The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 4 Ending Explained: What Does Rand Discover in Rhuidean?
The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 4, takes us to Aiel Waste, focusing entirely on Rand and Moiraine. In this chapter, Rand searches for answers about his identity and destiny, while Moiraine tries to help him without losing his mission of sight. The key to the episode is their visit to Rhuidean, a desert-hidden city that holds ancient secrets and where both will have to face visions of their past and future. It is a chapter loaded with information and revelations that define the fate of the characters and the coming conflict.

The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 4 Ending Explained: What Does Rand Discover in Rhuidean?
Rand undergoes the Rhuidean test, a brutal experience that forces him to relive the memories of his ancestors. As he advances, he becomes a different man of his lineage, witnessing how the Aiel went from being pacifists to becoming fierce warriors. Among his most striking visions, he discovers that his father, Janduin, was the one who led the war against Cairhien after his king cut down the tree of life, Avendesora, which symbolized peace between peoples. It also witnesses the moment when Meirin Sedai, who would later become Lanfear, causes the world to break by opening access to the Dark Power. The climax of the test comes when Rand wakes up on the floor of Rhuidean with both hands marked by the symbol of the Dragon. This confirms that he is the Car’a’carn, the leader destined to guide the Aiel, although he still does not fully understand what it means.
Moiraine’s Visions: Is She Destined to Die?
As Rand relives the past, Moiraine goes through her test, facing endless visions of her future. In each, he dies at the hands of Lanfear, either with his throat cut or being betrayed by those he trusts. He also sees how his bond with Lan breaks and how he ends up teaming up with Rand. One of the most disturbing scenes shows Moiraine in an infinite cycle of defeats and deaths, no matter what she does. This suggests that fate has an inevitable death in store for him unless he manages to change the course of events.
Why Are Rand and Moiraine the Only Ones Entering Rhuidean?
Only certain Aiel can enter Rhuidean, and anyone else who enters faces an uncertain destination. So Egwene does not receive permission, while Rand and Moiraine do. The city is protected by powerful artifacts known as Ter’angreal, which allow access to visions of the past and the future. The reason Rand must enter is clear: discover his lineage and accept his role as leader of the Aiel. As for Moiraine, her mission is not entirely clear, but it seems to be related to the Sa’Angreal she finds in the city, an object of great power that could change the course of history.
What Does the Return of Rand and Moiraine Mean?
After seven days inside Rhuidean, Rand returns with the Dragon symbol in both hands, confirming his fate. Moiraine also comes out alive, albeit exhausted and on the verge of death. Egwene and Lan receive them, but it is clear that both have changed forever. The episode leaves many questions open: What will Rand do now that he has seen the history of his people? Can Moiraine avoid the fate her visions have shown? Most importantly, what will the fact that Moiraine obtained Sa’Angreal before Lanfear mean for the future of the Shadow fight?