Rosamud Pike (among other actors and characters), the series follows Moiraine who belongs to the Aes Sedai (women who use magic), who must travel all over the Earth in search of the person who is spoken of in the prophecies, which leads her to cross paths with several teenagers who play an important role in all this, and among them could be that same figure that she is looking for.

Why Watch It, Is It As Good As Game of Thrones?

The first thing to know is that this story does not exactly take place in the past, but rather is about a world that was rebuilt after a destructive and apocalyptic event. The problem is that there was a lot of darkness left everywhere and that could end up consuming them all. The protagonist is a kind of warrior witch who travels with a samurai-style guard that protects her, and they are the ones who are recruiting the people who believe they could be this Dragon of Prophecies, which leads to the beginning of the adventure.

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The Wheel of Time is a great production, this is reflected in the costumes, settings and in the fact that they have Rosamund Pike as Moiraine , and everything is built with fantasy elements that, although they are interesting and very entertaining, are also relatives.

There’s magic, CGI and big monsters, although people are the real dangers, but it’s definitely not Game of Thrones and it’s not the best fantasy series out there either. It’s not bad and actually leaves you wanting to see more (it has a good dose of intrigue), but it gives us the impression that something is missing. It is certainly a good series to see in what you await the arrival of Lord of the Rings, which could be the one that finally fulfills the promise of being the best in fantasy themes. The most interesting thing is the world in which the series takes place, the political and social dynamics and the touches of magic. Only 3 chapters have been released, so everything could improve.

What is The Dragon Reborn?

Moiraine is looking for a Dragon Reborn, who is not exactly a dragon, but a person who is mentioned in the prophecies. History tells us that Rand, Mat and Perrin, recruited by Moiraine are ta’veren so they have the ability (although they don’t know it) to influence or affect the Lattice of an Age changing, which is like the timeline. pleases in Marvel and that it connects with the wheel of time, which refers to the cycles of life that, after a complete turn, lead to reincarnation, which allows the Reborn Dragon to appear again in the world. The Dragon Reborn must fight the Dark One in the Final Battle to save humanity.

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This Is What The Prophecy Says:

And it will come to pass that what men have built will be shattered and the Shadow will hover over the Lattice of Ages, and the Dark One will again lay down his hand on the human world. Women will sob and men will be reluctant when the earth rips apart like worn cloth. Nothing will stand and nothing will last … But there will be one who will be born to face the Shadow, he will be born as he was born before and will be born again, in the course of infinite time. The Dragon will be reborn. With sackcloth and ashes he will clothe the people and with his coming the world will dismember once again and he will break all ties and ties. It will be the Dragon Reborn who fights the Shadow in the Last Battle and it will be his blood that will bring us the Light.

Who is The Dark One?

The Dark One is the great villain in this story, although it is not the only danger that Moiraine faces. It is explained in this way.

“The Dark One is a primordial, sentient, cosmic force of evil in the universe. His goal is to break the spirits and hearts of any sentient being he can influence and, if released from his prison, eventually remake Creation in his own image. He is also a force of chaos, destruction and discord, as many of his followers, as well as Shaidar Haran they put a lot of emphasis on increasing the amount of chaos in the world at any one time. Their existence is revealed to be an integral part of human free will, as their influence leads humanity to make selfish choices. If destroyed, humans would possibly become completely incapable of committing evil, violence, or selfishness in any respect. It is said that he was imprisoned by the Creator at the beginning of time in a separate dimension outside of normal reality and outside of the pattern, and since then he has sought to break free from his prison and destroy the Wheel of Time and remake reality.

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At the beginning of the story he is imprisoned, but he begins to free himself and that is what leads the Aes Sedai to want to find the reincarnation of the dragon.

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