The Walking Dead 11 Episode 10 Review: This Second Episode Ends Just As It Gets More Interesting “New Haunts”

Director: Jon Amiel

Stars: Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan

Streaming Platform: AMC (click to watch) Ratings: 3.5/5 (three and half star)

The Walking Dead continues! The Season 11 episode 10 entitled “New Haunts” Now available to stream. After the events narrated in the previous episode, which served to inaugurate season 11B, we move to the Commonwealth where we see how the Alexandrian survivors have adapted to their new reality.

The Walking Dead 11 Episode 10 Review

The official synopsis for The Walking Dead 11×10 reads as follows: “The heroes experience Halloween in the Commonwealth, while Daryl and Rosita undergo military training led by Mercer. Meanwhile, Carol investigates Ezekiel’s medical condition. It goes without saying that these lines are just an appetizer of what we are going to see, which has a lot of subtext and repercussions in the lives of all of them.

The Walking Dead 11 Episode 10 Review: Summary

DarylJudith and RJ walk through a tunnel of terror in the Commonwealth. The community prepares to celebrate Halloween. The survivors have been living in the place for 30 days and are already integrated: Carol works in the pastry shop. Judith meets Mae, a girl with whom she quickly hits it off. A red carpet is laid out for Pamela Milton, who passes out candy and gives the award for best costume to a girl who goes as Mercer. Connie works as a journalist, taking up her work before the zombie apocalypse and questioning some aspects that she doesn’t quite like.

Carol hints to Daryl that he should ask Connie out. She later notices Ezekiel whom she sees impaired. He takes care of the animals. Ezekiel presents Jerry’s son Ezra with Shiva’s necklace on the condition that he honor his memory. Carol hints to Daryl that he should ask Connie out. She later notices Ezekiel whom she sees impaired. He takes care of the animals. Ezekiel presents Jerry’s son Ezra with Shiva’s necklace on the condition that he honor his memory.

Mercer is training a group that includes Rosita and Daryl. They are divided into pairs to face walkers: the objective is to work as a team, with speed and “earn the stripes” but, as expected, Daryl is quite individualistic and has difficulties. Mercer takes Daryl and Rosita volunteers to assist Sebastian, Pamela Milton’s son whom we first saw in TWD 11×07, who intends to train with real weapons by killing walkers. Daryl ends up helping him, which makes him angry. Mercer intercedes and tells him that it’s the best place he knows and he can have a place there if he stops doing things his way.

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Carol spends her time snooping around Pamela Milton, who is very exquisite in her tastes. She discovers a wine warehouse in which there are bills and finds the cellar. Inside it there are several walkers that she has to take care of alone but in return she gets a good stash of rich broths. Daryl returns home with Judith and RJ and she asks for his paycheck and shows him the Motorhead record that her friend Mae bought for her at the store that Princesa runs.

They eat on the floor the floor is not soundproof and they have leaks. They are part of the community but they are the weakest link in the chain. Daryl asks Judith for time to secure her job before he talks about having an assignment again. Carol brings the best bottles of wine she can find to Lance Hornsby and he asks her what she wants in return. She shoots and asks him to put Ezekiel up on the waiting list for the operation.

Magna is one of the waitresses who is in charge of serving the wine on Pamela Milton’s list. Among the guests are Yumiko and her brother. Mercer is kind of a celebrity in the community, people chant his name when he sees him. He lifts the cord to invite Princess in and they carry on her usual flirtation. Connie and Kelly are there as journalists, the latter interpreting her sister’s signs. Pamela is asked about the splendor of the party and the portrayal of class division but she goes off on a tangent and doesn’t answer the question.

Yumiko and Princess see one of the soldiers, demoted to waiter, just before Governor Milton addresses her guests. She announces that they are going to see something very special: Alexa Park’s new work, an oil canvas that portrays her father. He presents it as a symbol of how much the community cares about its citizens and the rebuilding effort until the ex-soldier, whose name is Tyler Davis (appeared in TWD 10×20), interrupts his speech and grabs Milton’s assistant by the Strength and tell your story. He tears the painting apart and reproaches her for not caring about anyone.

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Pamela asks him to release her, but he keeps up the threat until the last moment and escapes by going into the tunnel of terror. Daryl goes after him and corrals him. He threatens to kill himself, but Daryl convinces him to give up and handcuffs him. He hands it over to Sebastian to get credit for arresting him in front of his mother. They take him away crying out for equality for the workers.

Carol approaches Lance to ask if the wine was to his liking; he tells her it’s a first step and she offers to take the next one. Rosita interrogates Yumiko at Mercer ‘s request to try to figure out how she got access to the event. She tells him that it is a city like before and that they are replicating the problems of every civilization when it reaches a certain status. Ezekiel goes to see Carol and hands her a box of Henry‘s belongings. He tells her that he belongs to her and that he wants her to have them.

On the 33rd, Daryl puts on the uniform of the Commonwealth soldiers and Judith gets ready. Daryl gives her a record player where she plays her Metalhead record. At the same time, we see an assault group entering his old home where they find pamphlets and graffiti material reading “visibility for workers”, “equality” and images of soldiers painted in red. One of the soldiers is Rosita.

The Walking Dead 11 Episode 10 Review and Analysis

We could say that the season 11 episode 10 of The Walking Dead is a “packaged episode”. The exterior of the Commonwealth is only mentioned once, when Carol wonders about Maggie and Lydia and the rest of the time we see the characters trying to get by in a new world that again has little in reality. It is verified before their eyes that what seemed the only possible way out is an alley: they depend on money again, they are aware of the enormous class difference between the most humble and the governor’s entourage and there is in some of them to a certain level of resignation because they are aware of living in an imperfect bubble but in which at least they are supposed to be safe.

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Each one sees the deficiencies of the system in his own way and faces them as he thinks he can: Daryl is going to be the rebel, despite having adopted the role of Judith’s false father; Carol is going to put herself at Lance’s service to save Ezekiel and Rosita is darker… At the moment she seems that she blindly obeys orders, but we already know that she does not have a docile personality. As in the previous story arc with Daryl, whose loyalty to the group was always in doubt to the extent that he had been romantically involved with Leah Shaw and seemed to have been captured by the Reapers, now it seems that he will continue to be played with. game of alliances and crossed interests between the established power and those aspiring to overthrow it.

The Walking Dead is starting, as he says. At the moment the conflicts that are going to develop are being raised on the board, so we have a long way to go. The advance of TWD 11×11 “Rogue Element” advances us the disappearance of the supposed Stephanie, denounced by Eugene, and the desperate attempts of the Commonwealth soldiers to find Daryl, who seems to have his own plans.

We also get to see how Connie and Kelly’s investigation uncovers what looks like an operation to cover up the truth and Mercer completely bloodied. Is the local celebrity another corrupt individual? We’ll soon find out. The next episode will be broadcast on March 7 and we will clear up any doubts. For now, the series continues to develop interesting plots, although it has left the terror a bit aside.

The Walking Dead 11 Episode 10 Review: The Last Words

We switched gears to dive deeper into the Commonwealth and began to see the seams in what seemed from afar to be a very solid system. This second episode ends just as it gets more interesting. The social discourse that breaks through: are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes on a small scale if we try to rebuild our civilization?

3.5 ratings Filmyhype

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