Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Ending Explained And Post Credit Scene Explained That Opens Up To The Sequel

The reprise of Tobe Hooper's masterpiece is on the platform, with Olwen Fuéré in the part of Sally Hardesty and four new victims to be massacred: it is clear that the aim is to relaunch the franchise, as shown by the ending and the extra scene.

There was a lot of anticipation for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the “legacy sequel” to the masterpiece directed by Tobe Hooper in 1974, the progenitor of a saga that went on for seven films including sequels, prequels, remakes and reboots. Not only for the return of the character of Sally Hardesty (to play her is Olwen Fuéré, called to replace Marylin Burns, who passed away in 2014 at the age of 65), but above all for her involvement in the role of producers of Fede Álvarez and Rodo Sayagues, the duo of Man in the Dark and the remake of The House.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Leather Face slasher franchise had been missing from the box for five years, when Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury made the original story Leatherface. The 2022 “update” is available on Netflix from February 18 and has been entrusted to screenwriter Chris Thomas Devlin and Texan director David Blue Garcia, on his second feature film after his debut with the action-thriller Tejano. Is Texas Chainsaw Massacre ready for a relaunch like the one developed by Blumhouse and David Gordon Green with Halloween? Everything suggests yes, considering the ending of Garcia’s film and its post credits scene.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Plot Of The Movie

Nearly fifty years after the Sawyer family’s massacre of Pam, Jerry, Kirk and Franklin in Harlow, Texas, four San Francisco hotties arrive. They are trendy post-millennials, rich and idealistic, tired of terminal capitalism and eager to gentrify that ghost town of just over a thousand souls with a gourmet restaurant and an art gallery.

Melody (Sarah Yarkin) and Dante (Jacob Latimore) are business partner chefs, Ruth (Nell Hudson) is Dante’s girlfriend and Lila (Elsie Fisher) is Mel’s little sister, still reeling from the trauma she suffered from being injured in the Stonebrook high school shooting. The first person the four meet is Richter (Moe Dunford), the redneck contractor who hates the moralizing bourgeois of the city and to whom they have entrusted the repair of the property they bought.

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There is only one problem: the old orphanage, part of the property they bought, is still occupied by Mrs. Virginia (Alice Krige), the old woman who for years, before the eviction, ran the institution of the town and convinced Leatherface (behind the mask is Mark Burnham: Gunnar Hansen died in 2015 at the age of 68) to stop killing. Virginia is very ill and she doesn’t want to leave that house where she raised and helped so many unfortunate boys.

An argument breaks out with Melody and Dante and the old woman feels bad: she suddenly faints from a heart attack. In the desperate ambulance ride to the hospital, Virginia dies and the inevitable happensLeatherface returns to wearing the leather mask as Ed Gein, the Plainfield butcher who tore the skin of his victims to “become” his mother. This time he wants to take revenge on whoever killed Virginia, starting with the “little shits” from Austin.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Ending Explained

Leatherface retrieves the chainsaw hidden in a gap in the wall of his orphanage room and begins killing everyone, one after the other. He falls under the blows of Ruth, Dante, the unfortunate Richter (who was not so bad), tourists (attracted by Mel’s social campaign and arrived by bus to take Harlow) and anyone else who wants to stop him.

The operator of the local gas pump, having heard the alarm raised by Ruth on the radio, warns Sally HardestyThe only survivor of the 1974 slaughter has become a ranger and she has never stopped chasing Leather Face all these years. Sally rushes to Harlow’s center and comes face to face with Leatherface, but he doesn’t recognize her, doesn’t even remember who she is. She has nothing left to do but engage in a furious hand-to-hand fight with the killer, in which she has the worst of her: her sadistic killer stabs her with a chainsaw and brutally throws her in the garbage.

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Mel and Lila, the only ones to have escaped, take Sally’s car and attempt to run over Leatherface. Too bad the operation does not go well: Leather Face throws the chainsaw on the windshield and the pick-up crashes in Richter’s workshop.

Mel is injured and asks her sister to escape she will sacrifice herself because it is her fault that Virginia is dead. Just as Leatherface is about to hit her, Lila comes out to save her. She is now the target of Leather Face. Knocked to the ground by the giant’s blows, the girl is ready to receive the final blow but Sally, before exhaling her last breath, shoots Leatherface and hands Lila her rifle, with the last two shots in the barrel.

Leather Face has fled inside a dilapidated garage. Lila relives the carnage of high school, but she can’t let the monster that slaughtered her friends escape. In the darkness of the old warehouse, she shoots him two shots and Mel, who has come to help her sister, ends him with her own chainsaw making him fall into an industrial waterhole. Leatherface is dead, at least in appearance.

Full of wounds and covered in blood, Mel and Lila get into the car, engage the autopilot and leave Harlow with the intention of returning. Suddenly, however, someone breaks the car window. It’s Leatherface: he grabs Melody by her neck, drags her out of the cockpit and cuts off her head with a clean swipe of a chainsaw, greeting Lila with her hysterical death dance.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Post Credits Scene Explained

Mel is dead as Sally (presumably: her death is not explicitly shown) and Lila is the only survivor: she will be “the next Hardesty”. After the credits, on the music of Colin Stetson, there is a scene without dialogue that appears as a real anticipation of what could await the audience of loyal horror fans.

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Leatherface staggers, proud and lonely, to a mysterious country house. It is a direct reference to the 1974 original: the old family home, the remote cottage in deep Texas. Who will he meet on that ranch? Will he find more Sawyers to join? It’s the closing of a circle: Leather Face returns with his chainsaw to the same house where the nightmare began.

All these years Leatherface has lived in an orphanage not too far from the horror cottage of the progenitor film. The events of this new chapter force him to return to that world. Fede Álvarez explained this in an interview on the Boo Crew podcast.

After the crimes in the original film, Leatherface escapedVirginia took care of him: she saw that he was mentally disturbed and scared and that he had probably done some terrible things. She took him under her wing of hers. He’s been in and out of that place for a long time, she gave him the chance, then he got to a point where he stopped and stayed there.

Even if there is still no official confirmation from Netflix, it is evident the will of Legendary Pictures to point to a new saga that in the past has never cared much about continuity and respect for timelines. In short, everything suggests that the sequel, if there is one, could bring the audience back to the iconic place where Pam, Jerry, Kirk and Franklin met their deaths.

How It Ends Don’t You Open That Door Of 2022?

Both Melody and Sally die: only Lila remains alive, who helplessly watches Leatherface’s dance of macabre with her chainsaw but is ready to return to Harlow to avenge the killing of her sister.

What Happens In The Post Credits Scene Of Texas Chainsaw Massacre of 2022?

After the credits, we see Leatherface “bruised” and stained with blood walking, chainsaw in hand, towards a remote country house: it is the cottage of horrors of the Sawyer family, the one where the massacre of the original Tobe film took place Hooper of 1974.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 2022 Will it Have a Sequel?

Netflix and Legendary Pictures have not yet formalized the arrival of a second film, but the post credits scene suggests that a later chapter is in the works. Much will depend on the number of views David Blue Garcia’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre will make on the platform. The goal is to create a saga like the Halloween one made by Blumhouse and David Gordon Green.

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