The Lost Daughter Review: A Gloomy Psychological Drama For The End Of The Year – Spoiler Free!

Director: Maggie Gyllenhaal
Cast: Olivia Colman, Dakota Johnson, Jessie Buckley, Ed Harris, Peter Sarsgaard

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch)

Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

The Lost Daughter a film drama psychology. Written and directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal (Jake’s older sister) Gyllenhan (The Guilty), based on the novel of the same name by Elena Ferrante, stars Olivia Colman. Jesse Buckley, Dakota Johnson, Ed Hae. Harris, Peter Sarsgaard, Paul Mesgal in this poignant, all-female and motherly flick. This film is Maggie’s directorial debut to be shown at the 78th Venice International Film Festival, winning numerous awards from the cinema around the world. before it was bought by netflix and received overwhelmingly positive reviews. A lot of people say it’s going to be a really gloomy movie to end 2021. Will it be as good as many critics say for me?

The Lost Daughter The Story

A woman’s serene seaside vacation is shaken by a wave of emotion. when he became obsessed with a young mother who lived in the neighborhood who stirs up memories of the past through Leda, a university professor who spends a long vacation in Greece in a small town with dark influences dominated by vandalism. She met Nina. A young woman with little motherhood and her daughter who make her feel strangely connected. It made her do something that would shake the city and her past that she was trying to hide. and those around her who treated her so well that they were unreliable This seaside retreat could turn into a traumatic poetic moment. and motherhood that is bound by the word child before being hit by the waves and reminding her to be careful to some perils that stare at As she must reflect on herself to find a way out of her lost daughter’s misery. which almost did not see the conclusion that How can she fix this story?

The story is told in a slow pace, not flashy or rushed, gradually taking us to explore the surrounding environment of the main characters. interspersed with flashbacks and events that are the turning point of the story Keep urging us to want to continue with the story regardless of whether it has a peak or not. Yes, this movie doesn’t have any peaks. There was simply the expression of emotions through dialogue, poetry, and actions that almost made no sense until the end. It can be called a psychological indie film that frankly says that after watching it, who will like it? You can hate it. Because the film is not an erotic film, but rather explores the mind of the main character and what she expresses in a hypocritical and contradictory way. interspersed with the atmosphere of the story that was both tense and gloomy for two hours. that makes us feel haunted even though it’s not even a thriller It’s a drama about the life and actions of a woman in a city where everyone has secrets.

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The characters in the story have an emotional complexity that makes us fear them. And we feel sympathy at the same time, like Laida, a 48-year-old woman who travels to escape the chaos of the present and the past, before encountering more serious matters than before. She’s pretty much like a normal person, there’s no problem. Except for her expression that was so unpredictable how she felt. Sometimes she seems friendly. But there’s a secret to hide Sometimes she looks insane. Even if everything is revealed So we can’t even guess what this moody woman will do next. The more she has her literary talent and her dialogue, it makes us feel like she’s trying to communicate to us. But we still don’t understand well. Because her poems are the main theme of many stories. Compared to the other supporting characters, it’s all clear what they want. what do you want to do Not wanting to do anything and how to motivate her. but that is clearly parallel Nina, whose image is broken-hearted, is actually confused by her husband-daughter relationship. until he became friends with Laida. before she explodes

The Lost Daughter Review and Analysis

The key point is probably up to each viewer’s interpretation. Because it uses the principles of character psychology. Through the poem in contradictory actions that the characters do not understand what they are doing. But still do it because it feels like there is no choice. Stealing is a bad thing. And there might not be any reason to sympathize. Sometimes a woman is a normal person who wants to escape from her duties. But in the end, the things that were lost as they thought, such as roles or duties It never really disappeared over time. We have to go back and find the things we threw away. Just like a mother and child that can’t be cut to death, it can’t be cut. Whether it’s a good mother, a bad mother, it all coexists in one woman. Because no one is a perfect mother. no matter how old no matter how we feel Sometimes the mother is what the characters in the story escape. It is the ideal of a woman who sometimes wants to deny the responsibility to free herself from exhaustion.

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We may not know whether love for children is real or a pretense because of the fact that we are known as mothers. The heart of a woman is a woman who understands the feeling of motherhood. The patriarchy in which men work undermines women’s power to bargain for the top spot. or a toxic relationship between a man and a woman in which the woman is not empowered to make decisions. The need to imprison yourself that destroys the family. and self-indulgence, ignoring the consequences of media characters and ultimately lead to trauma and trauma The need to imprison yourself that destroys the family. and self-indulgence, ignoring the consequences of media characters and ultimately lead to trauma and trauma The need to imprison yourself that destroys the family. and self-indulgence, ignoring the consequences of media characters and ultimately lead to trauma and trauma.

The highlight of the film is probably Olivia Coleman’s wonderful and wonderful performance, whose acting is unparalleled with multiple layers of roles but not a physical focus. but using a simple expression and mood to tears and natural acting in every scene that makes us understand, just as Jesse Buckley in the haunting performance of I’m Thinking Of Ending Things. It showcases the tumultuous youth of a mother who is both sympathetic and intensely repulsive, with her intense emotions capable of intertwining with Olivia Colman, while star-studded Dakota Johnson. That shows that she has the same stuff as Olivia. Although her role is not shown throughout the film but miserably reflects the role of a young mother who is confused, confused and unable to understand her own feelings.

The rest is standard. And what I would like to see is the camera angle shot that comes out naturally as if shooting a video of a character using normal everyday life. rather than a movie with a camera set makes us sad the rawness of every woman’s mood lust emotional turmoil And the background music that appears randomly and the rhythm that slowly fades into the corner of the gloomy mood but at the same time is not as reliable as a thriller. Maggie’s directorial debut was unconventional in terms of making a film that managed to piece together a disjointed story with a haunting ending. But it probably won’t appeal to people who really want to understand, because it really requires interpretation in its own way.

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The Last Words

The Lost Daughter This groundbreaking blockbuster explores the heart of a woman who is traumatized and hurt as if lost through psychological dialogue and poetry. But it also contradicts itself with emotion, atmosphere of dry but raw story. and natural shooting and background music that will haunt you. But the major disadvantage that will make people scold about this is The movie may not have any important turning points or conclusions, assuming that if you do not understand the main points. You won’t really understand what the movie wants to convey. Then why the conclusion is nothing at all? Also, the movie is sluggish, R-rated, has some sex scenes and some level of emotional violence that aren’t suitable for people under 18, and should be suitable for movie-goers who are easygoing and pondering. Women’s hearts through this female director’s work. If interested, whatever. But if you think that it’s not your own style, then skip it. You will be disappointed for sure. If you’re expecting something like a typical, heavy drama, this is it. Because this is the coldness that will erode you.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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