The Night Agent Ending Explained: Was Peter’s Father Really a Traitor? Who Kidnaps Maddie Redfield?
It has just been released on Netflix and has already finished in first place in the top 10. We are talking about The Night Agent, the new sophisticated action thriller series based on the novel by Matthew Quirk. The story is that of a low-level FBI agent working in the basement of the White House assigned to man a telephone that never rings until one night’s ring throws him into a dangerous and rapidly developing conspiracy that leads up to the Oval Office. But what is so special about this series? And why is everyone watching her? In this review we have analyzed all the strengths of The Night Agent but, in the meantime, for those who want a recap on the ending of The Night Agent, here’s how things went.

The Night Agent is an almost unique phenomenon for Netflix. A spy thriller which, thanks to its perfectly mixed ingredients, managed to become the flagship series of the streaming platform’s catalog in a very short time, so much so that it was renewed for a second season in the record time of 6 days from publication. We talked about it in our review, underlining how the work created by Shawn Ryan and starring Gabriel Basso, Luciane Buchanan, and Hong Chau was perfect for binge-watching, due to its many intrigues, twists, and revelations. It is precisely this aspect that we want to dwell on because, in the final episode, there was no shortage of plot twists, and the time has come to sort out what happened. In The Night Agent ending explainer, we will summarize all the answers and revelations with which the season ended.
The Night Agent: The Story Plot
Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan) has lost everything: their job, money, and friendships. What she thought was a friend of hers betrayed her irreparably, ruining her life and leaving her on the streets. Back with her uncles, Rose won’t have time to settle in and her life will once again be changed. Without the possibility of explanation, one night she will see her relatives being killed by some assassins. Rose will be able to escape and ask for help from a Night Agent, Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso), an FBI agent forced to answer night calls from other agents working in the shadows of counterespionage. The reason for his resignation is soon explained: a year ago Peter witnessed an attack in the subway.
Although he did everything to save the lives of innocent people and avoid a massacre, conspiracy groups continue to believe that he was the one who left the explosive device in the carriage. Just like his father, an FBI agent who turned out to be a traitor. Rose and Peter will have to team up not only to save their lives but also – with the help of the President’s chief of staff Diane (Hong Chau), protective of Peter – to unearth a great intrigue that seems to come directly from the FBI and the White House. Gathering clues, running away from hit men who want to eliminate any kind of evidence and testimony, and being forced to live in constant danger, Peter and Rose will discover that they will not be able to trust anyone as they try to unmask the real culprit.
The Night Agent Ending Explained: Who Were the Perpetrators of The Attack?
After continuous twists and perspectives changed, the latest episode of The Night Agent has pulled all the strings of the complicated skein, with 45 minutes full of heart-pounding action. Most of the episode took place at Camp David, where US President Travers and “terrorist” Omar Zadar were to meet. On this occasion, Vice-President Redfield and the CEO of Turn Lake Industries (which had an economic agreement with the government) Wick organized a second attack on Zadar, after the failed one on the subway that occurred a year earlier. This time, however, the loser would also be President Travers, now considered a threat to their private affairs. Chief of Staff Diane Farr had been implicated by the two, setting up a trio of double-crosses, lies, and political intrigue to protect their careers in the event of a leak. The decision to hire Peter Sutherland, son of an FBI agent accused of betraying the government, served precisely to have a perfect scapegoat when needed. Unlike the other two, however, Farr had kept her faith in President Travers and the government.
What Happened In The Final Episode Of The Night Agent?
At Camp David Peter, Rose and Diane try to stop the ongoing bombing that would not only result in the death of Zadar but Travers as well. The three, not without some difficulty, manage to save the President and unmask the political intrigue. Together with them, in a parallel way, the story of Maddie, the daughter of the Vice-President, also ends, also in danger and is used by her father to protect himself who will be able to save himself thanks to the intervention of the Secret Service agent and his bodyguard Chelsea. By surviving the explosion, Maddie will be able to denounce her father and change her life. The double attack (first organized in the house through a bomb in a black suitcase, then in the plane that was supposed to bring the President to safety) is thwarted and all the main characters survive, even if Gordon Wick and Omar Zadar manage to escape without leaving a trace. We will probably find out more about their fate in the second season of the series.

After the story, the President will personally thank the two protagonists Peter and Rose, who prefer not to be officially and publicly honored, preferring anonymity. Peter will become a fully operational Night Agent and will be forced to leave Rose to start his first field mission; Maddie, free from the weight of her father, will no longer need an escort and will be able to start a free life; Chelsea will join the President’s escort. On the other hand, the fate of Farr, wounded after a gunshot wound, is nebulous, even if a dialogue with Rose suggests that she too will be tried together with the Vice President.
Was Peter’s Father a Traitor?
There is something that has been haunting lead Peter all season. Our hero has always wanted to know the truth about his father’s story. FBI agent Peter Senior was accused of treason and, according to official statements, died in a car accident that had the aftertaste of suicide. At least that was the story young Peter had learned, refusing to believe that his father was a traitor. As we will find out in the finale of this last episode, Peter is forced to receive a cold shower, albeit a very particular one.
The father, initially unaware, had made agreements with some foreign agents, at first sight only interested in some information that did not seem important. Later, to speak up, Peter Sr. was paid, and the information was used to attack the Pentagon. One could call him a traitor without his knowledge. Once this story came to light, the US government staged a confession and arrest to kick off a double agent operation, but it all came to a halt when foreign hitmen realized the double-dealing and killed Peter’s father. Again, to preserve the stability of the government and the careers of individual men of power, the favorite narrative has been to cast shadows on Sutherland’s career and person.
Finally, we cannot fail to underline that, beyond its spy thriller nature, The Night Agent was yet another series that was inserted into a line of narrative works that in recent years have recounted the generational conflict between old and recruited cadets. All the protagonists of this series had to deal with an old-world system, the one wanted by their fathers, overcoming conflicts (whether factual or purely emotional) with their parental figures. This is the case of Peter, who between the story of his dead father and the double game of Diane Farr, had to deal with these legacies that marked him and caged him in a position that was close to him (and his becoming an operating night agent at the end of the season is the goal of having your talent recognized).
But also, that of Rose, ready to return to Silicon Valley to recover from a burnt career. Or is it the case of Maddie, the character who told this generational conflict in the most evident way, who finds the courage to denounce her father and definitively cut ties with him (and Chelsea, who in the end is recognized and rewarded thanks to her work faces the same path as the one he is protecting)? It is therefore not surprising that The Night Agent has become a cult series in the Netflix catalog. Not only capable of entertaining the viewer with 10 episodes full of plot twists but also of telling a contemporary urgency that, in some way, the average viewer of the streaming platform knows how to recognize and appreciate. Here is the secret of success: telling how the world is changing through a genre story.
Peter’s New Life!
After numerous demonstrations, Peter will be graced with a cleanup of his criminal record. Also, he will be allowed to learn the truth about his father. He discovers that his father was involved in a leak of confidential data to the Russians. Peter initially believes his father to be a traitor, until he discovers that he was a double agent and that he was caught by the Russians. Peter’s father died at the hands of criminals. In the final scenes, Peter becomes a Night Agent, a kind of secret mission agent who goes into the field to bring answers to the intelligence service. Peter and Rose part ways with his new mission but promise each other never to lose touch again. Everything suggests that they are separated forever, but because Rose was also involved in rescuing the president, we understand that Peter and Rose will meet again on some mission. But this we will only know in a possible second season.