The Lost Patient Ending Explained: Who Killed Thomas’s Family? What Happens to Thomas? Does Laura Really Exist?

Based on Timothé Le Boucher’s comic of the same name, The Lost Patient (Le Patient) is a French Netflix movie that tells the story of Thomas (Txomin Vergez), a 19-year-old boy who, after three years in a coma, wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the night his entire family was murdered. With the help of psychologist Anna Kieffer (Clotilde Hesm), Thomas tries to piece together his fragmented memories, while undergoing physical therapy to make a full recovery. However, each event from the past confuses him more and makes him doubt reality and some people around him.

The Lost Patient Ending Explained

In his nightmares, Thomas sees someone in a hood repeatedly harassing his family, but he can’t make out their face. On one occasion he even believes that it is one of the hospital nurses, but his psychologist assures him that it was just a dream. So, who murdered his family? Where is his sister Laura from him? Why doesn’t one of the nurses stop watching him? Why don’t they let him near Bastien?

The Lost Patient: Plot Summary

Thomas wakes up after three years in a coma: someone broke into his house and killed his family, leaving him seriously injured. With the help of a psychiatrist, he will have to dig into his memories to find out what happened. On a stormy night, a mysterious individual comes out of a villa in the French province. The next day some children playing football enter the garden of the house, and from the windows, they discover that something terrible has happened: all the members of the Grimaud family have been shot dead, except the young Thomas (Txomin Vergez) who, although seriously injured, he is still breathing.

Three years later, the boy wakes up in hospital after a coma that left him with atrophied muscles and an extremely confused memory: Thomas does not remember anything that happened that night, neither the identity of the murderer nor what happened to him. his sister Laura (Rebecca Williams), who according to what her psychiatrist tells her is still missing. It will be the woman’s job to help him dig into her mind, retracing the events preceding the terrible event to reveal what happened. From his fragmented memories, we discover how Thomas was at the center of unhealthy family dynamics, something in the past of him and his family that was buried by pain and mourning has influenced the present and relationships. Why, then, does Mother Betty seem to despise Laura so fiercely, what did the girl do to attract so much hate? Thomas’ journey in search of the truth will prove fraught with painful secrets, which perhaps the boy wishes would never come back to the surface.

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The Lost Patient Ending Explained: Who Was The Real Killer

Little by little, the protagonist of The Lost Patient, a film directed by Christophe Charrier and set in 2001, begins to remember his past. According to her memories, her family was not the same since the traumatic event, her mother Betty had a lover whom she called constantly and hung around the house. In addition, he says that his sister Laura had fits of anger and that the arrival of his cousin Dylan, who only spent a few days with the family while his mother fought a terrible illness, altered the dynamics of his home.

Le Patient

One night, Thomas sees his psychologist talking to one of the nurses and begins to suspect that the doctor is trying to manipulate his memories. When he confronts her, she explains that Laura has suffered from conduct disorders since childhood, but before she can continue, the young man interrupts her. Before leaving, Anna tells him that he is a child ignored by traumatized parents, he grew up alone and turned his pain into violence. She also asks why his father felt defeated. Why was his mother cold and distant? Why only he survived the massacre? Who’s the empty room, was it? Where is Laura?

Who Killed Thomas’s Family?

After the psychologist’s words, Thomas finally accepts the truth. It was Thomas who murdered his parents and his cousin from him. When Dylan moved into his house, he received all the love and attention Thomas never got, even allowing him to stay in Laura’s room, who died when she was a child, while he slept in the basement.

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Blinded by grief and anger, Thomas steals the gun his father hid in his bedroom and kills his entire family. So, who was the hooded man? When the murderer leaves his house, he puts on a rain suit, and when he returns he cries over the death of his parents. Regretful and desperate, he takes a knife and stabs himself.

The murderer of his parents is Thomas himself. He first shoots his father, who is sitting on the couch. Then his mother, when appears frightened by the noise of the shot. And finally, he does the same with his cousin Dylan, shooting him in the stomach to end up strangling him. After finishing them off, he sits on the floor to watch television. This is how the authorities find him. But his mind has decided to erase what he has done. Fracturing his memories and even inventing a sister to blame him. He, too, has never been in a coma and can move his legs perfectly.

The doctor who treats him has decided to play along with him to get the truth out of him. Thomas is a monster, but a monster that refuses to accept what he has done. Out of curiosity, the girl who appears in his imagination as Laura is the singer who appears on his television right after the tragedy. It is right there when her mind fractures and she begins to print a reality to erase what happened. That’s why she includes her in her fantasy.

What Happens To Thomas?

Thomas had had conduct disorders since he was just a child and that’s why he acted so strangely and aggressively towards everyone around him. Which caused his parents to always be cold and distant, fearful. They were afraid of their son, and this made Thomas increasingly angry with them. A monster that needed affection and understanding. That increased with the arrival of his cousin Dylan at his house. Well, envy that his parents preferred him ends up eating away at him.

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Was Laura Real?

Laura was run over by a car when she was a child and due to the tragic loss, Betty and Marc Grimaud were unable to give Thomas the love he needed or to realize that he had mental disorders. Therefore, the memories that the protagonist of The Lost Patient Haves of your sister are not real. After stabbing himself, Thomas sees a girl singing on TV and uses those images to create the adult Laura and escape reality and loneliness.

I mean, everything Laura did in the French Netflix movie was done by Thomas. From the aggressive kiss with a girl in the woods to the murder of her neighbor’s dog. On the other hand, the psychologist was trying to show that if Thomas had received the proper treatment he could be someone very different. However, after the attack on Bastian, he remains tied to his bed.

Does Laura Really Exist?

The first thing to know is that Laura has not run away or is missing. But Laura, Thomas’s sister, had never existed, or at least, the version of Laura that he saw in her memories. Thomas had projected all his bad behavior onto Laura. But Laura, his real sister, had already died many years before. She was run over by a drunk before he was even born. So, he never got to meet her. All of Laura’s misbehaviors that we see in The Lost Patient are reenactments of moments in which Thomas had harmed others. Whether it was a girlfriend, her parents, or her cousin. But he saw them through Laura because he didn’t want to admit the truth. Ultimately, Laura was just a cover.

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