The Boys Season 3 Episode 7: Ending Explained! Is A-Train Alive? Black Noir And His Past?

An incredible chapter was the one that premiered this Thursday night on Prime Video, with The Boys Season 3 Episode 7. And it is that after the Herogasm episode, which in addition to the sickly intimate scenes had a huge fight at the end of the episode, this week The Boys surprised with a tremendous revelation of its protagonists and that will turn the plot 180 ° facing the end of the season. Attention! Below are spoilers for The Boys Season 3 Episode 7. If you haven’t seen it and don’t want to find out, don’t read any further.

The Boys Season 3 Episode 7

In the Boys 3×07 in addition to the fights and following Butcher and Hughie helping Soldier Boy get revenge on his former team, the final minutes were of great surprise to the fans. Then we tell you what happened and the explanation of what happened.

The Boys Season 3 Episode 7 Ending Explained: Soldier Boy and Homelander Reveal

The great moment of the chapter was the end when in a phone call, Soldier Boy communicated with Homelander. Although the latter was still in the mood to fight, the soldier told him a shocking story. In 1980, Soldier Boy participated in an experiment with Jonah Vogelbaum, a former Vought scientist who appeared in the early seasons. In this one, he left his sperm in a jar, long before his classmates betrayed him and froze him in Russia.

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That’s when Soldier Boy reveals to Homelander that he was born at 9 months in Vought laboratories and that he is his father. The chapter ended with the shocked face of Homelander, who went from being afraid of Soldier Boy to now knowing that this hero from the past is his father and he has no intention of harming him, quite the opposite.

Here it is understood that once Vought created this son who would become Homelander, even more, powerful than Soldier Boy himself, the latter was given to the Russians and disposed of. Of course, it’s all worse now, as they could both be a team and be even more invincible to Butcher and the guys.

Butcher’s Past And His Madness In The Present

This episode also had a glimpse into William Butcher’s past. Controlled by The Mentalist and traveling to his past, we learned about the mistreatment that his father had with him and his brother. Traumas that haunt Butcher to this day for being responsible for abandoning his brother and leaving him in the care of his evil father, and he ends up committing suicide.

Here Hughie manages to get him out of this vision and save him, and Butcher wakes up repentant and apologizing for the damage he has done so far. In the visions, we can see how Billy somehow sees Hughie as his brother and wants to take care of him. But in the last minutes of the chapter, when Butcher finds out that the temporary compound V they are using can kill them, and instead of saving Hughie as he could not for his brother, he returns to show his emotional traumas and that he did not learn anything, telling him to go get more Compound V, even though it might kill them.

Starlight Discovers Some Of The Temporary Compound V

Precisely when Annie infiltrates Vought’s laboratories to steal Compound V, she discovers that the temporary compound is dangerous, and more than 3 doses could kill whoever uses it. Despite being angry at Hughie and failing to communicate with him, she decides that she will go save him.

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Kimiko Re-Injects Compound V

In the other plot of the chapter, we had Kimiko rethinking her life, and although thanks to Soldier Boy she had lost her powers, she decides to get them back for fear of not being able to save Frenchie. Starlight steals Compound V for Kimiko and ends up taking her abilities back, ready for one last fight.

A-Train is Alive

Although some thought that he had died in the Herogasm after running at high speed to kill Blue Hawk and dying, we discover that A-Train is in the hospital safe, but for this, he was given the very heart of the hero he killed, and now with recovery, you will be able to run as before.

Black Noir And The Traumas Of The Past

In the last story of the episode, we saw Black Noir hiding in the place of Soldier Boy since in episode 6 we learned that he was the manager of the Russians taking his teammate. Affected, Black Noir recalls through cartoons how the moment he betrayed Soldier Boy was. After Stan Edgar gave him the green light, he with the rest of the 7 from that time confronts the soldier and manages to immobilize him, although Black Noir is left with irreparable injuries.

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