The Voyeurs: Ending Explained Is Thomas Murdered? Who Killed Thomas?

The Voyeurs film debuted on Amazon Prime Video accompanied by a fair amount of curiosity. Not only because it came under the intriguing “erotic thriller” label, but also because of the cast of one of Euphoria’s stars, Sydney Sweeney. Unfortunately, Michael Mohan’s film promises (much) more than it offers. But the exploration of the ostentation of the private and the violation of intimacy is disturbing (albeit superficial) and the story closes leaving behind a feeling of horror.

The Voyeurs

The point is not (only) the physical and psychological violence, but the vacuous, cold disinterest with which existence is handled. Your own and that of others. Nobody is innocent in The Voyeurs. Everyone is guilty of something and the cycle of “pride” and “punishment” echoes that of classical mythology. The result is not the same, but it is enough to make The Voyeurs an interesting film after all. If you want to know more about the shocking ending of the film or are grappling with the unanswered questions it leaves, here are some possible interpretations and explanations. 

The Voyeurs: Story Plot

Pippa (Sydney Sweeney) and Thomas (Justice Smith) are a young couple in love, but a little bored in the intimacy. The two finally manage to rent the house of their dreams and move into the new apartment full of enthusiasm. But they are almost immediately distracted from each other by a man and a woman who live in the building opposite. The two lead their lives regardless of the gaze of the neighbors and eat, argue and make love in front of the large windows that run throughout their luxurious apartment.

Pippa and Thomas become more and more involved in the couple’s life, to the point of buying binoculars and crashing into the Halloween party of the mysterious people across the street to place a microphone in their house. The compulsive observation of the neighbors leads the two young people to discover that the man is a serial traitor and to watch helplessly as he attacks her.

The next day, the woman shows up at the ophthalmic office where Pippa works to get a new pair of glasses and the two end up making friends. The girl discovers that the neighbors are named Seb (Ben Hardy) and Julia (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) and that they are a famous photographer and a former model and decides that she must help Julia out of the toxic relationship she is experiencing.

Thomas is against it and urges Pippa to desist, but his girlfriend does not listen to him. The young woman continues to spy on Seb and Julia and through a wireless printer lets her friend know that her husband is cheating on her. At first, Julia seems to want to kill Seb. But then he takes his own life.

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Thomas leaves because he holds Pippa (and himself) responsible for what happened. Instead, his girlfriend can’t stop spying on Seb and follows him to the bar downstairs. The young man notices her, the two-start talking and go up to Seb’s house. The man takes pictures of Pippa and the two end up having sex.

The next morning, the girl returns home to find Thomas hanged. Pippa realizes that her boyfriend wanted to make peace with her, but he saw her with Seb and took his own life.The young woman is destroyed and decides to tell what happened to her colleague and friend, Ari. The girl tells Pippa that it is not her fault and urges her to join Seb at the opening of the exhibition to which he invited her. The young woman decides to accept the advice and is faced with an unimaginable reality.

The Voyeurs: Ending Explained

The Voyeurs ending reveals that Pippa and Thomas have always been puppets in the hands of Julia and Seb. Husband and wife somehow chose the two young men and set up a complicated (and morbid) staging to get the boyfriends to spy on the “mysterious neighbors” and document their descent into obsession with the “art project” at the center of the exhibition to which Seb invites Pippa.

It is not clear how much the two acted and how much they were themselves, but Julia and Pippa’s meeting was not accidental, and Julia manipulated Pippa to convince her that she needed help and push her to act. Julia’s (apparent) tragic death has definitely broken the balance. Thomas has moved out of the house and Pippa has succumbed to the longing for Seb that has been working its way inside her for some time.

The Voyeurs Ending Explained

The night of passion and Thomas’s “suicide” marked the conclusion of Seb and Julia’s project and the two set up the exhibition with the material collected without the knowledge of their boyfriends. Pippa and Thomas “spied” the mysterious neighbors without having any idea that they were not only spied on by them but manipulated and used as puppets.

