The Book of Boba Fett: Ending Explained and Post Credit Scene Explained? The Last Battle On Tatooine? Hints Season 2

February 9, 2022 puts an end to the first season of The Book of Boba Fett with an episode of 61 minutes, which offers different reading points, different plots, many action scenes and some interesting directorial choices. At Chapter 7 of The Book of Boba Fett you arrive full of adrenaline after having witnessed not one but two episodes starring the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda. In the meantime it was known that a war was brewing on Tatooine and this, finally, has arrived. After a few poor attempts at negotiation, the Pyke syndicate and what we can call Tatooine’s “resistance” led by Boba Fett and Fennec Shand have begun a clash without rules: betrayals, shootings, blows in the back and gestures of loyalty.

The show’s main character, Boba Fett intended to command with respect but unfortunately for him it was Fennec Shand who was right by arguing that you must first impose yourself by force. Tatooine’s unwritten law is this but Fett intended to change it. Temuera Morrison’s character has never been a politician and / or a good guy in an absolute sense, indeed his reputation as a bounty hunter has always portrayed him as ruthless, determined and strong. Despite this, therefore, Boba thought he could change his nature of him, to stop the role of bounty hunter (he himself denies that he is) and to bring peace to a territory that for years has been used to living in the terror.

The Book of Boba Fett Ending Explained

The experience, which can be considered spiritual and mystical, with the Tusken has changed Boba, but it has also shown that on Tatooine it is violence that puts an end to the discussions: the Sandpods have been killed and Boba has avenged himself by killing his once those who he thought had massacred “his” people.

Physical violence is an important theme in a series like this and, personally, I loved the fact that Boba Fett’s continuous search for dialogue or respect has not found an answer: you cannot change the nature of a killer. A trade union or an entire community. Otherwise he would certainly have lost The Book of Boba Fett and its western nature, where the law of the “fastest” to draw the gun is in force.

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The leaders of Tatooine had sworn to Boba Fett not to get between him and the Pykes, but the “god of money” guided them otherwise. All those who have been honest, good-hearted and reasonable up to that point have been honest to the end: the people of FreeTown are rescued to the aid of Boba Fett for the good name of a gentleman like Cobb Vanth, Din Djarin, though he had the chance to leave a war not his own, he was left at the cost of his own life, the guys with mechanical parts and the same wookiee Black Krrsantan got a second chance from Boba and for this they return the favor. It is no coincidence that the episode is entitled “In the name of honor”.

The Book Of Boba Fett Season 1 Ending Explained

In the wake of Boba’s team’s devastation, the Pykes begin to retreat in confusion, as Mando chases them down the street while holding Grogu in his arms. But there is still one important threat that is not taken into account: Cad Bane. There follows a duel between Cad Bane and Boba Fett where Cad Bane draws his weapon much faster than Boba. But in advising Boba to always watch out for himself, he didn’t take into account everything he learned from the Tuskens, or even the goof stick he carries with him. Boba is able to knock Bane down and fatally stab him with the weapon.

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At the end of The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 and once freed, the rancor goes on a rampage, and when no one knows what else to do, they open fire on him, driving him frantically up a tower in a obvious homage to King Kong. But luckily Grogu is there again to put the rancor to sleep using the Force. Exhausted from the effort, Grogo snuggles up against the rancor and both fall into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, in Mos Eisley, Fennec Shand finally arrives at the Pyke’s base of operations and kills everyone, including the Pyke’s leader, Mok Shaiz, and all of Tatooine’s other crime bosses All’s well That ends well.

The Duel Between Boba Fett And Cad Bane

The scene that in my opinion most represents the concept that nature does not change in this episode is the duel between Boba Fett and Cad Bane. The two know each other well and both are so determined that they cannot abandon their mission once again Their duel is not just simple action. The two verbally tease each other until Cad Bane offers a not just truth to Boba Fett by telling him:

But look, the Quacta that makes the Stifling look slimy.

Both of these names probably refer to two very similar beings. The meaning of Bane’s phrase is clear even if these creatures are not known: Bane is telling Fett that the two of them are similar and that neither of them can afford to judge the other because it would be like judging himself. In fact, Bane’s saying can be associated with the really existing one which reads: “You are like the ox that gives horns to the donkey”.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Cad Bane’s words are confirmed when, during the final duel between the two, Boba Fett doesn’t spare him. In fact, a good hero would not have killed his foe already on the mat indeed, precisely because a former fellow bounty hunter, Boba should have understood Bane’s condition. Boba’s adventure in The Book of Boba Fett therefore ends with a murder (or with an attempted murder if Bane was still alive) as well as, we must not forget, it began with the cold-blooded murder of Bib Fortuna from part of Fett. Boba Fett won the respect of the people of Tatooine but first he had to use violence, he had to be the bounty hunter he has always been. Boba Fett hasn’t abandoned his true nature.

Explanation Of The Post-Credits Scene?

In the post-credits scene of The Book of Boba Fett, the camera slowly approaches a figure bathing in blue in the bacta vat. You might be distracted by the presence of the man in charge of the tank: the Mod Artist, played by Stephen “Thundercat” Bass. He is equipped with a nice flaming scalpel and is ready to get to work But on whom?

The answer is none other than Cobb Vanth, who was left for dead by Cad Bane in Freetown in the previous episode. So, after all the fuss, the short version is that reports of Cobb Vanth’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Not only is he alive and healing in Boba Fett ‘s bacta vat but it looks like the Mod Artist is about to go wild like he did with Fennec Shand’s belly when she was dying of an injury. Is Vanth about to receive his own armor? That he may not be able to remove. The future of Cobb Vanth is therefore very open.

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