The Rings of Power: Who Is Nori, The Harfoots, And How They Fit Into The Story! Everything Explained

The story of The Rings of Power begins thousands of years before the birth of Frodo, but we know that the events of this story are connected to that of the Hobbit and his fellowship of the ring and although it may not seem like it, the Harfoot play a key role. The first chapters of the series show us several stories, the main one is that of Galadriel (Morfydd Clark), who is convinced that Sauron has not been completely defeated, but we also see that of Arondir, who discovers something mysterious in the lands of the south, and that of Nori Brandyfoot, who is part of a “tribe” that does not appear in Peter Jackson’s films or The Hobbit.

Who Is Nori

Nori seems to be a character who doesn’t have much to do with the battle that is about to be waged, but in reality, we know that in Tolkien‘s world no character is filler or by chance, and she has an encounter with a falling giant from the sky that leads us to think that the role he is going to play is very important.

The Rings of Power: Who is Nori Brandyfoot and What Are The Harfoots?

The Harfoot, as shown at the beginning of The Rings of Power is a nomadic tribe living in the wild, and they are the ancestors of the Hobbits. At this point, The Shire still doesn’t exist, so the Harfoot scour the woods for safe places full of resources to help them survive, eventually leading to the creation of that place where Bilbo disappeared from his birthday party birthday and Frodo discovered his fate.

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Nori is played by Australian Markella Kavenagh (Picnic at Hanging Rock and My first Summer), and she is a curious and adventurous teenager, who is interested in discovering what lies beyond the route that the Harfoot usually travel. Nori’s life changes when she and her best friend, Poppy Prowdfellow (Megan Richards) stumble upon a mysterious giant that falls from the sky like a meteor or comet. The giant doesn’t seem to remember who he is and doesn’t know the language that Nori and her friend speak, but she senses that she must help him, and that’s what could connect this story with Galadriel’s.

How Do They Connect To The Rest Of The Story?

We know that the war that’s about to happen (which might not be this season) is going to be a battle between Sauron and the alliance of men and elves, so it seems like there’s no place for the Harfoot, but in Lord of the Rings it’s a Hobbit has the most important mission, and that could be true here as well. If the meteor giant is a sorcerer, like Gandalf, then Nori might have to take him to the elves to help them fight the enemy, once they figure out what’s going on, and discover the true purpose of the rings that will eventually appear (Celebrimbor plans to create a huge fortress with the help of the dwarves, which could be the place where the rings will be created).

The Harfoots

But there is another possibility, we know that Sauron appears in this story with a different identity and that he is a master of deception and can change his appearance, so it may be that the stranger in the meteorite is the Dark Lord and that Nori is the one who takes him to the elves whom he is going to convince to create the 19 rings of power that go to men, dwarves and elves. All the stories are going to take us to the same point, so Nori is also one of the key pieces in the game, in addition to the fact that being the Harfoot ancestors of the Hobbits, we know that Bilbo’s ancestors will come from their town and Frodo.

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