Pippa can only take note of the evil farce in which she was involved, but in which she participated by being herself . In fact, the young woman has always been in control of her own choices and has always acted freely. And he has to answer for it. Thomas’s death (and despite this, the desire for Seb) is a burden that crushes Pippa. But the truth is that Seb and Julia’s terrible “experiment” went too far.

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When Pippa empties the bird trough and sees the dead sparrows, she realizes that the couple has gone beyond the morally questionable but permissible and entered the territory of the illicit. Julia and Seb (although the feeling is that the responsibility lies entirely with Julia) poisoned Thomas and made Pippa believe that she was responsible for his death. And it is this discovery that pushes the young woman to react.

Pippa was ready to live forever with the sense of guilt and shame for what she had done and suffered, but she cannot accept that Thomas’s murder goes unpunished . The young woman sends the drugged wine to Seb and Julia, is followed by the ophthalmic laboratory where she works and punishes the two in the most terrible way for them.

Pippa uses the machinery to correct vision defects to blind husband and wife and condemns them to a life in the dark, but under the gaze of all. Julia and Seb can no longer see, spy on and observe the effect of themselves on others. But others can see them, spy on them and judge them.

The two are no longer a “fatal attraction” and the new tenants to whom they rent the apartment across the street quickly lose interest in them. And Pippa can see them while they don’t see her. But that’s not what the young woman is interested in. The girl leaves and the inverted lens of the binoculars underlines her willingness to step away and distance herself forever from what happened.

The Unanswered Questions Of The Voyeurs

The Voyeurs uses the opening of the exhibition to explain the mechanics of the story and unravel the truth about Thomas’ death with a series of flashbacks. However, some questions remain unanswered.

The first undoubtedly concerns how and why Julia and Seb chose Pippa and Thomas. The real estate agent tells the boyfriends that the landlords are very demanding and this suggests that the two young men have been “selected” in all respects. Not only. The feeling is that the procedure has somehow run in and this leads to the question of whether Seb and Julia have already organized something similar before.

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Husband and wife clearly have full control over Pippa and Thomas, also thanks to the sophisticated system they use to spy on them. However, Thomas ‘ murder remains a gamble . How did they know he was going to drink the poisoned soda? What if the young man offered some to Pippa? Or what if the girl decided to drink it? Pippa’s death does not seem in the plans of the “evil couple”, but it cannot really be ruled out.

Seb’s involvement in Thomas’ death also remains unclear . When the man asks Julia if she feels guilty, the woman answers no. Instead the man seems tried. Seb’s behavior can have two explanations. The man feels responsible for Thomas’ suicide and does not know that it was his wife who actually killed him. On the contrary, he is an accomplice of Julia (who seems to have acted alone) and is oppressed by the knowledge of having committed a murder.

Last but not least, the film does not reveal the fate of Pippa . It is quite possible that Seb and Julia have not reported her and have no intention of doing so (for them it would be a boomerang), but the present and the future of the young woman remain an unknown. Did she stay in Montreal? How long have you continued to observe Seb and Julia? Will she really stop doing it, as the ending seems to suggest, or will she always remain tied to the couple? And how will he live with what he did?

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Did Thomas Commit Suicide ” answer-0=”No, Thomas didn’t take his own life. Seb and Julia (although the only one responsible seems to be the latter) killed the young man by drugging a drink and staged his suicide. Pippa realizes that her boyfriend didn’t kill himself, but he was probably poisoned, when she empties the trough that her head gave her and sees the dead birds.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What happens to Seb and Julia?” answer-1=”When she realizes that Seb and Julia have killed Thomas and simulated the young man’s suicide (as well as having destroyed his life), Pippa drugs the two and blinds them with the machinery of the ophthalmic center where he works. Eventually, Seb and Julia move back to their luxurious apartment and rent the one across the street again. But this time around, the couple can’t see the new tenants (let alone involve them in some morbid artistic performance). The punishment of the two is to be observed forever, without being able to observe others in turn and see themselves reflected in the eyes of those around them. ” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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