The Book of Boba Fett: Easter Egg and References From The First Episode Of The Star Wars Tv Series

From the Empire strikes again to the Attack of the Clones, the quotes from the Star Wars TV series!

The first episode of The Book of Boba Fett the spin-off series of The Mandalorian set in the world of Star Wars, has finally arrived on Disney+. There was great anticipation for this new product whose protagonist is Boba Fett (Temeura Morrison), the famous bounty hunter who gave Han Solo a hard time in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. At the writing we find John Favreau once again, and Dave Filoni in the production booth. The direction was instead entrusted to Robert Rodriguez, one of the masterpieces of the splatter genre and friend of Quentin Tarantino.

The Book of Boba Fett

The series shows the journey of Boba Fett, in the company of Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen), as the new crime lord on Tatooine after the deaths of Jabbe and Bib Fortuna. The first episode of The Book of Boba Fett is not quite what we expected, but it still offers some great scenes and various connections with the mother series. The article contains spoilers, so those who have seen the episode are recommended to read. If you belong to the latter, let’s discover together the various easter eggs present in the episode.

The Easter Eggs Featured In The First Episode

1. Return to Tatooine

The opening scene of The Book of Boba Fett takes us back to Tatooine, the home planet of Luke and Anakin Skywalker. The sands of this place have made the saga as iconic as the fortress of Jabba the Hutt. In fact, Boba after sitting on the throne of the criminal empire, is preparing to regain his strength in view of the challenges that the role entails.

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Return to Tatooine

2. The Bacta Capsule

At the beginning of the episode we see Boba Fett inside a bacta capsule or a healing tank typical of the Star Wars universe, already seen in Star Wars: The Empire strikes again with Luke Skywalker inside:

In the meanders of the palace we find Boba Fett intent on healing himself inside the Bacta capsule. We had seen it other times within the Star Wars saga: in The Empire strikes again with Luke, for example.

The Bacta Capsule

3. The Book of Boba Fett Flashbacks

During the regeneration inside the Bacta capsule, our bounty hunter relives some episodes of his life. The first takes us back to Kamino, the planet of the cloners who gave birth to the army of the republic. This is where Jango Fett donated his blood for the creation of the clones, and where he requested the creation of an unmodified one to raise as a son: Boba. The scene shows the planet and the famous spaceship before Jango and Boba later, the Slave.

Inside the bacta capsule, Boba has several memories. These show his father Jango Fett on the planet Kamino and himself as a child on the planet Geonosis when, sadly, he collects the helmet of his father who was killed by the Jedi master Mace Windu. Obviously, for the viewers of The Book of Boba Fett the most interesting memory is the unpublished one related to his escape from Sarlacc.

4. The Battle Of The Jedi On Geonosis

The second flashback, on the other hand, takes up a scene from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. In particular, the moment in which the young Boba Fett collects his father’s helmet after he was beheaded by Mace Windu.

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The Battle Of The Jedi On Geonosis

5. A Sarlacc With Bad Digestion

Always on the boulevard of memories, Boba Fett retraces the steps inside the Sarlacc. For those who don’t remember, in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi the bounty hunter was swallowed by the monstrous creature during Luke Skywalker’s fight to save Han Solo and Leia from Jabba’s clutches. The series shows us how Boba survived inside the monster’s belly through a Stormtrooper’s respirator and later with fire.

A Sarlacc With Bad Digestion

6. The Jawas Always On The Spot

Released from the sand like a living dead, Boba Fett is found by the Jawas, who have arrived on the spot to grab the remains of Jabba’s ship. Here they find a dying bounty hunter who is stripped of his Mandalorian armor. The scene makes us understand how Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant) obtained the clothing before meeting Mando in the first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian.

The Jawas Always On The Spot

7. The Chiefs Of The Desert: The Tusken

After being left to die under the scorching sun of Tatooine, Boba Fett is rescued by a tribe of Tusken raiders, who save him only to make him their slave. The Mandalorian clone find themselves tied to a pole in the company of a Rhodian (does anyone remember that Greedo shot by Han Solo? ). The two are controlled by a Massiff, the sabipod dog we saw in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

8. Tributes To The New Crime Lord

The first to appear before Boba Fett is an alien of the Aqualish race. To announce the various members we find a guest star, the 8D8 droid (seen in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi). Also, Boba points out that he needs a protocol droid, this is a reference to C3PO, briefly owned by Jabba the Hutt.

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9. The Book of Boba Fett Returns

The second to show up in Mos Espa is Dokk Strassi, former boss of Boba Fett and employee of Jabba. The character is very likely to return during the first season of The Book of Boba Fett.

10. Two Well-Known Faces

The last two are prisoners of the old management of Bib Fortuna, we are talking about the Gamorreans, the alien race very similar to a humanoid green boar seen several times in the Star Wars saga and who return as guards in The Book of Boba Fett.

11. A Cellar Of Musicians

While walking around Boba’s Tatooine, intent on showing himself as the new crime lord of the planet, we arrive in a cellar where there are well-known faces. We are talking about Max Rebo and Figrin D’an, the musicians of the world of Star Wars and protagonists of the Cantina Band. Inside the place we also find an RX-24.

A Cellar Of Musicians

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