The Wheel of Time Season 1: Ending Explained! Where is Rand Going? Spoilers!

What's In The Briefcase That Padan Fain Stole? How Does Nynaeve Come Back From Death?

The Wheel of Time Season 1 is available on Amazon Prime Video! The series is based on a fantasy novel written by Robert Jordan. The Wheel of Time finale began where the seventh episode left off. Moiraine and Rand’al have embarked on a journey to end the Dark One. They cross a dense jungle to reach their destination. During their journey, they are faced with many difficult situations that test them.

The Wheel of Time Season 1

On the other hand, all the other members of the team are in Malkier and try to find out where Moiraine and Rand’al are. They are far from suspecting that something even more dangerous awaits them. The war between good and evil has begun and now it’s up to the team to defeat evil. Will they be able to do it? If you have any questions regarding The Wheel of Time Season 1 ending, read on!

The Wheel Of Time Season 1 Ending Explained

As Rand and Moiraine finally cross the Scourge and enter the Eye of the World, Rand begins to have visions of the Dark One, who appears in human form. He tries to convince him to side with him. Rand, however, refuses and channels his powers for the first time using a Sa’angreal given to him by Moiraine, banishing the Dark One.

Safe for now, Rand asks Moiraine to tell the others that he died at the Eye of the World and leaves. Lan soon arrives and finds Moiraine, weak and breathless. She tells her guardian that Rand is gone and that she no longer feels the connection to the One Power after the Dark One cuts it off.

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The Wheel of Time

This is a truly unfortunate situation for Moiraine, as it is said that a break with the One Power after channeling magic can cause insanity, which would be a dark fate for this crucial character. Speaking of dark fate, we also catch a glimpse of Mat where he stole the dagger. It seems that the Dark One has gotten the better of him. At the end of Season 1 of The Wheel of Time , we are then shown an unidentified beach, which is attacked by a crowd of ships carrying magic channels.

The end of Season 1 sees Rand decide to separate from the group and ask Moiraine to tell the others that he is dead as he is already starting to feel the insanity. So, for the safety of Egwene and his friends, Rand decides to go alone and try to harness his powers and defeat the Dark One.

What’s In The Briefcase That Padan Fain Stole?

During the attack on the walled city of Shienar, Padan Fain takes advantage of the distraction caused by the Trollocs to sneak into the castle through a hidden passage. He is accompanied by two Fades, who relentlessly slaughter anyone who gets in their way. He eventually arrives in the throne room, where the king’s guards are searching Valère’s horn. Earlier it was mentioned that the horn is a powerful artifact intended for use by the Dragon Reborn to call for help against the Dark One. The horn is therefore a powerful ally of the Light, and one of the tools that can be used to defeat the Dark One. However, it remains to be seen what use will be made of the horn, or if it will be salvaged and end up in Rand’s hands.

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How Does Nynaeve Come Back From Death?

While not shown, it looks like Nynaeve is the only one recovering from her injuries. Interestingly, the only other time someone is apparently brought back to life after serious injuries, Nynaeve is also involved.

It has also been suggested several times that she is the most powerful channel of amateur magic for a thousand years. Thus, either Nynaeve heals herself from the devastating effects of the magical power, however it is normally impossible for the chandlers to be able to heal themselves. It therefore seems more likely that Egwene will help Nynaeve to recover and to live.

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