The Rings of Power: What Exactly Is The Eye Of Sauron? Here Is An Explanation

Sauron has yet to make an appearance in The Rings of Power, but his presence is felt everywhere and the story is leading up to the big moment where his identity is going to be revealed. In the Second Age, Morgoth was already defeated, but he left instructions and plans so that his successor, Sauron, could continue the reign of terror, seeking to create his kingdom (his symbol turned out to be a map) where, according to what Galadriel discovers during her visit to Númenor, evil can continue to grow and prosper.

Eye of Sauron
Eye of Sauron

But it is not Sauron who is doing the dirty work, Adar, the orcs, and some humans who have already been corrupted are doing everything necessary to prepare the way for his arrival, and when he does, his form is going to be different from the that we know It just so happens that Sauron has the power to shapeshift, and has even taken on a few different ones in the movies, including the one with the huge all-seeing eye.

The Rings of Power: What Exactly Is The Eye Of Sauron?

Sauron’s eye (which was originally a Maia, like Gandalf, becoming corrupted and going to work for Morgoth) isn’t something we’re going to see during this first season of The Rings of Power, but the series will likely end with that one. at which point the Dark Lord becomes that. According to the story, Sauron becomes the eye after the battle in which Isildur cuts off his fingers and takes away his ring and his power. What happens is that Sauron is so weakened, that he ends up losing his physical form and transforms into an entity, which can take the form of that eye when he feels the power of the ring near him.

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Before that, Sauron fights alongside Morgoth in the war against humans and elves (where Galadriel‘s brother dies), and when his master is defeated, he escapes and hides somewhere safe and away from his enemies. During this time, he begins to create his army of orcs (who were elves who were tortured, mutilated, and corrupted) and begins to concoct a plan to gain control over all creatures in Middle-Earth.

That plan is to take a new form (so we’re not going to see him as that warrior Sauron who loses his fingers), so he can get close to the elves of Lindon, where he’s going to run into Celebrimbor and convince him to create the rings that he later gives to various human (who become the Nazgul) and dwarf kings, to corrupt and control them. In reality, the eye is a simple manifestation of Sauron’s power, which is why both Theo and Galadriel have visions with similar shapes when they touch things that were also touched by him (such as the broken hilt or the symbol that Sauron leaves on the chest) of Finrod.

In his eye form (found atop the fortress of Barad-dûr), Sauron can see for thousands of miles, and this is how he discovers Frodo and all who dare to touch the ring (or the Palantíri), which is something shown when Gandalf visits Saruman and discovers that he has one of these mysterious stones that can see the future). The bottom line is Sauron isn’t an eye, but he can become one when he’s not in his physical form, and that could help him have some control over Middle-Earth, especially now that he’s preparing for the creation of Mordor and the rings.

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