The Rings of Power: Who Is Annatar? Here is What We Know So Far According To Books

The Rings of Power presented a great mystery from the beginning and this one plays a very big role in the story. Galadriel was the first to realize that the enemy had not been defeated and that the evil was simply waiting for the exact moment to explode. She knew that Sauron was nearby, but in reality, she did not know where, in what state, or what he should look like now. Soon, more and more characters were having the same suspicions, and everything is confirmed when Adar appears, gets the broken sword and uses it to release tons of water, which was directed towards a volcano, which allows the orcs to be exposed to the sunlight without getting burned.

Who Is Annatar

That volcano is Mount Doom and its eruption marks the birth of Mordor and sets Sauron’s greater plan in motion. In Tolkien’s books, Sauron begins to prepare to create his powerful rings, in addition to 19 others that he intends to give to humans, dwarves and elves, using magic so that the rings corrupt their owners and in this way, he can control all the races of Middle-earth. But it was obvious that an elf was not going to accept Sauron’s plans, so he takes on a new identity that allows him to act undetected until it is too late.

Who is Annatar in The Rings of Power?

Tolkien‘s story says that Sauron (who remains hidden for centuries after the battle) takes a new form and calls himself Annatar, which allows him to reach Celebrimbor, who has just created a huge forge with the help of the dwarves and taught him what to do to create the rings of power. The first thing to know is that Sauron was not always a Dark Lord, first, he was a Maiar, but he allowed himself to be corrupted by Morgoth and that is how he became the character we met in Lord of the Rings. Sauron was a powerful sorcerer, and one of his abilities was shapeshifting, which brings us to Annatar.

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Sauron was second in command to Morgoth, but Morgoth is defeated in battle with the elves and humans, so he keeps the “throne” and his mission is to continue his master’s plans, not just create Mordor, but by finding a way to bring the rest of the humans, elves, and creatures under his control. As Annatar, Sauron could become close to the elves who would not otherwise accept him, soon gaining the trust of many (although Gil-Galad never bought his story and did not trust the gifts and knowledge they shared) and this leads him to Eregion, which becomes the place where 16 rings are forged following the plans of Annatar, plus 3 that are secretly created and later passed on to the elves, including Galadriel, who refuses to wear hers until she is ready. certain that Sauron is no more.

While the elves created the rings, Sauron began to work on his ring, connected to all the others and with a power like no other, giving the ability to extend life, be invisible, or enter the world of Sauron’s servants, like the 9 Nazgûl who later hunt down Frodo when he keeps the ring and sets out on a mission to destroy it. Eventually, the elves learn the truth about Annatar, and this is how he receives the nickname Sauron The Deceiver. Sauron didn’t appear as such in the first season, but he was always around and there were many signs that he was coming, and this means that he will be a very important character in season 2.

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