The Rings of Power: Who is Celebrimbor and How Is He Connected To Sauron?

The Rings of Power introduces an elf who is very important to the history of Tolkien and Middle-earth, who had not appeared in the films before, but who is connected to the fate of Frodo, Aragorn and the rest of the Fellowship of the Ring. After convincing Elrond to “invite” Galadriel (Morfydd Clar) on the ship that would take her back to Valinor, King Gil-galad tells him about a legendary goldsmith elf who is working on a new project.

Who is Celebrimbor

Gil-galad tells him about Celebrimbor, who a few seconds later appears to tell Elrond (Robert Aramayo) about a huge form he wants to build, to build pieces that are much more important and help him leave a legacy. Celebrimbor also tells her about the Silmarils, which are three jewels that were created in Valinor and were stolen by Morgoth, who was trapped by their beauty. And after telling him their plans, the two elves travel together to Khazad – dûm, a powerful kingdom of the dwarves where Elron plans to meet Prince Durin, to ask for his help in realizing Celebrimbor ‘s project (in Lord of the Rings, this kingdom is known as Moira).

The Rings of Power: Who is Celebrimbor and how is he connected to Sauron?

Celebrimbor comes from the house of Fëanor, who is a leader of the elves and the goldsmith who created the Silmarils in Valinor, before the destruction of the two holy trees. In The Rings of Power, Celebrimbor lays out his plans to create a new forge, where he wants to build something much bigger and more important than he ever did before, and that leads him to start working with Moira’s dwarves. At first, Celebrimbor doesn’t tell Elrond what he plans to create there, but we know he’s the creator of the rings of power, so that’s what he might have planned for there.

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In Tolkien’s stories, Celebrimbor is visited by Annatar (who is Sauron in disguise), who claims to be an envoy of the Valar (who are the gods of Middle-earth) and tells him how to create the rings that are later given to the elves, the dwarves and the humans, who are the ones who have the worst time and are easily corrupted. According to The One Wiki to Rule Them All, Celebrimbor wasn’t sure he trusted Annatar, so while his goldsmiths created the rings he asked for, he decided to secretly create three more rings, which are the ones that were given to the god’s elves (including Galadriel, who was given the ring of water, which she refused to use because she was sure Sauron could use them for something terrible). Celebrimbor was unaware that the rings were magically connected to Sauron’s ring, which was created separately and without the elf’s knowledge.

What does this have to do with Aragorn? Aragorn is a descendant of Isildur, who comes from the kingdom of Númenor. We know that 9 humans from Númenor were given rings of power and ended up completely consumed by them, and not only became Nazgûl, but the use of the rings eventually leads to the destruction of Númenor. Isildur, who hails from Númenor, eventually manages to defeat Sauron by cutting the ring from his hand, but he too is affected by the dark magic it contains and leads to his death, and this is what leads Aragorn to be the only heir to the throne of Gondor, and the only one who can recover the glory of the kingdom of humans.

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