The Book of Boba Fett Episode 6: Ending Explained The Pyke Syndicate vs. Boba Fett

The sixth episode of the show dedicated to the bounty hunter once again saw the protagonist Din Djarin: what will happen in the finale?

On February 2, 2022, he gave Star Wars fans back one of the best TV episodes ever, bringing together several important characters and preparing the grand finale. There are still some unanswered questions in The Book of Boba Fett and there are some secrets that have yet to be revealed – that’s what it is all about. Warning: the article contains spoilers on the first 6 episodes of The Book of Boba Fett!

The Book of Boba Fett Episode 6

The Book of Boba Fett Episode 6: The Pyke Syndicate vs. Boba Fett

The first 4 episodes of the show put the spotlight on Tatooine’s politics and how it is in great confusion following the death of Jabba the Hutt. The control of the latter on the sandy planet managed to maintain equilibrium, which now evidently have been broken. Boba Fett intends to govern with respect but it seems that he has not yet managed to gain respect. To succeed in his task, the former bounty hunter must take an important action and is willing to attack the powerful Pyke syndicate in order to prove that he is one who can be trusted.

In episode 4 of The Book of Boba Fett, Tamuera Morrison’s character sits with union leaders who previously referred to Jabba The Hutt. Now Boba has clearly asked him not to betray him in the feud against the Pykes: will it really be like that? It is good to remember that the Pykes have a rich spice trade and that the rulers of Tatooine care about money first and foremost. In this same episode, in the sixth, the Pykes try to bribe Sheriff Cobb Vanth, and the spices they bring to the speeder are worth as much as the whole of Tatooine!

The arrival of Cad Bane or a very famous bounty hunter in the galaxy suggests that the Pyke syndicate is aware of what is about to happen. Most likely, then, Boba Fett’s attack won’t come as a surprise to them. This is also confirmed by the fact that the Pykes blew up the club run by Garsa Fwip, probably killing everyone! The next episode, the last of the show, is expected to pit Boba Fett’s team and the Pykes against each other. These have Cad Bane on their side and who knows what other army: could they have some Imperials on their side?

The Mandalorian

Din Djarin reaches Grogu on the wooded planet where Luke Skywalker is trying to train the baby, but the Mandalorian gives up on seeing Baby Yoda after talking to Ahsoka. According to the latter, it would not be good for Grogu to see his old friend again, as his feelings would lead him away from the Jedi path.

After leaving the present for Grogu to the Jedi, Mando returns to Tatooine in search of Cobb Vanth. Din Djarin asks the latter for help in the fight against the Pyke and later, waiting for a response from Vanth, Mando goes to Boba Fett’s palace awaiting the grand finale.

The Situation Of The Jedi

This sixth episode showed the same location seen in the sequel trilogy and which corresponds to Luke Skywalker’s school for young Jedi. So, thanks to The Book of Boba Fett, it is known that Luke remained in this place until the destruction of the school by his nephew Kylo Ren.

Here Luke is trying to train Grogu but the little one shows difficulty in dismissing his feelings towards Mando. The episode ends with Luke giving Grogu the difficult choice of becoming a Jedi or going back to Din Djarin: what will happen? In all likelihood, Grogu’s answer will be revealed in the third season of The Mandalorian.

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Once upon a time there was The Book of Boba Fett. This is how, perhaps, we should rename the then spin-off of The Mandalorian. The fifth episode has completely broken the narrative in favor of the Din Djarin of the mother series, in what we can define a real execution of Fett. The latter is not only marginalized, but completely excluded from the best episode of the entire season. At this point, the confrontation between the two bounty hunters becomes inevitable. The episode titled The Return of the Mandalorian was written and directed flawlessly, unlike the story about Boba Fett’s new path. The latter got mired in a lame script, in which many of the visual elements did nothing but aggravate the episodes even more. In particular, we refer to the present of the character who, for four episodes, led to almost nothing. Kitsch elements are also added such as colored speeders (it is good to reiterate this every time), but not only; all three chapters from the finale.

If we thought that this narrative address would stop here, the sixth episode does nothing but broaden the scope of the previous one, confirming that the real protagonist is now Pedro Pascal’s Mando. The return of the Mandalorian it ended with the arrival of Din Djarin on Tatooine and the meeting with Fennec Shand. The bounty hunter asked the Mandalorian “no more” to help her face the Pyke Syndicate. Mando accepts the request, but says he still has a pending account, and needs to go find someone. If you are reading this then you have come to this point, so we will continue with the spoilers. The character obviously refers to Grogu, now in the hands of Luke Skywalker for Jedi training. The sixth episode starts right from here, confirming great returns, and more. From the Desert Comes to Stranger is a succession of surprises, quotes and live action first appearances. But let’s go in order.

The Book of Boba Fett and Grogu’s Training

Din Djarin arrives with his new Naboo fighter (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace) on the planet where Luke Skywalker is rebuilding the Jedi academy. However, the first to welcome it will be none other than R2-D2, the famous Star Wars astroid. It is always a pleasure to see old friends again, even if these are part of a pure fanservice packaging. The episode will continue this trail, slowly going to present old acquaintances to us. The second will be Ahsoka Tano played by Rosario Dawson (the actress is always perfect as Anakin’s former apprentice). The former Jedi is on the planet to witness the rebuilding of the Jedi and to make Mando desist from seeing Grogu again. Din Djarin will eventually give in, leaving the gift to Ashoka. The episode ofThe Book of Boba Fett then moves on to Luke and Grogu. The training of the little one initially proves very difficult for Skywalker, as Grogu is still very attached to the old life with Mando.

