The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review: All The Wonder Of One Of The Most Iconic Places In Arda

Stars: Morfydd Clark, Markella Kavenagh, Daniel Weyman

Director: Wayne Yip

Streaming Platform: Amazon Prime Video Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

A few days ago, the Prime Video platform was stormed by a myriad of fans and onlookers for the debut of the highly anticipated series The Rings of Power, an Amazon adaptation of the world of Arda and the works of JRR Tolkien. If the challenge in terms of production immediately appeared successful, as mentioned in our review of the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings- The Rings of Power, from a purely narrative point of view the show has not yet shown all its cards and has hinted on several occasions that it will be necessary to wait for the entire season to fully evaluate the management of the plots of these first episodes. In building step-by-step a structure that can support the very high ambitions of the production, the very first installments presented the characters and their situations, waiting to reveal the entire cast over the next few weeks.

The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review

Above all, Elves and Pelopiedi have occupied the most space in terms of screen time, allowing us to find Galadriel and Elrond, but also to meet new faces like Nori and Arondir. Between well-known personalities and others created specifically for the show, the context presented to the viewer hosts an extremely varied ensemble that has yet to prove its real value. The fact that the show intends to immediately establish a bond with the observer, also through new recurring stylistic elements, significantly enriches the vision, while increasing the risk of slips. After some difficulties in terms of managing the rhythm and characterization of the characters, this third episode delves into new contexts and presents further subplots ready to converge towards unexpected routes. Let’s analyze together what is shown.

The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review: The Story

After the events of the first two episodes, the third episode of The Rings of Power shows for the first time one of the key places where the events will take place. Numenor, the nerve center of the highest human civilization, will welcome Galadriel together with the revived Halbrand and will allow you to closely observe environments and potential leading faces of the series. Meanwhile, Arondir’s path will also lead to its first developments, giving the viewer a very close look at the enemy ready to regroup. For her part, however, Nori will try to find a solution that allows her to reconcile the desire to help a new “friend” and the need to keep up with her people.

Although three episodes are too few to unbalance in particular judgments, it is possible to say with certainty that the showrunners have very clear ideas on how to exploit their characters and where to direct the narrative. Like it or not, the common thread that binds the events is acquiring a clear and unanimous dimension – in some situations, perhaps even too direct. In staging numerous new elements for the viewer, it is clear from the outset that the authors intend to confuse as little as possible and have played it safe, bringing to the screen an episode seasoned with small developments and great presentations. Some faces, although not very recognizable for many or different from the old transpositions, will create a space entirely dedicated to completely new situations for Tolkien’s adaptations.

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The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review and Analysis

Perpetually supported by breathtaking scenery and a sensational soundtrack, the alternating characters on the screen show a much darker environment than one might expect. The context in which much of the episode takes place hides numerous shadows behind its charm and is constantly presented between corners and ravines, cells and alleys that contrast with the majesty of the external environments. Never as in this episode distances and divisions between the various peoples and the various creatures that inhabit Middle-earth appear evident: “Adar”, with a few minor exceptions, is an episode of contrasts between entities ready to do anything to achieve their purposes.

In this context, in addition to the atmospheres that stand out in the final rendering, we continue to appreciate the inclusion of small fragments of lore useful to enrich the narration or to whet the imagination of fans. But not only: this episode finally allows you to admire the results of the mix between practical and visual effects, especially in some situations of the Arondir adventure. In representing the story of the latter, the authors manage to create a linear but compelling path, capable of overcoming in terms of bite even some scenarios much more relevant to the dynamics of the show. To contribute negatively in this sense, the excessive screen time given to the events of the Pelopiedi again emerges, at the moment more similar to a nice narrative stratagem to deepen the figure of the Meteor Man rather than an integral part of the main vein, and the emphasis on the character hard (sometimes unfriendly) by Galadriel.

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Despite an excellent performance by the splendid Morfydd Clark, exchanges with Halbrand appear perhaps a bit weak and the shadow of excessive writing for the character’s attitudes is revealed on too many occasions. At least at the moment, the approach reserved for the actual protagonist of the series is not having the desired effect. The presentation of the new characters, especially a couple of them, will instead leave room for several questions about how their bond and their actions could be exploited within the series. As far as first impressions are concerned, most of the new faces seem to have fallen perfectly on their part and this leaves good hopes for the continuation of their respective stories.

The third episode of The Rings of Power manages to raise the threshold of attention again by introducing particularly fascinating characters and contexts. In persevering along his path, however, an underlying weakness emerges in the writing that does not reach the same level as the production as a whole. Some elements are enhanced by excellent stylistic or narrative choices, but they are not always sufficient to maintain a constant interest in certain subplots. On the contrary, the incredible atmospheres of the various environments stand out. The constant exchange of perspectives appears decidedly tighter and the different sequences maintain a more pressing pace than in past episodes. Waiting to find out more details on the other elements ready to take the field in the series, we can be satisfied with the path taken by the series, albeit with some necessary reservations.

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The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review: The Last Words

The third episode of The Rings of Power brings to the screen all the wonder of one of the most iconic places in Arda while playing with the numerous subplots ready to be exploited during construction. If environments and atmospheres leave you speechless, the same cannot yet be said for writing that is slow to get going. Leaving some reservations about the management of some plot lines, we can however promote the episode as a whole.

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