The Journalist Ending Explained: Who Is Responsible For Eshin Academy Scandal? Future of Murakami?

The Journalist is now available to stream on Netflix! A fearless journalist clashes with the power of the establishment in The Journalist, Netflix’s ambitious new Japanese drama series. Based on the 2019 film of the same name, which won the Japanese Oscar for Best Picture, this new six-part adaptation is also directed by Michihito Fujii, but features an all-new cast led by Ryoko Yonekura, Go Ayano and Ryusei Yokohama.

The Journalist

Expanding on the plot of the film, itself inspired by the novel, The Journalist incorporates a number of new elements, mainly involving the younger generations, their apathy towards current events and the obstacles encountered when entering in the labor market. If you want to know the explanation of the end of Season 1 of The Journalist, read on!

The Journalist Ending Explained?

The quick cover-up of the scandal sends the message that those at the top are getting richer at the expense of those at the bottom. After the scandal breaks, Kazuya Suzuki is assigned to cover it up. Suzuki is a virtuous person who cannot shake off his misdeeds. When the police come to his house, he sobbingly confesses his role in the cover-up. He secretly records a statement describing his role in the case. Suzuki puts the message in a thumb drive, gives it to Kurosaki, and hangs himself.

When Murakami protests to his superior officer Tada, the latter firmly asserts that Murakami negotiated the price on behalf of the First Lady. As the world crumbles before Murakami with such an allegation, we understand that he is a victim of the system and not entirely devoid of emotion. Judging by Murakami’s statement, it seems that Toyoda was instrumental, but the involvement of former CFO Mouri and the rest of the bureaucrats cannot be denied. It is possible, despite the officers’ denials, that the Prime Minister and First Lady were personally involved.

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The series ultimately depicts the banality of evil, individual misdeeds become ordinary when individuals function as a system. Therefore, it seems that it is not a single person but the whole system that is responsible for the scandal.

Season 1 of The Journalist ends with Anna and Ryo encountering Murakami outside the courtroom as they prepare to start the Eshin Academy trial. Murakami firmly declares that the time for change has come. We assume he found his voice amid the din. However, we do not know what he will say during the trial we will have to wait another season before hearing his statement.

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