The Puppet Master Review: A Documentary Hunting Down The Deadliest Psychopath

Director: Sam Benstead, Gareth Johnson

Stars: Stephen Corrall, Charlie Ives, John Atkinson

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch)

Filmyhype Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

The Puppet Master: Hunting The Ultimate Conman Hunt for the Top 18 Crowns Netflix Documentary 3 Episodes Hunt down a psychopath who disguises himself as an undercover MI6 agent. For many decades until now the story is incredible. But it is the true story of a world-shaking crime that happened in many countries at once.

The Puppet Master Review

The Puppet Master: Story Plot

3 short documentaries (First episode 48 minutes long, Part 2 29 minutes long, Part 3 50 minutes long) that tells the story of the world’s top criminals. that has perpetrated many people who have been victimized by psychological methods for decades. and still unable to track and arrest at present. The documentary’s plot begins in a current case in 2020, when the documentary tells the story of two American brothers whose mother is the victim of a man named David.

He agrees to shoot this documentary in hopes of finding clues to his missing mother for nearly ten years. The story is told in the genre of scammers tricking into love from online dating, which at first glance seems normal for a middle-aged woman who is divorced from her husband to want a new lover. But what is not normal is people This has a way of stirring their mothers away from their children. Including trying to force indirect methods to keep both of them away from home. so that he may possess only you Before both of them disappeared to this day.

The Puppet Master Review and Analysis

The story in the first case was told little by little before cutting back to another case in the past that is in the year 1993, which is a story from a man in the present as a teenager, he was tricked by a man who pretended to be an MI6 agent for the British government. By that time there was a terrorist secession from the IRA (Republic of Ireland Army) as the starting point. This led the man who called himself Rob tricked him into becoming a target of the IRA and asked him to work undercover. before escaping from his parents and friends and also invites a girlfriend and another friend to escape with by pretending that he was being targeted by the IRA, the government sent him to take him all to the Witness Protection Program. It turns out that they have been hiding in the protection of David, who extorted money from them for ten years.

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These two stories will intersect back and forth. before being linked later The documentary intersects the story well. Might be a little confused how it could be related. But things can come together when they learn that this person’s real identity is Robert Freeguard, a notorious scammer with a kite-tail case. In which the story will enter the hunt for traces of free cards from past cases that have already ended. there is a judgment which requires both police units from Scotland Yard and FBI join forces Because this guy is a criminal psychology who has become a genius in dictating people’s lives to believe what he says causing the disappearing victim to hide all the time causing the police to not see them all the time.

The whole story might seem unbelievable how he possessed that much. But all this was true until he was given the nickname The Puppet Master or the mastermind emotional manipulator, the plot that in the end, all the revealed cases in this story are not just two cases. But there are many more that this guy deceives his victims at the same time. In many countries across Europe, Brazil, America, the story of hunting hidden criminals like this is very strange. And this documentary is like a medium made out to be a tool to help spread this story. Don’t let people fall victim to this guy nowadays. which the case is not over and the victims who have lost loved ones hope to get their family back.

Another thing that the documentary reveals is the work of the local police who do not pay much attention to cases like this. Because the people who this guy deceived disappear into adulthood After all parental supervision has passed (over 18 years), even if parents file a complaint, it is not seen as an urgent matter. would run away because of love The work of the police to see these cases as general and not fraudulent. Causing the case to be delayed for a long time to realize that it was a serious matter when the Special Investigation Unit came into attention. But it seems like it’s too late because it comes in the later days when the hunt is so hard to find from the disappearance of the victim many years ago. In addition, legal gaps allow freeguards to slip out of the jurisdiction of the courts and continue to commit crimes. This documentary exposes this point as one of the problematic judicial processes to date. The reason why the free card came out even with so much evidence tied to him was almost unbelievable. but had to surrender because it was a gap in the law that couldn’t really condone him (I think that everywhere in the world should still be unable to blame in this kind of case as well.)

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The Last Words

is a short documentary The story is fun, the script is concise, the story looks incredible? But there are always references to real information. It’s one of the best documentaries on Netflix that’s different and worth watching. The story is short, concise, tells a quick story. There is a cut interspersed with past and present events from different countries to converge perfectly. How could a story be more incredible than a decade-long deceived victim? But it’s true that it’s a parable for people to know that this kind of case really exists. Including the shortcomings of the judicial process, causing this kind of case to arise.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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