The Last of Us: Why Doesn’t Ellie’s Blood Heal Sam? Explanation

The Last of Us Episode 5 begins a few days before Ellie and Joel arrive in Kansas City, where Kathleen and her men are in the midst of a revolution and wipe out all the Phaedra soldiers to free the people. There, we discover that Kathleen is eliminating all Phaedra collaborators and that she is looking for Henry to “do justice” for the death of his brother, and this is why he and Sam have to hide in the abandoned buildings of the city. The problem is that Henry and Sam are running out of food and help, so when they see Ellie (Bella Ramey) and Joel confront Kathleen’s men, he decides to come out of hiding, go with them and convince them to help them. to carry out an escape plan. Henry tells Joel that he knows how to get out, but he needs his help to get there.

The Last of Us Episode 5 Sam
The Last of Us Episode 5 Sam (Image HBO Max)

After explaining that Kathleen has the city surrounded, Henry tells them that there are a series of tunnels under the city and that no one goes near there because Phaedra sent all the infected years ago, but now, according to his sources, they are empty, and it is the best way for them to escape. Joel (Pedro Pascal) accepts the idea and the 4 go to the tunnels to find the exit. At first, everything seems to be going well, but when they surface, they are attacked by a sniper who shoots at them from a window, as a way to hold them back when Kathleen’s men arrive.

The Last of Us: Why Doesn’t Ellie’s Blood Heal Sam?

After Kathleen arrives on the scene, a truck explodes, the ground breaks open, and because The Last of Us is a story of chaos and danger, a horde of infected zombies burst out of the ground and start chasing them all. Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam are separated, but Joel covers them from the window, while Ellie tries to reach Henry and Sam, who is trapped under a car and surrounded by Infected who begin pulling them out and attacking them. The three manage to escape, meet with Joel and take refuge in a house where they plan to spend the night before continuing on their journey.

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As Henry and Joel talk, Ellie stays with Sam and he asks her if the infected people are still inside, then he shows her his leg, and Ellie can see that Sam was bitten. Ellie knows that she is immune to Cordyceps, so she tells him that her blood is medicine, she cuts off her hand and places it on Sam’s wound, convincing him that it will save her from it. Ellie wakes up the next morning and believes that Sam is safe and well, but as she approaches him, she discovers that he is infected, Sam attacks Ellie and Henry is forced to kill his brother, then points the gun at himself to kill him. not having to live with the trauma and pain of losing the only person she had left.

Ellie is upset and leaves a message on Sam’s grave asking for his forgiveness, which has to do with the fact that she promised she could save him, but his blood didn’t do what she thought. Because I did not work? In reality, cures don’t work that way and Ellie’s blood is not medicine, she is immune, which means that her body found a way to fight her infection, but for now she can’t do the same. for others.

What they are going to do with her in the place she is traveling to is study her DNA, her blood, and the way she responds to the virus, to synthesize a vaccine and find a way to help people fight infection from catching it, but Ellie isn’t a scientist and probably didn’t know that. Even with Ellie, they may not be able to create a vaccine for everyone. What happened with Sam was a tragedy, and it probably affects Ellie more because she is afraid of ending up alone. Ellie is seeing many people die around her from the infection, but she will never live that experience and that means that, on the way to her destiny, she may lose many more people.

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