The Rings of Power: Who Is Theo and What Is That Sword He Discovered? Everything Explained

In The Rings of Power, there are elves, dwarves and Harfoots (who are the ancestors of the hobbits), but there are also humans and it is they who have an important connection with Sauron and everything that happens after his return. A human is the one who rescues Galadriel after she decides that it is not her time to go to Valinor (and we already knew this, because it is something she manages to do until the end of Lord of the Rings), and it is also humans whom they begin to notice the signs that something terrible could be about to happen (such as poisoned wells, sick cows, and destroyed towns).

The Rings Of Power Theo

In one of the human towns, we meet ArondirIsmael Cruz Córdova‘s elf who is in charge of making sure everything is in order, and Bronwyn, a healer who has a secret relationship with the elf and is in charge of taking care of a teenage son in a community that is going through difficult times. Bronwyn‘s son is called Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin) and what makes it interesting is that, in addition to surviving an orc attack, he discovers a mysterious broken sword that reacts with his blood and bears the mark of the enemy, better known as like Sauron.

The Rings of Power: Who Is Theo And What Is That Sword He Discovered?

While his mom is busy trying to figure out what’s going on with the sick cattle and the neighboring town that was destroyed, Theo shows his friends a hidden treasure under the floor of some kind of abandoned barn. There, Theo finds a strange relic, a broken sword that causes them to have a vision similar to Galadriel‘s (with a burning symbol) and that later, after surviving the orc, reacts with his blood and restores with some kind of black magic.

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The sword’s reaction leads us to think that Theo and Sauron have some kind of connection, or at least that the dark side could be calling out to the teenager as it did with Saruman and with Boromir in Lord of the Rings. In an interview with IGN, producer Lindsey Weber said that Theo is someone who is tempted by the dark side, and this may be because he is not satisfied with his life, he would like to know what happened to his father and understand why his mother has a relationship with an elf, which is a race that not all humans appreciate and see as a threat.

As for the sword, we know that Morgoth and Sauron were defeated in battle, by the alliance of humans and elves. Sauron is still alive, but he’s probably weakened, and the fact that the sword reacts and is calling out to Theo could mean a lot of things. The first is that Sauron is awakening (the sword thing happens around the time Nori discovers the meteor man, so the two could be connected), and the second is that Theo could be much more important in Sauron’s story. The Rings of Power could even have a connection to Númenor, which we know to be the mighty realm of humans that ends up corrupted by Sauron.

Another theory says that Theo could become the Witch King of Angmar, who in Lord of the Rings fought Aragorn, Gandalf, and company riding a dragon, meaning he could eventually become an important leader among the humans (he could even be the sword that was used to wound Frodo) and could have one of the rings of power.

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