The Walking Dead: Season 11 Episode 9 Summary and Review “No Other Way”

Director: Jon Amiel

Stars: Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan

Streaming Platform: AMC (click to watch) Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

After the events narrated in the final episode season 11×08 “For Blood”, we are left pending a brutal cliffhanger that now begins to unravel. And all because “No Other Way” (“Without an alternative”), Season 11 Episode 9, starts exactly where we left off, being a direct continuation of the proposed plot. The official synopsis reads: “Fire falls on Meridian, as each fight with the Reapers turns out to be a brutal battle. In Alexandria, the violent storm continues as the walkers continue to arrive, threatening the safety of everyone, including Judith and Gracie. Broadly speaking, we already had the characters situated and we knew what threats they faced, but of course we were still recovering from all the revelations of the final episode, which are not few.

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 9

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 9 Summary

Maggie takes cover to avoid Leah ‘s gun. One of the Reapers lunges at her and they fight until he is hit by a projectile and is thrown into the air. Maggie breaks free and enters the building where Negan is, with whom she meets. He charges Elijah, who is injured, to heal him. They barricade themselves in the infirmary. In Alexandria Rosita, Dianne, Lydia and the others face the walker invasion. They see no way to access Judith and Gracie‘s location, which continues to rapidly flood.

The basement door is barred, but the walkers are breaking it down, so the girls end up wading into the water to try to escape. Meanwhile, the others try to deal with the fire at the mill and the storm. Aaron hears Gracie’s whistle, which is his warning signal, and comes to her aid. Daryl confronts Austin, one of the Reapers, hand-to-hand until he manages to stab him with his machete and finish him off. He manages to hide before the others discover him.

Judith kills one of the walkers but loses her sword. Aaron enters through a window and uses his club-arm to finish off the walkers. He gets the girls out the window but he is left behind with a bunch of walkers. Gabriel arrives at Pope’s chapel where he meets his nemesis. She confronts him because she doesn’t understand that he takes care of these savages and does it in the name of faith. He argues that blood has been shed for God since the beginning of time and that he trusts that it will stop his hand before it attacks him… His dialectical venture ends with Gabriel killing him.

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Maggie is chased by another of the Reapers Carver, who ends up cornered by Negan and Elijah. Between the three of them they manage to reduce him, but it is not easy because he is trained to kill. Maggie is ready to finish him off, but Daryl stops her. He wants to use it to get out of there alive with the supplies they originally went for. He uses his radio to contact Leah and negotiate a deal. Desperate, Aaron climbs the pipes over the horde of walkers in the basement, until they break. Lydia finds him and manages to pull him out with a rope.

Daryl gives Maggie a gun to defend herself if she needs to. Leah asks to see Carver. Daryl tells Leah to drop their weapons and head north. However, she has Jenson, a sniper posted and willing to finish them off. Daryl releases Carver despite him. Elijah asks for justice for his sister and when Carver is about to kick him he is shot in the leg. It is Gabriel, who has shot down the sniper. He urges them to back off. Maggie withdraws Daryl’s offer, but Leah insists that they stick to the deal and leave. Leah says they won’t do it without Carver, which Maggie denies.

Elijah continues to ask for justice for Josephine and Maggie doesn’t think twice, grabs the gun and kills Leah’s two men from behind, only wounding her. When she gets to Carver she has no bullets left on her so she kills him with Elijah’s gun. Daryl follows Leah ‘s blood trail to where she has taken refuge. He tells her that it’s not what she wanted, that she would have wanted them to have a second chance and lets her go.

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Together they carry the supplies they find to return to their community. Maggie tells Gabriel that she has to go. She says goodbye to Elijah and leaves with the bow without saying anything to Negan. She goes to meet Alden, but he has been transformed into a walker. She finishes him off and mourns his death. When she buries him, Negan goes to talk to her. He tells her that she had figured out what she was going to do from the beginning and that she doesn’t blame her but she won’t give him the chance to do the same to her and she leaves on her own. Maggie joins the others and informs them that Negan has left.

Carol and Jerry see Daryl, Maggie, Elijah and Gabriel arrive. Daryl is reunited with Connie, Gabriel explains to Aaron that Alden hasn’t come through. Jerry sounds the alarm and warns that someone else is arriving they are Commonwealth soldiers and they are accompanied by Eugene who tells them that they are here to help. He introduces them to diplomatic representative Lance Hornsby who offers to help them rebuild his community but also join theirs. Let’s jump in time! Six months later things have changed and the soldiers (led, to our surprise, by Daryl) prepare to force their way in while Maggie and Elijah resist.

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 9 Review and Analysis

Looks like The Walking Dead has done it again! It comes with an episode that surprises again, not only because of what happens to the characters and the resolution of the pending plots (full of emotion, confrontations and time trials), but also for knowing how to throw us the bait to keep us aware of what will come next. continuation. Playing with that little jump in time, which places us in a confrontation between Maggie and Daryl works like a charm in that sense. We still don’t know what the rest of the people of Alexandria will decide, but they have lost almost everything and the Commonwealth or the Commonwealth, whichever you prefer, seems like a viable way out… although we already know that Lance Hornsby is not clean wheat.

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Come on, we are witnessing how the survivors get into the lion’s den, something that, together with the loss of Alden, leaves us with a broken heart. We’ve also discovered just how much Maggie has changed: she’s not about to give second chances, which scares Negan, who’s willing to sell his skin dearly and prefers to get out of her way. This is accompanied by a humanization of Daryl, who is a bit fed up with making compromised choices to end up killing to survive.

We don’t know yet if the Reapers arc is completely closed: Leah Shaw has fled . It is true that we consider all the members of her family dead, but perhaps that resentment and thirst for revenge will lead her to cross paths again with the one who was her love, Daryl. Many strong emotions in a first episode in which we have had everything, with an important production effort to maintain the level and take us to new places (we have even had underwater shots).

Next week, more! The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 10 already has an official synopsis that we offer below. It goes without saying that the series will return every Monday, as usual, until completing this batch of eight new episodes, which brings us to April 11 to find out its conclusion… which will lead us headlong to season 11C, the final definitive of the series. As a start, the truth is that The Walking Dead 11×09 has been a very powerful episode and leaves us at the gates of new very interesting conflicts.

On February 28th we will return with the review and summary of “New Haunts”. Until then, watch out for the walkers… although you know that in this series there are as much to fear from the dead as from the living.

The Last Words

The emotions do not stop in an episode that closes stages and opens new ones without neglecting any character: it has rhythm, it has narrative tension and an enigmatic ending that leaves us speechless. Keep up the level! The ending is tremendous: another well-shot cliffhanger to keep us on our toes. The evolution of the characters and the rhythm of the episode.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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