The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2: Ending Explanation, Post Credit Scene and Zombie Origin Explained!

The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2 is available to steam on Amazon Prime Video! After entertaining viewers for over a decade over 11 seasons, the original series The Walking Dead is about to end its historic run, with the second half of the final season slated for early 2022. World Beyond’s inaugural 10-episode season kicked off in October 2020 and introduced the fandom to a whole new corner of the universe. The series centers on a group of teenagers who spent their entire childhood living in the shadow of the zombie apocalypse.

The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2

The Season 2 of World Beyond came almost exactly a year after its predecessor, fleshing out this new set of characters and their story before any conclusion with episode 10, “The Last Light”. With that, Season 2 of The Walking Dead: World Beyond is officially over.

The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2 Ending Explained

At the end of Season 2 of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, every member of Team Endling found themselves in an interesting situation. Iris and Hope reunite with their father, and although he lost his arm to a Walker, Elton escapes the grip of the Civic Republic military. Sadly, Silas doesn’t have such a happy ending. He stays behind with Huck and Dennis to detonate the chemical weapons cache. They succeed, but Silas must kill a mortally wounded Dennis soon after to avoid being imprisoned by the Mission.

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Before Silas delivers the killing blow, Dennis gives him a crucial piece of advice: Play their game but don’t become one of them. Even if the new figurehead of the CRM, Jadis, sees clearly in its facade, it proposes to him to become its “special project”. To close World Beyond the public discovers that Silas is now a full member of the CRM, in the midst of basic training. Time will tell if he sticks to Dennis’ words of wisdom or lets the regime he now lives in corrupt his fragile, healing mind.

The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2 Post-Credits Scene Explained

Origin Of The Zombies

It’s the revelation that fans of The Walking Dead thought they’d never see happen. The post-credits scene for The Walking Dead: World Beyond set in a science lab that appears to have been abdicated for most of the outbreak. One of the facility’s former scientists returns and is still working on a solution to the zombie virus but is accosted by a survivor smoking a cigarette… who shockingly accuses the scientist and her colleagues of being responsible for it The Walking Dead epidemic.

The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 2 Ending Explained

The post-credits scene scientist says she’s hoping the remnants of those teams can still end the world’s plight. The man holding a gun behind his back replies, “End this?” You started … all the teams. Someone has scrawled “The Dead Are Born Here” in big letters on the wall. Before her death, the scientist told her killer, “They weren’t there when it happened… when you did what you did. So, while the biologists are accused by the French, the latter is accused by the biologists.

If we put everything together, this proves that the zombie contagion of The Walking Dead was created by the Primrose and Violet teams in this French biomedical center. But maybe the group of French people broke into the lab in an attempt to stop the experiments, and accidentally released a deadly human-made virus into the population, kicking off The Walking Dead as that we know him.

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The Situation Around The World

The scene post-credits of season 2 of The World Beyond gives the best insight to date in the global landscape of The Walking Dead. First of all, the French executive proves that Elizabeth was right: the virus has spread throughout the world.

The post-credits scene from Walking Dead: World Beyond also implies that France is not solely responsible for the zombie apocalypse. When asked where the Primrose team is, the scientist reveals that they were in Toledo, Ohio, “when it happened.” These comments could indicate that the virus was the result of collaboration between several countries.

Faster Zombies

Having debunked the beginnings of the virus Zombie The Walking Dead, the post-credits scene of Season 2 of World Beyond shows the next evolution of the zombies: faster and smarter. The French survivor shoots Team scientist Violet, then quickly leaves as her corpse is still sprawled on the desk.

Origin Of The Zombies

The zombified scientist gets up and runs straight for the exit door, pounding wildly. Fast zombies have officially entered The Walking Dead. The post-credits scene from The Walking Dead: World Beyond suggests that these traits are not a natural evolution of the virus, but an accidental mutation triggered by the experiences of the French team.

In trying to stop the virus, the scientists who made it inadvertently gave zombies intelligence and the ability to run. While this cannot be linked to the French experiences as Morgan’s wife was one of those smarter variants, scientists may have permanently activated what made the zombies in Season 1 of The Walking Dead smart.

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