The Suicide Squad: Post Credit Scene Everything You Need To Know About Ending

James Gunn’s ‘Suicide Squad’ has become a strange cinematic phenomenon. It is not a box office success – not as expected – but it is a favorite of critics and also, of DC fans. Perhaps that is why the debate about his post-credit scenes is getting a good part of the attention in networks. What do both mean for the DC Universe? Will there be a third return of the great gang of villains turned superheroes in spite of them? Not everything is so clear.

The suicide squad has become a rare phenomenon in post-pandemic cinema. It did not have the expected results at the box office, but it dazzled the critics . In fact, it is the highest rated premiere on Rotten Tomatoes, with an unusual “Fresh” among its track records. And what is even more complicated, it managed to captivate the fans, who did not know what to expect at all from this risky experiment.

The Suicide Squad

Whatever the reason for its low grossing, while enjoying enormous popularity, one thing is clear: James Gunn’s film is a breath of fresh air for DC movies . One that also gives you the opportunity to innovate and rethink your proposal going forward.

For this reason, the two post credit scenes of the film could shed some light on the intentions of Warner are the work of Gunn. In fact, the same director has made it clear that both sequences establish some “important” ideas for the future of the DC Expanded Universe.

Of course, and as is usually the James Gunn style, the additions to the main story of the film are more than jokes or even just information. It is a look at what could happen or what will happen in the future with the franchise. Right now, there’s not the slightest hint that The Suicide Squad will get a third chance on the big screen. But, apparently, they will have some of his characters. And that’s exactly what Gunn makes clear after the official end of his film. As the director told IndieWire , there is much more than humor and last minute revelations added to original footage.

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Two Unexpected Returns Warning:

There are considerable spoilers on the plot from here on.

The first post-credit scene is, in a way, a complement to the film’s chaotic and strange prologue. As it will be remembered, the feature film begins with a huge number of deaths in Corto Maltese, the fictional country in which the action takes place. Among the dozens of casualties is that of the anthropomorphic creature Weasel , who is drowned almost immediately.

The weird character played in motion capture by Sean Gunn is surprisingly quirky. He is not only a weasel, but apparently one of the most dangerous criminals of the group. A child killer who has more than twenty on his personal account. But despite that it seemed destined to be more than just a curiosity. However, to the surprise of much of the audience, he dies as soon as the movie begins.

But for the first post-credit scene, it is shown that Weasel not only did not die, but is apparently completely unharmed . The creature awakens to move away from the battle that was taking place around it, with an unknown destination. Is it a return to the criminal world? Is it an indication of something more dangerous for the fictional Corto Maltese? James Gunn does not clarify it but the possibility remains open.

A new chance and a TV show after The Suicide Squad

The second post-credit scene also involves an unexpected “resurrection” and, this time, much larger than Weasel’s. The one who returns for a second chance is John Cena’s Peacemaker . But not only does he do it in the movie, but also to star in his own television series, which will also bear his name. The production, also by Gunn, will hit HBO Max in 2022 and will have eight episodes.

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The scene, in addition to showing Peacemaker recovering from his injuries, teaches us a couple of interesting things about the world of The Suicide Squad . In the director’s words, it shows that despite everything, the character has not changed. “I think a lot of the characters change too much in this movie. Peacemaker doesn’t , and if anything, it changes for the worse, “Gunn told IndieWire , adding:

“It is an ensemble show that people don’t know about. But it’s about him. It’s about his relationship with the character of Danielle Brooks, as well as with the character of Chukwudi Iwuji, the character of Steve Agee and that of Jennifer Holland. It’s about this team of people and how they see the world and how they work together. It’s about taking the biggest idiot in the world and finding out: how did he become the biggest idiot in the world?Whatever happens to the character of Cena and the rest of the survivors to Corto Maltese, it is one of the great unknowns of the DC Universe. Which, thanks to Gunn, has just received a considerable breath of fresh air.

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