The Rings of Power: The Broken Sword Is A Key, But What Does It Open? Here Is What We Know

The Rings of Power changes a few things from Tolkien‘s original story, and one of the new items is a broken sword that many thought might be a legendary weapon within the story, but now we know it’s not exactly what it seems. Early in the series, we can see that Theo discovers the mysterious broken sword hidden in the barn of one of the townspeople, who later reveals to him everything he knows about Sauron and confirms that he is one of his followers and is waiting for his return.

The Rings Of Power Theo

What that man doesn’t know is that Theo managed to activate the sword and complete it (it’s not broken, but “turned off”), and that makes him a key figure in this story, and a person of interest to Adar and the others. orcs, who are after the broken hilt, but now also the boy who was able to wake her up. During a conversation between Bronwyn and Arondir, they discover that the broken sword is not just a relic of the past battle, but a key that can unlock something very dangerous.

What is The Broken Sword To Open In The Rings of Power?

Arondir and Bronwyn don’t know what the sword opens but considering that the orcs are desperately looking for it and need to get into the tower where the humans from the Southlands are sheltering, we can assume it’s nothing Okay. The first theory connects to Sauron. We know that the sorcerer was a servant of Morgoth and is now his heir, who must create a realm where evil can thrive, which will eventually become Mordor. But Sauron is not yet fully present in Middle-earth, his evil is already felt and Galadriel, who is the mightiest of the elves, is convinced that he is very close, so it is possible that Sauron was trapped somewhere after that Morgoth is defeated, so they need Theo’s broken sword and blood (which seems to be the only thing that activates it) to get him out of that place and allow him to fulfill his destiny.

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Another possibility is that the broken sword is a way to open up that realm which is mentioned in the document that Galadriel finds in the Hall of Law in Númenor, which is where she discovers that Sauron’s symbol is a map. For now, orcs can’t be exposed to the sun, their skin burns like vampires, yes, opening the gates of Mordor with the sword, may allow them to change into the light, as Adar does, as this could be a way of creating darkness (metaphorical or real) in the world.

What is clear is that the broken sword does not work without Theo, so the orcs are also looking for him to complete the plan they are already carrying out. One of the orcs tells Adar that the tunnels are already finished, and that could be a tunnel to get to that place where Sauron is, where they will have to use the sword to free him. If this is the case, this means that neither Halbrand nor The Stranger can be Sauron, so he can take any form he wants to reach Celebrimbor and convince him to create the rings of power.

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