The Rings of Power: What If Halbrand Is Sauron? An Interesting Theory That Could Soon Become Reality

What if the mysterious Halbrand was Sauron in The Rings of Power? A theory of some bizarre and very stimulating, but with the advance of the episodes of the Amazon Prime Video series and with the new narrative outlets, it seems more and more to take hold and hold the bench among the most hardened fans, the casual viewers eager for new answers and among the followers more attentive to details and clues left not exactly to chance. Little is known about the past and origins of Halbrand, a mysterious character played by Charlie Vickers and who made his first appearance on the second episode of The Rings of Power.

What If Halbrand Is Sauron

To make the acquaintance of Halbrand for the first time, a character who at least at the moment seems non-canonical compared to the pages published by JRR Tolkien is the elf Galadriel; she, the latter, adrift in the Great Sea, is saved by the raft on which Halbrand himself and some of his companions were. The man explains to Galadriel that he comes from the Southern Lands and that his lineage comes directly from the ancient Kings of Men who, during the First Age, had fought alongside the Elves to defeat Morgoth and wipe him out of Earth once and for all middle.

The Rings of Power: What If Halbrand Is Sauron?

A detail that rekindles the will of the Lady of the Elves to amass alliances and loyalists to gather an army of Elves and Men who can counter the imminent shadow of Sauron, which has not yet had a face in the Amazon series currently underway. The two will later sail towards Nùmenor where they will forge a new training with the regent queen Tar-Miriel and convince the Men of the island to come to the rescue of the brothers of the South Lands, under attack by Adar and his host of orcs. The Numenoreans will accept Galadriel’s proposal by looking at Halbrand as the legitimate heir to the throne of the places south of Middle-Earth installing him as ruler, they would thus gain a solid outpost against the growing power of the creatures of the ineffable Sauron. Yet, from Halbrand’s past.

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Shy in wanting to tell his painful story, Halbrand tells Galadriel more than once that he wants to escape from his past and want to rebuild a life; perhaps his ancestors or himself took part in a war against Adar’s armies and deprived him of some affection, or he’s lying about his true identity. It is rather curious that the two showrunners Patrick McKay and JD Payne have inserted a character of total fantasy and out of the Tolkien canon with such external future implications. In the sixth episode of the series entitled “Udûn”, Halbrand is acclaimed by the people of the Southern Lands as the legitimate heir to the lost throne, anticipating a stimulating and interesting future for the character:

What if Halbrand is Sauron? A theory that still has no concrete grip but which in the last few hours is becoming increasingly popular online, especially about two events that occurred in the sixth episode, which arrived in streaming on Friday 30 September and which we have already reviewed for you The Ring of Power Episode 6 if on the one hand the mysterious and reluctant Halbrand decides to follow his destiny and to face the road of the regency of the Southern Lands by being acclaimed by his people, on the other Adar, lord of the orcs, confides in Galadriel that he had “killed” in the past Sauron and to have “split it into several parts”. Does this mean that the Dark Lord is now capable of taking on more form? This theory is supported not only by the fact that Halbrand has now been designated as Lord of the Southern Lands (incidentally, the future Mordor) but that, according to the stories published by Tolkien himself, during the Second Age Sauron was amassing armies and alliances in the land. dark in the East as he presented himself to the peoples of Middle-Earth as “Annatar”.

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Also according to Tolkien, after the defeat of Morgoth Sauron disappeared from Middle-earth and then reappeared centuries later to ask forgiveness for his misdeeds from the Valar of Valinor, a judgment that he would prefer not to face by running away like a coward and then assuming always different appearances: Could it be a coincidence that Galadriel encounters Halbrand adrift, in the middle of the Great Sea, after she too escaped from the ship that was about to take her to Valinor? Was he, too, fleeing the judgment of the gods beyond the Sea?

And if Sauron had taken the fascinating form of Halbrand to circumvent the loyalty of the Elven Lady, to convince the people of Nùmenor to land in Middle-Earth, to conquer the throne of the Southern Lands and then be called King Annatar by all the peoples of Arda? A perfect plan to subjugate all the peoples of Middle-earth one by one and to convince the elf Celebrimbror to forge the magic rings as a sign of “mutual fidelity and friendship”. Moreover, Halbrand himself in Nùmenor said of himself to be an excellent … blacksmith. A theory that we will discover very soon if it has a solid foundation or very short legs. The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power awaits you every Friday with a new episode on Amazon Prime Video.

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