Next we will see a scene that will be more of a great quote: Luke with Grogu on his shoulder as he runs through the forest, showing him the ways of strength. This is a clear reference to the iconic scene from Empire Strikes Back , but in reverse roles.In fact, at that time it was Luke who was trained by master Yoda (of the same race as Grogu). Finally, Ahsoka gives Mando’s gift to Luke, who will have to decide how to act. The Jedi master, then, will put his padawan in front of a crossroads: continue his training holding Yoda’s old lightsaber or return to Mando taking the gift. We do not see the choice, but we assume to see the implications in the next episode. The gift that Mando gave to his foundling is of particular importance: a chain mail in pure Beskar. The more attentive will have noticed a certain resemblance to the Mithril crush that Bilbo gives to Frodo in The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring.. In fact, both crushes are made with indestructible materials, and surely Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni will have noticed.

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Yet, the surprises with “Baby Yoda” don’t end there. Luke probes Grogu’s mind for suppressed memories, and here we see a flashback that takes us back to the fall of the Jedi temple during the execution of order 66. The Jedi Knights in front of him perish under the blasters of the clones, who make their way towards him. The flashback ends here, and we don’t know if Grogu is saved in extremis by someone, or if the troops take him away with them. Considering the accomplished genody on Coruscant, the first option is more likely.

A Universe Of Bounty Hunters

The Star Wars television universe on Disney + is connected by a common denominator: bounty hunter. It is sent, are Boba Fett and Fennec Shand and finally also Krrsantan, the wookie who appeared in the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Jon Favreau has brought Star Wars back to its original western tints, with episodes that pay homage to the genre. Not least the sixth episode of The Book of Boba Fett, directed and co-written by Dave Filoni; author behind products like The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch. Given the characters present in the episode, he could only be the one to direct it.Because let’s face it, the real surprise this time wasn’t Luke and Grogu, but the arrival from the desert of one of Star Wars’ most ruthless bounty hunters, the one and only Cad Bane. It is an immense pleasure to see the character for the first time in live action, and we must say that the graphic rendering is truly exceptional.

For newbies, Cad Bane is a bounty hunter first introduced in The Clone Wars, to be exact in episode twenty-two of the first season entitled Hostages. From that moment on, the character has been a permanent presence in the series, becoming one of the most popular. He was paid by Darth Maul and Darth Sidious after Jango Fett’s death at the hands of Mace Windu on Geonosis. He was also mentor to Fett and later to his son: Boba. We hope that this relationship is well explored in the season finale. Cad Bane also faced a young Fennec Shand in The Bad Batch. This outlines a connection between all the characters in the series and heralds a breathtaking confrontation; or at least we hope, given the trend of the season.

The Book of Boba Fett: Between Mexican Stalemates And War Plans

As we said, the introduction of Cad Bane takes place within a narrative framework with western hues. The sixth episode of The Book of Boba Fett gives us a truly suggestive scene in this sense. Mando tries to enlist good old Cobb Vanth, the Free Town sheriff who wore Fett’s armor in The Mandalorian. The man claims to think about it and calls a town meeting, but a stranger arrives from the desert. A silhouetted figure in the distance as the wind blows the sand fiercely. It is a suggestive entry into the scene that of Bane, the classic arrival of the foreigner in the frontier cities. To welcome him, in fact, the sheriff. With the presence of Vanth’s deputy, the match soon becomes a Mexican stalemate, but we know neither of them could get the better of Bane. The latter, in the pay of the Pyke Syndicate, threatens Vanth not to accept the proposal of Mando, and consequently of Boba Fett, or he will pay the consequences.

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Cobb Vanth is not a man who is easily intimidated, but the brusque intervention of his deputy will aggravate the situation. Sheriff and deputy are shot by the bounty hunter, but we assume that Vanth was only smeared. Well, the scene closes a practically perfect episode, where the fanservice serves not only to excite, but to give shape to existing connections between the characters. In short, nothing is an end in itself. However, let’s go back to the initial problem, which is that we are talking about a series about a specific character, one that also bears the name of the product: Boba Fett. From the fifth episode everything changes in such a radical way as to displace the viewer, beyond the beauty of the individual episodes.

Two Great Episodes, But Where’s Boba Fett?

With From the Desert Comes a Stranger a further step is taken. We go from a 3 × 01 of The Mandalorian or a totally new product that we can easily call The Book of Bounty Hunters. With this in mind, we are faced with a choral story about ruthless gunslingers, space cowboys in Star Wars sauce. All this goes to the detriment of what was initially the protagonist, whose construction was already fragmented and vacillating. It is a clear break from the fourth to the fifth episode of The Book of Boba Fett, and one wonders where all this will converge. Only one episode is missing at the conclusion of the series and given the amount of meat on the fire, not everything will find a real conclusion. In our opinion, we must expect a great cliffhanger that will open the dances to future Disney + projects. Cad Bane has had several interactions with Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and other live action characters. We therefore plan to find him in other future series, such as cameo or villain.

Let’s go back for a moment to the sixth episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Taken in its uniqueness, it is an exceptional chapter, where the main themes of the entire saga converge. We have the Jedi heritage, training and detachment from emotional attachments. We see a very young Luke Skywalker training with a lightsaber and using force. Many of the characters most loved by fans also appear on stage, from Luke himself to Ahsoka, from Mando to Cad Bane. The latter embody the shadow areas of the galaxy, those who act according to shades of gray, far from the simple duality between good and evil, between Jedi and Sith. Filoni’s directing leaves no room for criticism and Bane’s arrival is pure feast for the eyes. The Book of Boba Fettleaves us on our sofa to face an inner battle: we are fascinated and enthusiastic by the fifth and sixth episode and at the same time we feel cheated by the abrupt change of course. Wasn’t this a series about Boba Fett? Apparently not, and for better or for worse we will have to deal with it, postponing suspended between anger and amazement.

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