The Girl from Plainville: Michelle Carter’s True Story Behind The TV series With Elle Fanning

Better prepare from the start: if you’re particularly sensitive, The Girl From Plainville probably isn’t for you. Not only is the story truly creepy, but the physical transformation of lead actress Elle Fanning is truly amazed. The similarity of her with Michelle Carter is taken care of in the smallest details, from the brushed blonde hair to the dark eyebrows, up to the ways of doing.

The Girl from Plainville: The Case Of Michelle Carter

The story sees Fanning as Michelle Carter, the teenager who urged her boyfriend, Conrad Roy III, to take his own life via a message. The Girl From Plainville is adapted from the article of the same name published in Esquire. In 2017, Carter was convicted of instigation to commit suicide, following a long process that could spark the interest of the mass media from all over the world because it dealt with an unprecedented event, as well as issues such as mental health, and freedom of word and definition of crime.

The Girl From Plainville

Carter is from Plainville, a Massachusetts City, and was 17 when the body of her fiancé, Roy III, was found lifeless in 2014. The two first met in Naples, Florida in 2012, but had met personally on just five occasions. Throughout the relationship that sparked The Girl From Plainville, they had kept in touch through calls, emails and text messages. The latter was recovered by the Massachusetts authorities during the police investigation, forming files hundreds of pages long.

From what it later emerged, on June 29, 2014, Roy had confided to Carter his intention to commit suicide and from that moment on she began to suggest ways to do it. In one of the messages written before the sad ending, Carter ‘admonished’ him not to cheat her, to stop just now putting his plan into action. So, Roy had asked permission to declare to the world that she was her girlfriend after her death. On July 12, Roy had two phone conversations with Carter and then resorted to the extreme act of carbon monoxide poisoning.

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Two months later, Carter, the one who inspired The Girl From Plainville, sent an apparent admission of guilt to her friend Samantha Boardman, in which she told her that she would be able to stop Roy. They were on the phone, and he got out of the vehicle because the gas was starting to take effect and he got scared, but she ordered him back on board, just saying I love you.

In February 2015, the state of Massachusetts indicted Carter for committing suicide. The charge could carry a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. At the start of the court discussion in June 2017, Carter waived his right to a jury. On August 3, 2017, Judge Lawrence Moniz sentenced her to 15 months in prison. In 2020, 23-year-old Michelle Carter was released after less than a year to serve five on probation.

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