The Wheel of Time Episode 4 Ending Explained: Is Nyaeve The Reincarnated Dragon? How Many Ajah Are There?

How Many Ajah There Are In The Wheel Of Time! What Are The Colors Of Ajah That There Are And Their Roles!

The Wheel of Time is available on Amazon Prime Video! Here is the explanation of the end of Episode 4, read on! The series is based on a fantasy novel written by Robert Jordan. Moiraine joined his sisters who told him that they had captured a man named Logain who claims to be the Reincarnated Dragon. In episode 4 of The Wheel of Time, we see Logain captured by the Aes Sedais who observe him. He keeps his eyes closed as everyone waits for him to prove to them that he truly is the Reincarnated Dragon. Moiraine thinks he is lying while others think he has the characteristics.

The Wheel of Time Episode 4

The partisans or the army of Logain attack their camp to free their master and all those of the camp of Aes Sedai. On the other hand, Logain eventually opens his eyes and attacks two of the Aes Sedai sisters, Liandrin and Kerene, with his powers. To everyone’s surprise, he melts the cage he’s in, making everyone believe he could be the Reincarnated Dragon. Moiraine confronts Logain and asks him why she should believe he is the dragon. He replies that he hears sounds and that he can hear the ancient dragons telling him to be better. Moiraine says these voices are the voices of your madness. To discover the explanation of the end of episode 4 of The Wheel of Time, read on!

The Wheel Of Time Episode 4 Ending Explained 

At the end of Episode 4 of The Wheel of Time, Logain causes a huge explosion that fatally wounds almost all Aes Sedai, Lan bleeding profusely from the neck and Moiraine being impaled by a large spike. Nynaeve, in anger, then crouches down and begins to channel the energy that explodes within her with unimaginable force. As Logain watches, stunned, the rest of the injured Aes Sedai begin to fidget and open their eyes. Quickly regrouping, the sorceress sisters use their sons to incapacitate the murderous magician, and the episode ends with Logain finally overpowered by the multiple Aes Sedai surrounding him.

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Is Nynaeve Is A Dragon

After Logain fatally injures several members of the Aes Sedai, the sorceress sisters are convinced that he is too dangerous. So, as soon as Nynaeve heals them enough for them to channel the energy, Liandrin rallies the rest of her Aes Sedai sisters, and they wrest Logain’s abilities away from her. Thus, the man who claimed to be the Dragon probably no longer has any magical powers, which is described as a fate worse than death among magicka changers.

Is Nyaeve The Reincarnated Dragon?

There are many signs that Nynaeve is an exceptional magician, able to channel truly impressive amounts of magical energy. Earlier, when Logain threatens Moiraine by claiming to be the Reincarnated Dragon, she mocks him and tells him that he is just a burst of light compared to the blinding sun that is the real Dragon.

Although he doesn’t believe it at the moment, Moraine’s words actually come out of Logain’s mouth as he watches Nynaeve’s display of power. As we see at the start of the episode, Logain has the power to destroy entire cities on his own. The fact that he is now in awe of Nynaeve’s power strongly suggests that she could be the Dragon. However, since she is not yet 20, she does not match the prophecy. Therefore, Nynaeve is not the Reincarnated Dragon but is revealed to be an incredibly powerful practitioner of magic.

How Many Ajah Are There And What Are The Colors?

Although the Aes Sedai are essentially one organization, they are divided into different factions. The faction to which each Aes Sedai belongs is represented by the color of the clothes he wears. Each group differs from the rest in a fundamental way. The Aes Sedai, an all-female organization of women trained in the use of the One Power, is based in a place called the White Tower, which is located in the town of Tar Valon. In episode 4 of The Wheel of Time, Moiraine spoke about the divisions of the Aes Sedai and how they worked.

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How Many Ajah There

Each woman in the group belongs to a specific Ajah, which is distinguished by its color. After completing training at the White Tower, women can choose which Ajah they wish to join. This decision is based on their specialties with the One Power, their personal views and goals. The Wheel of Time has yet to feature all Ajahs, but some have representatives who have made appearances in the series before. As the series progresses, other Aes Sedai are sure to join the fray. Some might seek to help Moiraine and Lan, while others might prove to be obstacles. Their role in the story and their respective motivations will be revealed by the colors of their clothes. We tell you everything about the colors of the Ajah!

The Wheel of Time

The Women of the White Tower, holders of the One Power, are organized into seven sects, or Ajahs, each focusing on different goals and skills, and each represented by a color. There are 7 Ajah of different colors!

The first Aes Sedai we will meet in the series is an Ajah Bleue, Moiraine Damodred. His journey to an isolated village in search of the resurgent Dragon is characteristic of the Blues, who are dedicated to the pursuit of justice by getting directly involved in world affairs.

The green is known as the Ajah combat, but as it is forbidden for Aes Sedai use the Power as a weapon except in specific circumstances, this means above all that they expect the Last Battle in order to begin to fight.

The Aes Sedai have a particularly powerful method of healing anything from deadly wounds to simple ailments with the unique power. While most Aes Sedai can use this ability to some degree, the Yellow Ajah makes it their primary focus.

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The Red Ajah hunt down men who can channel and stop them, removing their power or killing them. While this work is seen as a necessary evil, the Reds still have a reputation for misandry.

The Aes Sedai of Brown Ajah focus on studying and gathering knowledge of all kinds. They are often seen as distracted, more interested in books than the real world.

The Ajah with the fewest members is Ajah Blanc. Known for being logical and impartial, Whites are dedicated to the study of philosophy and are rarely present outside of the White Tower.

The Gray Ajah are mediators, who seek peaceful resolutions between political leaders. They spend more time in the world than Whites and Bruns, but likely won’t feature much in the main plot of the series.

Unofficially, there is an eighth color of Aes Sedai. Calling themselves the Black Ajah, this group of Aes Sedai is made up of friends of darkness who have sworn to fight alongside the Dark One. Each member is officially linked to one of the seven Ajahs of the White Tower but has turned his back on his duties at some point in his life to serve the Dark One. However, they continue to wear the colors of other Ajahs in order to hide their true allegiances.

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