The Ignorant Angels: What Does This Title Mean And Where Does It Come From

Among the releases of April 2022 on Disney+ there is the TV series The Ignorant Angels, which is made by Ferzan Özpetek and Gianni Romoli, or by the couple of screenwriters of the 2001 film of the same name directed by the same Turkish director. The series, as well as the film, tells of the double life of a man, Massimo, who comes to the surface when he dies in a car accident and his wife, Antonia, receives a mysterious painting. The dedication hidden in that painting, discovered by chance by Antonia, makes her think that her deceased husband had a love affair with another woman, but Antonia discovers that Massimo’s lover was Michele.

One of the well-known curiosities related to the film is that the title – The Ignorant Angels – came to Ferzan Özpetek’s mind while leafing through an art book given to him by his friend and actress Serra Yilmaz, who has the role of Serra both in the film and in the TV series. But what does this title mean? What are The Ignorant Angels?

The Ignorant Angels: What Does This Title Mean

Well, inside the art book that Serra gave to Ferzan there is an image of a painting by the Belgian painter René Magritte from 1956 entitled The Ignorant Fairy (in the singular). Özpetek took this title to heart and wanted to use it for his film but, it should be emphasized, Magritte’s painting never appears in the film and in the TV series. In place of him there is a painting made by Özpetek when he was young (as stated by the director several times, also on Twitter). The painting of the series (recently shown by the director also on Twitter) and of the film is to be considered as a version inspired by the original.

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The Ignorant Angels Review

A first reading of the meaning of the title can therefore be attributed to the painter Magritte, who is recognized for always having the intention of going beyond appearances and conventions to discover the reality that is hidden beyond what manifests itself at a superficial glance. Basically, in this idea of ​​Magritte there is also Ferzan Özpetek’s intention to make the public understand that one should not judge his characters by appearances. The TV series in fact delves deeply into the various personalities to show the frailties of each of the frequent visitors to Michele’s terrace.

A more in-depth and direct reading of the title Le Fate Ignoranti is given directly by the director himself who, among the many written texts (also on his own Instagram account) wrote:

The Ignorant Angels are the ones we meet and don’t recognize, but who change our life. They are not those of fairy tales, because they tell some lies. They are ignorant, outspoken, even heavy at times. But they don’t lie about feelings. The Ignorant Angels are all those who live in the open, who live their feelings, and are not afraid to manifest them. They are the people who speak outright, who live their own contradictions and who ignore the strategies. Often they pass for ignorant, because they seem boorish, and intrusive for their lack of good manners. But they are also very often fairies, because they are capable of performing the miracle of overwhelming us. Forcing us to make a change in our life.

The beautiful words of the director perfectly frame the protagonists of his film and his series The Ignorant Angels. It is no coincidence then that Michele gives the painting of The Ignorant Fairy to Massimo, signing himself with “your ignorant fairy” or the one who has no filters and gives all of herself to the other, without fear of showing her own uncertainties and weaknesses.

To Massimo for our first year together, for that part of you that I miss and can never have. For all the times you told me I can’t, but also for the times you said ‘I’ll be back’. Always waiting, I can call my love patience. Your Ignorant Fairy.

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