The Wheel of Time: The Powers Of The Aes Sedai Moiraine 7 Powers Explained

The Wheel of Time tells of Aes Sedai Moiraine, who controls the elements and is in search of the Dragon Reborn. Set in a magical world and based on the novel saga of the same name, the Amazon series shows us some of its most beautiful powers.

Created by Rafe JudkinsThe Wheel of Time is the series Amazon Studios based on the homonymous saga of fantasy novels written by Robert Jordan. The series is set in a world where magic is something rare, and the prerogative of only a few people. Among these is Moiraine Damodred (Rosamund Pike) who belongs to the Aes Sedai organization of the Ajah Azzurra.

The Wheel of Time

The story begins when, together with her inseparable Keeper al’Lan Mandragoran (Daniel Henney) the woman travels to the Twin Rivers in the village of Emond’s Field, where she recruits boys including the reincarnation of the Dragon Reborn she is looking for. a lot of time.

Determined and strong, Moiraine displays several of her abilities in The Wheel of Time, starting with the attack of the Trollocs. Some people – as Moiraine herself explains – can tap into the True Source and channel the One Power, that is, that magical energy that makes the Universe move and that allows the Wheel of Time to turn. The channeled energy must be intertwined so that it can then effectively act on reality. We discover, therefore, all the powers of Moiraine in The Wheel of Time.

  1. Healing
  2. The Lightning
  3. Climate Control
  4. The Wind
  5. The Water
  6. The Earth
  7. Fire Ball



Perhaps the most useful power Moiraine possesses is that of Healing (a power we all dream of having). Thanks to this ability, Aes Sedai can immediately heal wounds, restore strength and remove fatigue from people and animals.

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Unfortunately, however, it is a power that can only be used on others – which causes a great waste of energy to those who use it – and from which Moiraine cannot benefit personally (which we can understand in the first episodes of La Ruota weather). To use Healing, as Aes Sedai you need to weave the streams of Water, Air and Spirit.

The Lightning

One of the highlights of the fight between Moiraine and the Trollocs is when the Aes Sedai throws lightning from the sky. This type of magic is created by intertwining streams of Fire and Air. Again, this is a relatively easy weave for an Aes Sedai. Most Aes Sedai learn how to cast Lightning early in their training.

Climate Control

In the Wheel of Time books, the ability to control the climate is known as making the clouds dance. Power possessed by some Aes Sedai, it is however managed very well by Moiraine: the latter is, in fact, the most skilled of the Aes Sedai to control it. Moiraine is capable of generating atmospheric events such as snow, rain and fog.

The Wind

Like most of the more powerful channelers, Moiraine possesses a natural predisposition for Air- related abilities an element that Aes Sedai handles successfully. By weaving streams of Air, with Making the Clouds Dance Moiraine manages to manipulate the Wind, evoking very strong gusts.

We have the opportunity to admire this power, once again, during the fight against the Trollocs, who are thus killed. Due to the manipulation of the Wind, Moiraine causes the collapse of an inn, using pieces of the wall as weapons against the Trollocs and consequently damaging the structure from the foundations. In one scene, Aes Sedai also rescues both Egwene al’Vere (Madeleine Madden) and Nynaeve al’Meara (Zoë Robins) using Air to cut a Trolloc in two.

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The Water

We see Moiraine using the Water not during the battle with the Trollocs in the first episode of the first season of The Wheel of Time, but in the episode 1×02 Shadow’s Waiting. The moment in which the woman “plays” with the water is when she, her Keeper and the others are forced to run across the river, just to escape the Trollocs who are about to reach them.

Having reached the other side of the river with the group, Moiraine manipulates the element in question – with the texture Create Whirlpools in the Water – to create an important vortex that sucks the ferry, thus preventing the army from reaching them.

The Earth

Moiraine is also very skilled in the manipulation of the Earth in which men are usually more talented. In the Two Rivers, to defend the population, the Aes Sedai telepathically raises large pieces of rock and earth to hurl them at the Trollocs.

One of Moiraine’s potential powers is also to create a real earthquake: weaving is called Making the Earth Sing.

Fire Ball

Moiraine manages to create Fire Ball channeling the flow of Fire of the One Power. Once created, the woman can hurl these powerful fireballs at her opponents. In episode 1×01 Leavetaking , Moiraine successfully uses them against the Trollocs.

In this regard, during the battle, Moiraine could have resorted to the ability that, in the books of The Wheel of Time, is known as Evil Fire it is, in fact, a sort of stronger version of Fire and is considered a weaving extremely dangerous and, for this reason, prohibited. Highly destructive, the Evil Fire ability can damage the very fabric of reality.

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As Moiraine is a very powerful channeler, she can handle many streams at a time. Its powers, however, do not end there: the Aes Sedai can – among other things – improve one’s hearing, amplify one’s voice and create illusions.

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